RSS Blog & RSS News
RSS For Shopping |
Setup RSS feeds to monitor your favorite places
for products that meet specific criteria. For example monitor
eBay for items that are related to a specific sports team.
You can narrow your criteria by using specific search features.
Tips to Improve RSS Feeds |
RSS is not quite a household word, but technically
astute individuals are adopting the use of RSS feeds at an
alarming rate. If you are interested in jumping on the bandwagon,
but not quite sure of where to start, consider following these
simple RSS feed tips to maximize feed compatibility and make
your feed stand out from the crowd.
Tips to Improve RSS Feeds
RSSmanip is a set of scripts that allows webmaster
who already generate an RSS feed for their site to dynamically
create HTML, HDML, and WML documents based on their RSS feed.
China Tracks Bloggers |
China intends to require its millions of Internet
bloggers to emerge from the shadows and register under their
real names in a move that is raising privacy concerns, the
state press has reported.
Under the system, bloggers would be allowed to continue using
their online pseudonyms, but must register with authorities
under their real names, the Xinhua news agency said.
FDA Database and RSS |
AskSam has taken an interesting approach to RSS
and database management. They have taken the FDA's RSS feeds
and turned them into a full searchable database.
Check it Out!
New FeedDemon Beta |
Nick Bradbury has posted a new FeedDemon beta. Nick details the updates to
security and and other features in the release notes.
Pheedo Adds Geo-Targetting |
Pheedo has announced plans to add geo-targeting
capabilities to its RSS advertising network, offering marketers
a new way to use syndication feeds to target customers around
the world.
Playing Nice in Blog Posts |
Lisa Barone has a fantastic write-up on Bruce
Clay's blog about blogger credibility.
To that Scheff states:
"People are using the Internet to destroy people they don't
like, and you can't do that."
No, you can't.
The post details a lawsuit where someone's reputation
was damaged as a result they went to court.
RSS Search Feeds |
This is a very good list of sites that allow you
to dynamically create RSS search feeds. Create search feeds
to monitor for product mentions, industry keywords, your company
name, your product name or a competitors names.
RSS2Java Script |
This site generates javascript that can be inserted
into a web page to display rss feeds. The RSS2Java generator
allows you to enter the number of items you wish to have displayed
along with the feed, it provides code that can be pasted into
a website.
RSS Roundtable |
Pheedo is again heading up an RSS Industry Roundtable. The RSS Roundtable
will be held in San Francisco on Tuesday, October 17, in conjunction
with the Direct Marketing Association Conference and Exhibition.
The theme will be "using RSS as a direct marketing tool."
Topics on the agenda include:
• Is it the right time for direct marketers to pay attention
to RSS?
• Understanding where RSS and email fit together
• How to leverage current content and assets to take advantage
of RSS
• How to use RSS as an alternative to search marketing during
the holiday season
Additions to RSS Submission List |
The list of RSS search engines and directories is growing
at a rapid pace. We recently added a number of the new RSS
search engines to the list that accept RSS feed submissions.
Make sure you are using the most recent list, when doing submissions.
New Script for Converting Feeds to HTML |
The professional rss2html pro script converts RSS feeds to
HTML pages and builds an index of feed items as a separate
web page. The webpages dynamically update as new items are
added to the RSS feed.
Feedity (formerly FeedTier) |
Feedity (formerly FeedTier) is a web feeds
generator for web pages without an existing syndication format
like RSS or Atom. Feedity performs content analysis, picks-up
the most prominent cluster of hyperlinks and automatically
generates RSS web feeds from web pages without existing syndication.
Feedity (beta) is an experimental service and free for personal
Google Desktop gadget, RSS
to Speech reads RSS feeds using text to speech technology..
The Law Is Struggling to Keep Up with Medium |
USA Today just published an article: Courts are Asked to Crack down on Bloggers
, the article addresses many of the legal issues that have
resulted from the emergence of blogs and RSS feeds.
While the article does say:
"The blogosphere also is the Internet's Wild West, a rapidly
expanding frontier town with no sheriff."
It fails to address the issue of jurisdiction. Not all posters
on the Internet are held to the same standard, it can become
excessively difficult to sue an individual in another country,
regardless of the laws broken there is no centralized standards
board. Ultimately readers are going to have to weigh the credibility
of bloggers, and realize that they are not held to the same
standards as the traditional news media. Consider the source.
Directory of Medical and Health Feeds |
Submit RSS feeds that relate to medical or health
issues to this topical medical feeds
directory. All the feeds are grouped by topic so that
someone interested in say Rheumatology can easily locate appropriate
feeds, to stay current on that medical issue or condition.
FullFeeds is a petition against partial content
feeds. Not really sure of the petitions purpose, some content
is better suited to a partial content feed, not only to protect
intellectual property but to allow readers to quickly scan
contents for items of interest.
While I understand the sentiment that most people might prefer
full content feeds, I think the petition does not accurately
reflect the issue. It is not a black or white issue, there
is a whole lot of grey.
RSS Knowledgebase |
The RSS Knowledgebase is growing! If you have
questions send them in to be answered.
Technorati is 3 |
Technorati a popular feed search engine (and
ego feed provider) has turned 3. As part of the celebration
they have released a number of upgrades to their system. Read
about the new features in their blog post.
APML - Attention Profiling Markup Language |
Really interesting stuff! Touchstone is releasing
an draft open specification for Attention Data!
APML will allow users to export and use their own personal
Attention Profile in much the same way that OPML allows them
to export their reading lists from Feed Readers.
They go on to discuss possible uses for the Attention Data,
and how it will let users control their personal information.
- Thanks to a Feed is Born for bringing this scoop to
RSSFWD - Forwards RSS Feeds to Email |
According to the website:
"Reading RSS the way you are already reading your emails.
RssFwd can deliver updates from RSS/Atom feeds straight into
your mailbox - Fwd your RSS to email today! "
more on RSSFWD
Webmaster Tips |
According to Matt Cutts, there are over 100
factors that affect search engine ranking. For those of you
who don't know, Matt is a Google guy guru, he is employed
by Google but writes an independent blog and shares information
related to Google and search engine optimization. Unfortunately,
of those 100 items that account for search engine ranking,
there are only a few that webmasters can actually control.
Webmaster Tips
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
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