Reader / News Aggregators for Windows
RSS readers or news aggregators allow users to view content from
specified sources (RSS feeds). The information is automatically
updated and displays the newer information on top.
Surfpack Startpage can feature search tools, horoscopes, current
weather conditions, LiveJournal diaries, humor, web modules
and other dynamically updated content.
FeedDemon enables you to quickly read and gather information
from hundreds of web sites - without having to visit them. Don't
waste any more time checking your favorite web sites for updates.
Instead, use FeedDemon and make them come to you.
retrieves the latest information from your favorite web sites
and delivers it directly to your browser; the way email is delivered
to your inbox. From within Internet Explorer you can quickly
scan, sort and scroll through headline and article summaries
in one pane, viewing the corresponding web page in the other
Free Windows news-reader that runs in the background on your
computer and monitors these sites for you. When it sees that
something new has appeared, it will let you know. |
SharpReader is an RSS/Atom Aggregator for Windows. |
Feedreader is a lightweight open-source aggregator that supports
RSS and ATOM formats. |
intraVnews is a state of the art news aggregator that turns
Microsoft Outlook into a news reader. With intraVnews you can
subscribe to any of 1000's of syndicated feeds from personal
weblogs (Blogs) to mainstream news sources to specialist publications. |
collect news in the background at user configurable intervals
and warn with a little popup in the system tray that there is
a new message arrived. You can click the news headline to see
a short description of the news and click or open the original
news web page in an RssReader browser or default browser window.
not available
Stay in touch with all breaking news around the world, save
your time and money using our NewzCrawler - the leader in desktop
information tools!
QM nooze is a very simple RDF/RSS news feed reader for Windows.
It will run under Win9x, WinNT, WinME, Win2K and WinXP. This
program will navigate to any website and translate the Resource
Description Framework (RDF) Site Summary (RSS) into an easy-to-read
menu that automatically updates every 10 minutes
Blog Navigator is a new program that makes it easy to read blogs
on the Internet. It integrates into various blog search engines
and can automatically determine RSS feeds from within properly
coded websites. |
Abilon displays headlines from RSS (Rich Site Summary
- Really Simple Syndication) Channels in an easy to read format.
It is small (about 500 kb), fast, and free. Adding new channels
is as simple as right-clicking and entering the address of the
feed. |
ActiveRefresh is a web news monitor which will save you browsing
time by monitoring information sources, gathering all of the
information that you regularly access and presenting it in comfortable
and adjustable way.
BlogExpress is a full-featured application for content
syndication. BlogExpress supports all RSS versions and ATOM.
It can read contents from any Weblogs (a.k.a., blog) and any
Websites that provide XML files for content syndication (Generally,
a file with .rss, .rdf, or .xml extension.
The EffNews RSS Reader is a minimalist RSS reader for
An RSS reader that handles more than 10,000 ready-to-import
sources of news using RSS content syndication. Just pick the
sources from InfoSnorkel's import tool. |
NewzSpider is a news aggregator that runs on your computer
and downloads headers from your favorite news sites and blogs.
It is flexible and very easy to use. NewzSpider supports ALL
RSS standards (0.9x, 1.0 and 2.0) as well as the new ATOM format. |
no photo available
Captor Pro
a powerful, highly configurable yet easy-to-use RSS
client. We have designed it especially to help you deal with
your growing volume of news as quickly and efficiently as possible.
RSS Captor is RSS client you need! |
Sauce Reader is an easy to use, innovative and full-featured
feed reader. |
A desktop information aggregator - a program which provides
a comfortable environment for reading the information coming
from multiple sources, or feeds. The most common uses for Syndirella
are reading news sites and weblogs. |
Tristana uses RSS and Atom which are standard XML formats
for instantly receiving syndicated content over the Internet.
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary"
or even "Really Stops Spam", depending on who you talk to. Atom
is a widely recognized open-source XML format for content syndication.
Basically both are really just highly efficient standardized
formats for reading, managing and sharing timely information
across the web. |
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed