Collection of articles related to RSS and news feeds.
RSS - RSS Feeds provide webmasters and content providers
an avenue to provide concise summaries to prospective readers. Thousands
of commercial web sites and blogs now publish content summaries
in an RSS feed.
RSS Feeds - step by step walk through of creating an RSS
feed. RSS feed creators provide content without forcing it on consumers.
Blogs - The roots of blogging can be traced back to the
mid 1990's. Who the very first blogger actually was is unclear,
as the art of blogging did not really take hold until 1999.
Feeds - Lets face it as much as we all rely on email communications
it is not really a reliable technology.
Cashing In - Blogging for dollars might sound like the latest
game show or some new drinking game, but it's the latest craze to
hit the Internet. Bloggers began blogging for a number of reasons,
but as the blog movement has increased in popularity, they have
found ways to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment
pay off.
for Kids - Children love having an audience. The instant
recognition and approval that comes from a crowd just can't be beat.
Employing blogs to help develop good spelling habits, grammar skills,
and develop a love for writing at a young age is an innovative concept
that has potential.
Content - Many webmasters are struggling to find fresh,
innovative content while other savvy webmasters have realized the
potential hidden within RSS and are adopting the technology at a
maddening pace. By utilizing RSS, webmasters can tap numerous free
content sources with very little effort. RSS truly is a webmaster's
key to free content.
I Need A Feed - RSS has been around for more than 10 years
but has only recently become popular. RSS provides headlines and
summaries of information in a concise and standardized way.
Benefits to RSS -
The big benefit to RSS is that individuals opt-in to content of
interest, totally controlling the flow of information that they
receive. If the quality of the content in the feed declines, users
simply remove the feed from their RSS reader and they will not receive
any additional updates from that source. The RSS reader acts as
an aggregator, allowing users to view and scan multiple content
streams in a timely fashion.
News You Choose - Publishers and webmasters provide content
and news in an RSS feed. Users view the content of interest in an
RSS reader or news aggregator. The aggregator or reader contains
the collection of feeds that are of interest to the user. As the
RSS feed is updated the content in the reader or aggregator updates
with the new information.
Podcasting is Used? - Although podcasting is new, it is
well on its way to becoming a mainstream communication medium. Podcasting,
simply put, is audio files that are delivered via RSS. Many people
believe that podcasting is solely for the distribution of music
files, but really, nothing could be further from the truth.
Search Engine Optimization - In some ways RSS is very similar
to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as
with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization
tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed
receives additional exposure and interest.
The Amazing Profit Potential - The marketing and profit
potential of RSS is, simply said, quite amazing. It's not just good
for blogs, and it's certainly much more than just another way of
getting your content to your readers.
Steps to Creating & Promoting
RSS Feeds - RSS, or Really Simple Syndication as it is commonly
known, is a technology that gives webmasters the ability to easily
distribute and publish syndicated content on the Internet. It seems
like all Internet businesses now have RSS feeds available; at least
your competitors do. You have finally made the decision that you
have to have one. Where do you start?
Tips for Bloggers - There are no hard and fast rules on
how to blog. Having said that, bloggers will likely increase their
exposure by following some simple blog guidelines.
for Marketers - RSS is a technology that has the potential
of overcoming many of the internet marketing challenges we are facing
today and becoming a preferred tool to get 100% of your content
delivered to your subscribers, as well as a tool to help you achieve
top position search engine rankings.
Making Money with RSS Feeds
- First it was banner ads, then Google AdSense and now, the latest
way to make money on your web site could very well be RSS feeds.
Tools - Podcast feeds automatically bring updated information
straight to your desktop. You can monitor or promote news, job listings,
personals, and classifieds using RSS.
Syndication Through RSS Feeds - RSS, also known as Rich
Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, has been used for years
by online visitors. However, it has only recently begun to gain
popularity among webmasters as a means of providing visitors with
constantly refreshed content.
Circle of RSS Marketing - While RSS does provide a number
of benefits when used for each individual marketing function, best
results are achieved when it is fully integrated in your internet
marketing strategy.
Future of RSS is Not Blogs - Blogs vaulted RSS into the
limelight but are unlikely to be the force that sustains RSS as
a communication medium. The biggest opportunities for RSS are not
in the blogosphere but as a corporate communication channel.
Marketers Need RSS? - Soon after the Forrrester study became
public, I received a press enquiery asking whether marketers should
be interested in RSS now that so few online adults use it.
The Copyright Debate and RSS
- RSS is commonly defined as really simple syndication. So, this
means that any material contained in a feed is available for syndication,
right? Well no, not exactly.
RSS Won the Syndication Standards Battle
- Microsoft's inclusion of RSS into the newest version of Internet
Explorer and reports that RSS will be in Longhorn's coming release
appears to be the final nail in the coffin of the Atom specification.
Experts - Collection of advice from top RSS industry marketers.
E-zines Using RSS - While RSS might not be used by as many
people as e-mail, you can be sure that those that do use it and
subscribe to your feeds will get your content without fail.
RSS and Email - For most
marketers online e-mail is still the key marketing and communicational
tool, with its use ranging from e-zine publishing, direct sales
messages, loyalty campaigns to internal communications between team
Optimization 101 for Blogs - Truth be told, most blogs
aren't really optimized for marketing effectiveness. Even more so,
some blogs are absolute marketing machines, but they at the same
time fail to fully capitalize on that fact by not being really optimized
Measuring and Tracking RSS
- Measuring and tracking RSS while a fairly simple concept,
is really anything but. Unlike websites, RSS have the added caveat
of potential syndication, making accurate tracking a challenge to
anyone but the extremely tech savvy.
Profiting From RSS Feeds -
Publishers are evaluating options and determining how they can profit
from RSS feeds. The two obvious contenders that publishers are considering
to profit from their RSS feeds are: subscription RSS feeds and RSS
feed advertisements.
RSS More Than Just News
Headlines - The core use for RSS is generally considered
news headlines and blog syndication, but innovative businesses are
learning to use RSS in different ways.
What is Fair Use? - Regardless
of whether you manage an RSS feed or syndicate existing feeds, it
is a good idea to become familiar with what constitutes fair use
under copyright laws.
Promoting RSS Feeds -
In order to reap the benefits of an RSS feed, it is important the
feed be properly publicized. Taking simple steps to promote an RSS
feed will go a long way in ensuring a feeds adoption.
Improved RSS Feeds -
RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly managed,
web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic.
Top RSS Dos and Don'ts -
RSS is not quite a household word, but technically astute individuals
are adopting the use of RSS feeds at an alarming rate.
RSS Etiquette - In order
to efficiently communicate as a blogger on the Internet, it is critical
to understand the unwritten rules of blogging etiquette.
Places to Get Ideas for Blog Posts
- Not surprisingly, ideas for blog posts or RSS feed items
originate or are influenced by other web content. The following
are venues for finding your online muse:
13 Tips to Grow Your RSS
Feed Subscribers- Starting an RSS feed or is not difficult
to attract readers, it is however difficult to retain readers. By
following a few simple unwritten rules you will find your subscriber
base swell.
Realty and RSS - While many
realtors have real estate blogs, which is quite evident in the directory
of real estate blogs many are missing the opportunity to extend
their audience even further by using RSS Feeds.
Create Professional RSS
Feeds - More and more companies are using RSS as a means
to communicate, so having an RSS feed that is professional and well
polished will help differentiate your company from your competition.
What makes an RSS feed professional?
Blog Posts that Attract Attention
- Blogs are now a dime a dozen, and bloggers need to make
their blog posts stand out. Developing a blog following is not as
easy as it once was.
Locate Jobs with RSS Feeds
- Take an active approach to monitoring the employment industry
and its job opportunities by utilizing RSS feeds and alerts.
What Can be Published
Using RSS Feeds- With all the vast amounts of information
available on the web, it is becoming more and more difficult to
sort through and find what you are looking for. RSS significantly
lowers the signal-to-noise ratio.
ABC's of RSS Feeds - Learn
the ABCs of RSS....
Increase RSS Subscribers
- Growing subscribers of your RSS feed will expand your reach.
Ways To Read An RSS Feed - RSS is just another language
of the web, but you can actually completely ignore the code itself,
just like you can ignore the source code behind web pages that you
visit - you are only interested in the end product that the code
is designed to produce for you, the end user.
Reasons Why Your Site Needs to Publish a News Feed - It
seems like everyone is talking about RSS Feeds. They’ve been around
for years but the buzz is up about them as the technology continues
to go mainstream.
Your Feed Listed at Yahoo - When I finally started using
my feeds during some research, I ran across Yahoo's "Add to My Yahoo!"
button on many sites that also carry the orange "XML" insignia,
And I have to say, it shocks me how easy it seems to be to get Yahoo
to pay attention to your feed.
You Can Get A Free Enhanced Listing in Yahoo With Your RSS Feed
- When I first discovered that you could get into Yahoo’s
RSS Feed directory so quickly, I started making a lot of observations
about their site. The first thing I noticed is that they made some
subtle changes to their search page.
Syndication - RSS Syndication or RSS Newsfeeds (RSS Feeds
for short) all refer to the same thing. There are two parts to the
process, the publisher, and the consumer. The publisher produces
a small text file in a special format that lists the title and address
of an article or resource published on the World Wide Web.
Authors Should Blog - Due to the dynamic nature of blogs,
the bloggers with their laptops could report in real time, thus
getting their stories online long before the morning newspapers
would hit the streets. Commentators even mentioned that many of
the breaking news stories had been reported first by bloggers.
for Webmasters - Unless webmasters have a well-established
brand, a great domain name and a huge marketing budget, it is important
that they appear in search engines via specific keywords. With this
in mind, we have compiled a list of resources and products that
will benefit webmasters in their efforts to be found.
Podcasting Explained
- Podcasting is quickly becoming a buzz word among the techie crowd.
So what is podcasting, anyway? Podcasting is online audio content
that is delivered via an RSS feed. Many people liken podcasting
to radio on demand. However, in reality, podcasting gives far more
options in terms of content and programming than radio does.
RSS Tools - Considering the ever-increasing
support for RSS in online communities, we have compiled a list of
resources and products that will benefit webmasters, web surfers
and publishers in their quest to understand the power of RSS.
for Business - While RSS was at one point only considered
to be a means to deliver news headlines, RSS has quickly become
a powerful medium to disseminate all kinds of information. As traditional
marketers are attempting to rein in content delivery, measuring
e-mail open rates, click-throughs and conversions, Internet users
are fighting to gain control over the content they receive. Savvy
marketers and business owners are using RSS as a way to improve
corporate communication and increase their external exposure and
brand appeal.
Displaying RSS Feeds
- Content contained in RSS feeds can be added to websites a number
of different ways. Each method for displaying the RSS feed has pros
and cons associated with it. Webmasters will need to determine which
option will best meet their hosting and technology needs.
RSS is Not Only for Blogs
- Contrary to popular opinion, RSS is not only good for delivering
content from your blog, although blogs are what made RSS so popular.
How Podcasting Works -
It has been said that in October of 2004 a Google search returned
less than 6,000 results for the term "podcasting". Today, a similar
search yields more than 857,000 results. Like the blogging phenomenon,
podcasting has come out of nowhere and attracted an enthusiastic
RSS Meets the Needs of Direct
Marketers - Contrary to general opinion, RSS meets the needs
of even the most demanding direct marketer, actually providing most
of what e-mail marketing does, except for the strong push factor.
Most direct marketing reasons against RSS are in fact the result
of inadequate understanding of RSS by most marketers.
Steps to promoting Your RSS Feeds on Your Website - RSS
gets 100% of your content delivered, but it’s no good if no one
subscribes to your feeds. So your first order of
business after planning and creating your feeds has to be promoting
them to your visitors.
Works - Marketers are constantly asking if RSS marketing
works and if this can be proved.
RSS Opportunities - When
it comes to new internet marketing opportunities for your business,
RSS just might be the answer you were looking for. Here are just
some of the new opportunities it can provide you with …
and Google Show It's Time for RSS Marketing - Many internet
marketers are still wondering whether to start marketing with RSS
or not.
RSS as a Change Agent
-To better understand how RSS is changing the way companies and
individuals deliver and consume content on the macro scale, let
us first remember how content is traditionally delivered and consumed.
Promote Your Blog -Well,
you've joined the others and have created a blog. It is time to
tell the world about your online journal.
RSS vs Email -Although RSS
and blogs are slowly reaching mainstream, they are still missuderstood
by most marketers in relation to eachother and in relation to their
relatives, e-zines and e-mail. How do these four really relate and
what does this mean for your internet marketing strategy?
RSS Ego Searches -Ego searches
are free and simple searches designed to monitor blogs and news
portals for mentions of your company, product, competitors or other
specific keywords.
What Can You Publish via RSS
Contrary to popular opinion, RSS is not only good for delivering
content from your blog, but has much more marketing and publishing
Your RSS Feed Might Look Like Spam
With more users turning to them for driving traffic to
their site, it’s no wonder that a trail of RSS feed spam is following
in the wake.
What is Creative Commons?
A Creative Commons license allows creators to place conditions
on their copyrights.
Instant Content; Converting a
Text Article to a Podcast
Publishers and marketers alike have embraced content syndication
and RSS but few have considered the value beyond the actual syndication.
Consider an alternative communication channel that reaches a new
or different audience.
What is Web 2.0?
There has been a lot of chatter lately about Web 2.0, as
if the Internet is a versioned software application. So what is
Web 2.0? Simply put, Web 2.0 is a perceived transition of the web
to web applications.
Realtors Employ RSS
Daily more and more realtors are turning to RSS as a tool
to market homes for sale. The growing RSS phenomenon in the realty
market makes perfect sense. Unlike email RSS feeds have a 100% delivery
RSS Elements
An integral part of getting the most from RSS is really
understanding how RSS works as a technology --- basically understanding
its structure and how to best use it to get more readership and
better search engine rankings.
Publicize Your Podcast
Podcast promotion should be approached with the same tactics
as website promotion. Identifying and informing your audience will
increase communication and dialogue.
Select a News Aggregator
Web surfers might want to give thought to another consideration
of cross compatibility and synchronization. With the advances in
RSS readers, many subscribers use multiple platforms to read their
Web surfers might want to give thought to another consideration
of cross compatibility and synchronization. With the advances in
RSS readers, many subscribers use multiple platforms to read their
RSS Quiz - Test Your RSS Smarts
You think that you have mastered the art of RSS, but how
much do you really know?
RSS Does Not Equal Blogs
Many assume that RSS is only for syndicating the contents
of blogs, nothing could be further from the truth.
Vertical Marketing with RSS Feeds
Many assume that RSS is only for syndicating the contents
of blogs, nothing could be further from the truth.
RSS and Education
Academia has embraced RSS as a means to educate, but scrutinizing
how educational institutions are using RSS feeds in their daily
routines show RSS is utilized can vary across different industries.
Legal RSS Feeds
Lawyers are using RSS feeds a number of different ways
to increase efficiency and productivity.
Financial RSS Feeds
Financial companies can stay ahead of their competition
and maximize their time by using RSS to stay up to date on relevant
industry news.
RSS Feed Etiquette
We felt it would be helpful to provide general guidelines
for those constructing an RSS 2.0 feed.
Real Estate Video Podcast
Let the home shine by using technology to help market the
property. Present the home in the best possible light, and through
a variety of channels, and watch sales soar.
Unusual RSS Tools
Web 2.0 syndication tools are finally catching up with
the technology. There are a number of unusual ways that businesses
are utilizing RSS feeds.
Make RSS Feeds
It is no longer necessary to manually create an RSS feed.
There are a number of WYSIWYG software applications available, which
simplify the creation of an RSS feed.
Blog Promotion
There are a wide variety of things you can do in regard
to blog promotion. Here are just a few...
RSS Pros and Cons
If you are struggling with the decision of whether to implement
RSS feeds or not, consider the following pros and cons for webmasters
who use RSS feeds as part of their content and communication plan...
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
- Podcast feed of articles
Author Bios
Sharon Housley
Rok Hrastnik