RSS Blog & RSS News
Discount on RSS Book for a Limited Amount
of Time |
FeedForAll has negotiated a discount for users
on Unleash the Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS
by Rok Hrastnik.
This book is extremely comprehensive and really explains RSS
in no-nonense terms. It contains marketing ideas for beginners
and novices, and has something for everyone. The offer is
only good though April 6, 2005 so if you are interested in
purchasing do so soon!
Steps to Create RSS |
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication as it is commonly
known, is a technology that gives webmasters the ability to
easily distribute and publish syndicated content on the Internet.
It seems like all Internet businesses now have RSS feeds available;
at least your competitors do. You have finally made the decision
that you have to have one. Where do you start?
Complete Article - Steps to Create RSS
Grow Your Amazon Revenue - AmazonAds from
RSS Syndication |
| not to be confused with offers new AmazonAds. AmazonAds is a fast and easy way
for website publishers of all sizes to display Amazon unobtrusive
product ads on their website's content pages and earn money.
The ads can be categorized by Channels (Products Category)
and so you can display only "Electronics" or "Books" ad and
so are always related to what you want your users to looking
for on your site. If you want to display specific keyword
based products than, we do have a facility for you as well,
where in your can specify Keyword + Category and you would
get ads based on your criteria. You'll finally have a way
to both monetize and enhance your content pages. AmazonAds
is the program that can give you amazon product revenue from
each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time
and no additional resources.
Additional Details - AmazonAds
Adobe Adopted RSS Feeds |
Adobe realizing RSS is an important communication
channel of the future has implemented RSS feeds for all of
their products - Receive automatic updates about top issues
and new support documents for your Adobe products--straight from the Adobe Support
Amazing Profit Potential in RSS - Article
by Rok Hrastnik |
The marketing and profit potential of RSS is,
simply said, quite amazing. It's not just good for blogs,
and it's certainly much more than »just another« way of getting
your content to your readers. And it's just reaching the tipping
point. There are still only »a few« RSS publishers and RSS
usage is growing every day. This is your best chance to get
on the wave... To get you started, here's a quick overview
of what RSS can do for your internet business...
Complete Article - RSS : The Amazing Profit Potential
Differing Opinions on RSS |
Well reports are out and there could not be a
starker difference between the pundits.
While Slashdot asserts that according to a recent survey
RSS use is expected to increase drammatically.
"The Slashdot RSS Study explores current usage of RSS feeds
and future applications for fulfilling daily information needs
at the desktop as well as in new media platforms. Survey highlights
of the 230 respondents include:"
-- 73% will increase their use of RSS feeds in the
next year.
-- Most users received their feeds through a Web-based
RSS syndication
service but many users do not use traditional
methods to read their feeds,
instead relying on mobile and other
devices to obtain their feeds.
-- Receiving feeds through mobile units such as cell
phones, SMS
messaging, voice mail, WAP or portable
audio players will increase.
-- Technology will improve as RSS use increases,
making RSS feeds easier
for users to read and for publishers
to deliver.
JupiterResearch claims that RSS adoption is not really simple.
"The hype is shifting from search engine marketing to RSS,
the trendy abbreviation for really simple syndication or rich
site summary, depending on who's doing the selling."
"But a new report from JupiterResearch claims RSS will
not have a significant effect as a supplemental alternative
to e-mail marketing."
"Most marketers remain skeptical of using RSS as a mechanism
to supplement their e-mail marketing newsletter content,"
states the report written by JupiterResearch's David Daniels,
Zori Bayriamova and Eric T. Peterson.
While industry professionals like Rok Hrastnik of Marketing Studies defends RSS as a misunderstood
technology, it is clear that there is still lots of room for
education. The potential of RSS is significant a little education
will go a long way!
Displaying RSS Feeds |
Content contained in RSS feeds can be added to
websites a number of different ways. Each method for displaying
the RSS feed has pros and cons associated with it. Webmasters
will need to determine which option will best meet their hosting
and technology needs.
Complete Article - Displaying RSS Feeds
Google Faces a Law Suit Over Syndication |
Agence France-Presse (AFP) has sued internet
search giant Google for $17.5 million in damages for copyright
infringement. The news agency, which is headquartered in Paris,
says that Google has been publishing photos, headlines and
news stories without AFP permission on its popular Google
News Beta.
"We allow publishers to opt out of Google News but most
publishers want to be included because they believe it is
a benefit to them and to their readers," Google spokesman
Steve Langdon told Reuters.
AFP sells subscriptions for its news content to some 600
clients; however, the company alleges that Google's search
engine crawler has been grabbing and displaying their media
content on Google News for free.
The decision could have serious implications for the future
of RSS and syndication. AFP's content is available in a feed.
The suit could be a significant blow to syndication as we
know it.
RSS Versions - Clarifying Differences on
RSS Feeds |
RSS Feeds has done the best job I've seen of visually
representing the differences between RSS versions. Versions
are shown in chronological order and the attributes are bolded
when they first appear in the specification.
Check out
Microsoft Rolls Out Test RSS Collector |
Microsoft's MSN division has started testing a
Web-based RSS aggregator, a move it's making to keep up with
rivals like Ask Jeeves, and Google, Yahoo.
Microsoft's MSN division has started testing a Web-based RSS
aggregator, a move it's making to stay with rivals like Google,
Yahoo, and Ask Jeeves.
The new page is clean and advertising-free, includes
categories of pre-set RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds,
and lets users enter both RSS- and Atom-formatted feeds to
customize the aggregate.
The Web aggregator is tied to MSN Search, and also saves search
Optimize Your RSS Feed for Search Engines |
Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly
used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using
traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating
an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional
exposure and interest.
Complete Article - RSS Search Engine Optimization
New RSS Submission Sites Added |
We have recently expanded the list of RSS directories
that accept RSS feed submissions. In order to maximize your
feeds exposure be sure to list to all the new RSS directories
listed on RSS Specification Submission List.
RSS Feeds for |
Time Magazine has made RSS feeds available for
top stories, photo essays, most viewed stories, and top rated
TIME covers.
It seems that all publishers are getting on board with RSS
and syndication.
RSS & Blogging Craziness! |
There eas a lot of flap this week at the suggestion
from an FEC commissioner that blogs MIGHT have links considered
as a campaign contribution.
Fortunately the rational politicians who are behind campaign
reform say that it is just rhetoric. Let us all hope that
the US government does not attempt to regulate linking - imagine
them trying to comprehend the nofollow tag....
RSS For Business |
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a new way
to broadcast corporate news and structured information. RSS
offers a quick, easy corporate communication channel. The
RSS contents are published as a feed and the feed's content
keep customers, partners and journalists abreast of corporate
news and information. The RSS feeds are read using a tool
referred to as a news aggregator, or an RSS reader. The aggregator
periodically checks to see if the RSS feed has been updated.
As the feed is updated, new information will automatically
appear in the RSS reader.
While RSS was at one point only considered to be a means to
deliver news headlines, RSS has quickly become a powerful
medium to disseminate all kinds of information. As traditional
marketers are attempting to rein in content delivery, measuring
e-mail open rates, click-throughs and conversions, Internet
users are fighting to gain control over the content they receive.
Savvy marketers and business owners are using RSS as a way
to improve corporate communication and increase their external
exposure and brand appeal.
Complete Article - RSS for Business
Yahoo Directory Feeds Now Available |
Yahoo! News is now offering directory feeds in
the RSS format. The feeds are free of charge to use for individuals
and non-profit organizations for non-commercial use. Attribution
is required.
Check out Yahoo's List
of Directory Feeds
Underwood of's RSS Review |
RSS technology is really taking off. According
to a recent study, 5% of Internet users say they use RSS.
That's almost 46,700,000 users! Most news sites now publish
RSS feeds. Aside from news, these feeds can also be used for
announcing new products, Web site updates, blogs and anything
else to keep your visitors informed. WebReference even has
a list of RSS feeds for many of the Web sites on
RSS feeds allow users to view a large amount of information
without having to visit several Web sites to obtain it. This
information can be gathered by an RSS reader ("aggregator")
and read in one place and is described as "syndicating content."
As a Web developer, part of your job may be to create RSS
feeds or develop a method that a client can use directly.
In the past, this was usually done manually or through the
use of Perl scripts, but now there are several software applications
that make the creation process much easier.
Complete Article - Review RSS
Weather Watch RSS |
Create an RSS feed to monitor the weather in your
area. RSS Weather's feed format -
replace the XXXXX with a 5 digit US zipcode to monitor the
NextUp's NewsAloud Now Supports RSS |
NewsAloud personal news agent from
finds the stories you want, then reads them aloud in a natural,
human sounding voice.
NewsAloud is easy to set up and get started with right away.
Select the categories for news you want and choose how you
want to be notified when new stories are found. Select from
several available voices to create your own personal information
Additional Details - NewsAloud
AllRecipes RSS Feeds |
| offers several "Daily Recipes"
RSS feeds organized into topics. Each feed includes several
recipe items -- these include brief descriptions and links
to the full recipe.
Monetizing RSS and Adding Ads To Feeds |
Moreover Technologies, provider of aggregated
online current awareness information, announced FeedDirect
RSS Ads, the first self-service integrated RSS feed delivery
and monetization service. The service is offered as part of
FeedDirect, a Moreover property that provides personal website
owners and Bloggers with tools to increase traffic, maximize
distribution and profit from their content. Kanoodle?, a leading
provider of sponsored listings for content and search results
pages, will power the RSS feed monetization, reporting and
publisher account management components of the service via
its BrightAds self-service product.
Moreover says that RSS feed publishers will now benefit from
the ability to insert content-targeted, revenue-generating
sponsored links within posts or as an individual post, providing
publishers with unparalleled flexibility to monetize their
MediaPost Thinks RSS Might Be Ready for Prime
Time |
MediaPost offered this analysis related to RSS'
For now, less than 5 percent of Internet users currently
employ RSS readers. That minority consists mainly of media
and tech professionals, and bloggers who contend with information
overload on a daily basis.
But analysts say that RSS could quickly shed its niche
status if consumers realize they no longer have to surf from
Web site to Web site, scrolling their favorites menu for content.
Instead, RSS readers pull in headlines and text continually,
allowing users to create customized content from publishers,
blogs, and search engines. Most offer alerts, which bring
everything from product releases, sports scores, and natural
disasters to users' immediate attention.
Complete Article
How Podcasting is Used |
Although podcasting is new, it is well on its
way to becoming a mainstream communication medium. Podcasting,
simply put, is audio files that are delivered via RSS. Many
people believe that podcasting is solely for the distribution
of music files, but really, nothing could be further from
the truth.
Article - How Podcasting is Used
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed