RSS Blog & RSS News
RSS Feed Submissions |
We have recently added a number of RSS directories
and search engines to our list of RSS feed submission sites. Please be sure to
submit your RSS feed URL not the URL of your blog to those
listed in the right-hand column.
These directories will catalogue your feed so that site visitors
can easily find topic specific feeds.
New Resource - RSS Software Launched |
A new website specific to RSS and RSS Software
has been launched. The new website contains information on
all different types of RSS and syndication related software
The Associated Press (AP) has Added RSS Feeds
But.... |
The Associated Press is now over RSS Feeds, but
they included this licensing information and a disclaimer.
AP provides these RSS feeds to individuals for personal,
noncommercial use under the following terms and conditions.
All others, including AP members or Press Association subscribers
must obtain express written permission prior to use of these
RSS feeds. AP provides these RSS feeds at no charge to you
for your personal, noncommercial use. You agree not to associate
the RSS feeds with any content that might harm the reputation
of The Associated Press. AP provides this content "as is"
and AP shall not be held liable for your use of the information
or the feeds.
AP Feeds
Track2RSS Project- Track Packages Using RSS |
This project seeks to provide a set of scripts
for converting tracking information for packages from various
carriers to the RSS format.
Currently support is provided for UPS, Fedex Air and Ground,
and the US Postal Service (USPS)
Additional details on Track2RSS
RSS: News You Choose |
Publishers and webmasters provide content and
news in an RSS feed. Users view the content of interest in
an RSS reader or news aggregator. The aggregator or reader
contains the collection of feeds that are of interest to the
user. As the RSS feed is updated the content in the reader
or aggregator updates with the new information. At any point,
users can remove a feed from their aggregator or reader and
no longer receive information from that source. Ultimately,
the user is choosing the news and content they wish to view.
Complete Article - RSS: News You Choose
| : Free Service Displays RSS
Feeds As HTML |
A free service at has been launched. displays RSS feeds as web pages. In three short
steps site visitors can convert their RSS feed, into a viewable
web page. They simply select the webpage template, the color
scheme and then enter the URL of the RSS feed. The
site then generates a new URL based on the user's choices.
Once entered into a web browser the generated URL will display
the RSS feed as a regular webpage.
Webmasters can use the service to create a static web page
that will display RSS feeds containing text, images and even
an audio podcasts or video. The service on displays
any RSS feeds that adheres to most RSS specifications, including
versions 2.0, 1.0, 0.93, 0.92, 0.91 or 0.90.
Because RSS is based in XML, it normally cannot easily be
viewed in a web browser. The free service on
has been made available to publishers and webmasters who are
unable to host the free FeedForAll rss2html.php script that
NotePage has recently released. Understanding the significant
benefit of providing site visitors the ability to view RSS
feeds in a web browser, NotePage has made this service available
free of charge. Additional details and a step by step walk-through
can be found on
The service is available from NotePage, Inc.,
makers of the popular RSS feed creation software, FeedForAll.
FeedForAll's software enables webmaster to create, edit, manage
and publish RSS feeds. RSS has evolved into a popular means
to syndicate headlines and distribute content on the Internet.
A free fully-functional 30-day trial of FeedForAll is available
for download from
RSS and Privacy Issues |
Nick Bradbury posted a really interesting piece
related to RSS and privacy. He had been approached by
companies interested in having their feeds setup in the downloadable
version of FeedDemon. Nick felt he could not accomodate the
request without collecting and releasing statistical data.
The collection of statistical data would cause FeedDemon to
be viewed in an unfavorable light. In any event the post and
ensuing comments clearly show that users are willing to pay
for their privacy even if they have nothing to hide.
My personal view is that the fact that users do not have to
release any personal information to subscribe or unsubscribe
from a feed is one of the huge reasons that RSS has been succesful.
Collection of Newspaper RSS Feeds |
Traditional news media are discovering the benefits
to RSS and slowly but surely providing readers feeds.
The SideWalkTheory has put together a collection of newspapers and their respective RSS feeds.
What is RSS - The Acronymn Means More than
Most Realize |
What is RSS?
Rich Site Summary
Really Simple Syndication
RDF Site Summary
UPS & USPS Package Tracking With RSS |
This application demonstrates the .NET DLL that
can be used to interface with the UPS API. Right now, UPS
and USPS are the only supported shipper, and only tracking
information is supported. The only viable alternatives are
to write your own, or use an expensive commercial version.
Complete Article
Newspapers try to catch RSS Web surfing wave |
An increasingly popular technology called RSS
is changing the way consumers get their news online, spurring
several newspapers to launch their own customised software
in an attempt to stay ahead of the curve.
Instead of having to go to a favourite Web site to see if
any new articles have been published, a piece of software
called an RSS reader pulls in headlines and text automatically,
allowing users to create their own customised content from
newspapers, blogs and even search engines.
Complete Article about RSS
FeedDemon 1.5 is Here |
FeedDemon 1.5 is here!
Nick Bradbury today announced the final release of FeedDemon 1.5.
This new version offers a ton of new features, but here are the highlights:
Powerful podcasting tools to automatically download audio
files and copy them to your iPod or other media player (that's
right - FeedDemon supports media players other than the iPod!)
Integration with Bloglines and NewsGator Online Services
Flickr and search channels
Per-channel newspaper styles
Improved popup-blocking under XP SP2
Support for favicons throughout the user interface
Numerous performance improvements
If you already own FeedDemon, the upgrade to version 1.5 is
free - just download the new trial version and install it
on top of the previous version, and you're set to go. Your
serial number, feed subscriptions and other information will
all be retained.
PubSub Provides Earth-quake Alerts |
PubSub Concepts, Inc., a technology company based
in New York City, has added real-time earthquake data from
the US Geological Survey (USGS) to its Internet-scale matching
engine. PubSub is a tool to monitor and receive instant updates
on new information as it's published via blogs, press releases,
SEC filings, newsgroups, and other sources.
To receive notifications from PubSub on earthquake activity
for particular regions and magnitudes, consumers follow three
steps: Go to; Choose one
or more regions of the world from the map and select the magnitude
above which notification is requested; and Choose where to
receive notifications. Notifications can be sent to any device
that accepts email, such as a computer or a personal digital
assistant (PDA), like a wireless-enabled Palm Pilot. Or consumers
can download the instant messaging-based PubSub Sidebar for
Internet Explorer or Firefox, which allows earthquake notifications
to stream into their Web browsers in real-time. Users can
also receive notifications via RSS feeds, which are fed to
a reader like My Yahoo!, Bloglines, or FeedDemon.
Using RSS tools, publishers and webmasters can
increase productivity and efficiency. RSS monitoring can often
automate many of the procedures that are time-consuming and
monotonous, freeing up time.
Complete Article - Tools for RSS
AskJeeves it to Buy Bloglines |
This is big. Napsterization is reporting that Ask Jeeves
will announce early next week that they’ve acquired and will
fold Bloglines into their search offering.
Feedster New Interface |
Feedster has launeched a new look and interface.
Feedster is a rapidly growing news search engine that provides
easy access to relevant and up-to-date information. Mainstream
information providers, as well as hundreds of thousands of
weblogs, are syndicating their information using a newly popular
XML syndication standard called RSS. New features include
enhancements to MyFeedster an online tool for viewing feeds
online. FeedFinder a new
service for locating RSS feeds and a Blog search function
that allow blogs to be searched for keywords.
Copyrights on RSS Feeds |
Interesting discussion on forum that picks up
the debate on copyrights
related to syndication of RSS feeds.
What are your thoughts does really simple syndication
give free reprint rights? What about fair use? What about
feeds that are scraped from copywritten web content? Share your thoughts.
ebay2rss.php is a freeware PHP script developed
by to create RSS feeds from an category
or user products. It's very simply to use and install. If
you have an eBay store or selling products on eBay this could
increase your products visibility, making available your listings
to RSS readers.
Additional information on ebayrss.php
RSS Software Site |
A new RSS site has launched. RSS Software solutions
including RSS scripts for syndication, RSS aggregators, RSS
editors, RSS parsers and scrapers. Site includes software
reviews, version information and related RSS news.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed