RSS Blog & RSS News
RSS Component Available Free of Charge |
An RSS VCL Control and ActiveX components makes
it simple for software developers to communicate with users
from within your software application! Integrate the RSS components
into your application, to communicate with users. Use standard
RSS feeds and provide users. All you have to do is add the
component to your existing project. Set the URL to your RSS
feed, and let it do the rest. You can then ask the control
for types of information from your RSS feed. Send sales messages,
tech support tips and notify users of new releases and product
launches. The RSS Component is now available free of charge.
Simply contact the manufacturers and you will receive an unlock
code free of charge.
Attempting to Categorize 1 Million Feeds |
This website claims to be attempting to
categorize 1 million feeds. The categories are a little
obscure but I like the web snapshots and the search appears
to work well.
CNET Debates Who Fathered Blogs |
Blogs are 10 years old, and CNET decided to dig
into the origin of the blog. Interesting exchange:
Was the first blogger the irascible Dave Winer? The iconoclastic
Jorn Barger? Or was the first blogger really Justin Hall,
a Web diarist and online gaming expert whom The New York Times
Magazine once called the "founding father of personal blogging"?
Or did all three merely make incremental improvements on earlier
CNet article on Origin of Blogs
Profiting From Podcasts |
Podcasts started out as fun ways for ambitious
garage DJs, independent musicians and talk show hosts, who
had not ventured into radio broadcasting as a way to show
their stuff and make a name for themselves. What started as
a hobby for many, has turned into a lucrative profession for
Not surprisingly, podcasters, just like radio stations, have
looked for ways to profit from their on-air dialogue.
Profiting from Podcasts
FeedYes on the Market |
The FeedYes website is being auctioned off. The
current confirmed high bid is $ 24,000. Details on the FeedYes
website are available on the auction page.
Please Your RSS Subscribers |
Starting an RSS feed or is not difficult to attract
readers, it is however difficult to retain readers. By following
a few simple unwritten rules you will find your subscriber
base swell.
Please Your RSS Subscribers
Syndicating the Presidency |
This site has taken an interesting approach aggregating
all the presidential candidate feeds side by side for a comparison.
How is each presidential candidate using blogs? Take a
side-by-side peek at what the 2008 presidential campaigns
are talking about. Missing candidates aren't a political statement;
these are the only candidates that offer content syndication.
RSS Scripts Updated |
Get the latest RSS Scripts, new versions are available:
RSS2HTML - free PHP script for dipslaying
RSS feeds as HTML web pages.
RSS Cache - module to speed up the display
of RSS feed items.
RSS2HTML Pro - expands the functionality of
RSS2HTML by allowing publishers and webmasters to dynamically
create an index of feed items.
RSSMesh - merge multiple RSS feeds into a
single feed.
FutureRSS - dipslays only current RSS feed
SQL2RSS - create RSS feeds from an MySQL database.
RSS2SQL - create a database from RSS feeds.
Podcasting Do's and Don'ts |
Consider following these simple podcasting tips
to get the most from your podcast and make it stand out from
other podcasts in the crowd.
Podcasting Do's and Don'ts
Blogging Glossary |
Terms to assist bloggers with their lingo:
Blog - A contraction for web log. Personal blogs are
typically thought of as an online journal or diary. Businesses
have adopted blogs as a means to communicate with their customers.
Blog Comment - Often website visitors can add comments
related to a blog post. The comments are visible to others
reading the website.
Blogger - The person responsible for writing the copy
found in the blog.
Blog Post - A single entry in a blog.
Comment Spam - Often blog comments include URLs, as
a result spammers will often post blog comments in an effort
to boost the incoming links to their websites. Comment spam
often make no sense and the comments are simply a product
Feed - A synonym for RSS feeds. A feed contains information
that is delivered using a syndication standard, known as Really
Simple Syndication. RSS is a subset of XML, and the information
is delivered using a specific format that is defined by the
RSS protocol.
Permalink - References a permanent link to the content.
The URL does not change when the information is archived.
Ping - A procedure for letting websites know that information
in your blog or RSS feed has been updated.
Podcast - An RSS feed that includes an audio (or video)
file in the enclosure field.
Podcaster - An individual that records and creates
a podcast.
Podcasting - The act of creating a podcast.
RSS Feeds - A feed contains information that is delivered
using a syndication standard, known as Really Simple Syndication.
RSS is a subset of XML, and the information is delivered using
a specific format that is defined by the RSS protocol.
Trackback - A procedure for notifying the original
blog poster that you have referred to their blog post in another
Podcast Recording Tips |
Location, Location, Location
When you are producing a podcast on a regular basis it is
important that you select an appropriate location for the
recording to take place. The location should be free of external
distractions and relatively quiet. It is easiest if you use
the same location each time, that way the equipment can remain
in place and will not require moving or setup each time you
produce a show.
The room should have a carpet or furniture that will absorb
echoes and dampen the sound. The room should also have a door,
so that you will not have unexpected interruptions. Reduce
extraneous noise by turning off fans or any equipment. Consider
hanging a note on the door, so that you will not be disturbed
while recording.
Recording Away from Home
When taking your podcast on the road it is equally important
that the quality of the podcast is not compromised for the
sake of portability. Consider using a directional microphone
or finding a quiet alcove for interviews when on the road.
Podcast Recording Tips
Learn how to use the power of RSS as part of your
marketing. RSS is becoming increasing popular. The reason
is fairly simple. RSS is a free and easy way to promote a
site and its content without the need to advertise or create
complicated content sharing partnerships.
Find RSS Tools
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
Blog Post Archive
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March 2007 RSS Blog
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2006 RSS Blog
2006 RSS Blog
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April 2006
March 2006
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2006 Blog
2005 Blog
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July 2005
June 2005
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2005 Blog
2005 Blog
January 2005 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed