RSS Blog & RSS News
RSS Tools - New Resource |
A new resource website RSS Tools
has been launched. The new website contains lots of information
and resources related to RSS.
In particular the section on setting up RSS Ego Search Feeds is quite good.
RSS Does Not Make it Okay to Copy |
Just because something is in an RSS feed does
not give publishers the right to steal content. Most people
who have content in a feed do allow for the feed to be replicated
but that is not always the case.
It appears that Robert Scoble has just shut down CrazyFactor a site that was ripping his feed.
To read more about RSS and the ongoing copyright debate and RSS.
New RSS2HTML Script |
A new version of the free rss2html script that converts RSS feeds to
HTML web pages has been released. The new version includes
the ability to restrict the use of the rss2html.php script.
Affiliate Feeds |
The AvantLink Affiliate Network announced today
the release of their Coupon Feed Syndication tool, the first
of several advanced Affiliate marketing tools that allows
online marketers to promote RSS subscriptions to merchant
promotions. AvantLink has provided Affiliate RSS feeds for
the distribution of merchant offers for several months, but
this tool takes it one step further. Now Affiliates can encourage
their customers to subscribe directly to these offers.
Review of RSS and Atom |
I recently received a review copy of RSS and
Atom, Understanding and Implementing Content Feeds and Syndication
. The book is extremely comprehensive and covers all the versions
of RSS (2.0, 1.1, 1.0, .9x) as well as Atom 1.0. It is not
however written for 'end-users' as it is very technical. The
book also includes information about many of the older namespace
Robin Good Says RSS Saves Money and Time |
Do RSS aggregators offer a true opportunity for
news discovery, significant time savings and even for money-oriented
RSS business opportunities?
Read the How and Why
Social Bookmarking and RSS |
Social bookmarking and RSS are partners in search
marketing. Create icons and insert them into your webpage
to encourage your website visitors to bookmark your content. Or merely add the icons of your favorite bookmarking vendor
to your website.
RSS Icon Gallery |
If you don't feel like customizing an RSS feed icon, and want to
add RSS badges to your site the RSS Icon
Gallery has a whole host of badges and the corresponding
HTML that can be inserted in your webpage.
Create RSS Feeds |
Create RSS Feeds - Learn how RSS feeds are
being used as marketing tools.
Package Tracking With Google Maps and RSS |
Enter a UPS, FedEx, USPS, or DHL/AirBorne tracking
number and a feed will be generated to track the shipments
Track Shipping
How to Improve RSS Feeds |
More tips on how to improve RSS feeds:
RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly
managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic.
RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic
titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds
as an online marketing and search engine optimization tool.
Just as optimizing an HTML web page will increase exposure,
so too will an RSS feed that is properly optimized and promoted.
Use these simple tips to improve your web feed exposure.
How to improve RSS Feeds
Make RSS Feeds |
The Make RSS Feeds website walks users through
the process of hand-coding RSS feeds. With the
number of malformed feeds out there perhaps it should have
more traffic :-)
Microsoft Responds to RSS Security Concerns |
You might have read the c|net article "Blog
feeds may carry security risk" which summarizes the presentation
given by Robert Auger and Caleb Sima of SPI Dynamics. The
presentation points to potential dangers of malicious script
embedded in feeds. This has sparked some discussion in the
We think it's good for the RSS community and users that
the potential dangers of malicious script in feeds are pointed
out and thereby can be addressed by application developers
before any attacks materialize.
Read about Feed Sanitization
New Microsoft Tool for Blogging in Beta |
Microsoft has released a first public beta of
a new blog-authoring tool, Windows Live Writer,
and made it available for download starting on August 13.
According to J.J. Allaire, the architect of the tool, Windows
Live Writer is the evolution of Onfolio Writer, a tool developed
by his former company Onfolio Inc., which Microsoft acquired
in March 2006.
Userland lists the top 100 RSS feeds from statistics and information
about your community of Radio users.
There are 2 services that convert RSS feeds to
PDF files.
With you can create a PDF of your RSS-feed.
User see the headlines in their Adobe Reader instead of using
an RSS-Reader. converts RSS, Atom or OPML files
to PDF files.
This Rabbit Reads RSS Feeds |
This rabbit reads RSS feeds. It uses a Wi-Fi connection
and text-to-speech software to read things like RSS feeds,
e-mails and weather reports out loud.
Access Namespace Comments |
Bloglines had posted an access namespace a few weeks ago. The blogosphere
has been in a bit of an uproar ever since. The
sentiment behind the namespace is great, however the implementation
has some significant issues.
The first problem is where the tag is placed. The tag placement
is a little unusual in that it is defined outside of both
the Channel and Item elements and while the RSS specification
does not specifically forbid this it is the only namespace
that I know of that has this sort of implementation. (Make
a note to add this to any best practice documents.)
The second problem is that there are only two options deny
and allow. While many publishers do not want their feed syndicated
they still want it included in RSS directories or search engines
(many of which display atleast a portion of the feeds contents).
A deny means that even directories could exclude them, perhaps
some publishers want this, others may not. So while I appreciate
the sentiment behind the namespace I think it needs some additional
New RSS2HTML Template Directory |
New RSS2HTML template directory ! This
is pretty cool, it helps people who use the rss2html.php script display their feeds in
a way that corresponds with their existing website. Publishers
purchase access to the rss2html web template directory for
a one time fee of $ 29.95 and they can use any of the templates
contained in the directory.
More Information on the rss2html Template Directory
Google Lists Most Common Feed Extensions |
Google has created a list that seems to other
posted lists of the most commonly used RSS feed extsions.
Feeds can be used for more than just text; they can embed
pictures, podcasts and video. There are even more esoteric
bits of data that can be attached to feeds, like the geographic
location that a post is about, the number of comments it has
received and that (legal) license its contents are available
under. To make all of this information easily parseable by
computers, it is usually available as additional items and
attributes in XML namespaces.
Ultimately the results are going to be skewed based on where
you gather the feed sampling.
See Google's List of Extentionsthe content behind the extensions.
FeedDemon Responds to Security Concerns |
Nick Bradbury (while on vacation) posted a lengthy
explanation about the reported security breeches in FeedDemon.
SPI Dynamics contacted us several weeks ago about potential
vulnerabilities in FeedDemon, and I'd like to thank them for
notifying us prior to their presentation. I spent quite a
bit of time testing FeedDemon to make sure it wasn't vulnerable
to any of the exploits they reported, and thankfully the only
vulnerability I discovered was a minor one: specifically,
a JavaScript alert embedded in a feed's title element could
be displayed by FeedDemon in certain situations. This bug
was fixed the same day it was discovered.
FeedDemon is not vulnerable to any of the more serious exploits
they reported - so you can imagine my surprise at seeing news
reports which listed FeedDemon among the vulnerable RSS readers.
Because of this, I'd like to take a few minutes to go over
some of FeedDemon's security features.
Complete Response
New Medical Feeds Directory |
A new directory containing all medical and
health feeds has been launched. The directory contains
all different types of medical feeds that contain information
related to diseases, medical conditions and good health practices.
The Medical Feeds directory is also searchable
using keywords.
RSS for Hackers? |
Internet News released an article insinuating
that RSS is a tool for hackers.
Auger tested both Web-based and local RSS readers and found
both types to be ripe platforms for malicious users to exploit
with code injection that could steal users' credentials, cookies,
keystrokes and other information.
Ultimately the developers of the RSS tools will determine
whether RSS can be used effectively by hackers. This issue
was raised in the past by Nick Bradbury (FeedDemon) and addressed
in this article about RSS Security.
License for Libel |
This article is very interesting and addresses
an interesting issue. Note only is online credibility an issue
but libel is a problem as well.
From rants about the rich and famous to accusations about
a corporation's shady practices, opinion is certainly well
represented on the Web. Many people feel free to post comments
anonymously, confident that the targets of their ire can't
trace them through Internet service providers (ISPs).
In most cases, they're right. Laws governing the Internet
generally protect ISPs more than they do companies or individuals
that might be maligned. Comments that could be considered
libel in newspapers or magazines often flow freely online.
Complete Article
NewsGator Partners with Yahoo |
NewsGator Technologies, Inc., the leading RSS
platform company, announced a new RSS plug-in for the Yahoo! Messenger with Voice
real-time communications suite. NewsGator for Yahoo! Messenger
with Voice allows users to access audio and video podcasts
as well as other content from around the Web through an IM
Claims that Internet is Cess Pool of Plagiarism |
Steve McKee, a partner at Albuquerque advertising
agency McKee Wallwork Cleveland, found that out in June after
he wrote his monthly column for
The column, entitled "Five Words Never to Use in an Ad,"
was one of his more popular pieces. A search revealed that
36 blogs had picked it up and posted it to their sites, something
that is usually considered to be fair use in the blogosphere.
However, to McKee's annoyance, 13 of those took credit for
writing it as their original prose.
"They're like cockroaches," McKee said.
Complete Article
I found the following RSS forum post very interesting. This icon
designer created a 3-D version of a common RSS icon to promote
his services.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
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