RSS Blog & RSS News
ByteScout has been busy with RSS! |
A new version of FeedScout has been released. FeedScout
is an RSS Reader. In addition ByteScout has released freeware
version of Feed Scout called My RSS Toolbar My RSS Toolbar is ready to use
RSS reader with pre-defined set of feeds. It allows users
the ability to view RSS feeds only and Feed Scout allow to
import/export of additional feeds.
ByteScout has also released an engine that is used in both
Feed Scout and My RSS Toolbar as RSS2HTML Scout library so anyone can create
simple RSS reader using this library or integrate ability
to automatically display RSS news into existing application.
RSS for Marketers |
RSS is a technology that has the potential of
overcoming many of the internet marketing challenges we are
facing today and becoming a preferred tool to get 100% of
your content delivered to your subscribers, as well as a tool
to help you achieve top position search engine rankings.
Complete Article - RSS for Marketers
RSS Submit Optional Extensions |
The developers of RSS Submit have optionally added a plug-in
pack. Registered users of RSS Submit can add RSS Submit Plug-ins
Registered users of RSS Submit may download and/or purchase
additional plug-ins for even more RSS submission power. Examples
include the Ping-o-matic plug-in to promote blogs, the Reporter
plug-in to print submission reports, and much more. Check
out the SEO Expansion Plug-in Pack.
Topic Specific RSS Search Engine - Finance
Investing |
Finance Investing
is a RSS directory that contains information related to
finacial investment, finances, investing, banks, bonds, stocks
and related investment sources.
The site, one of the first of its kind is a collection of
topic specific RSS feeds that allow site visitors to find
information about finances and investments from a categorized
directory of RSS feeds.
If you have a related feed, it can be submitted to the directory free of charge,
simply select the appropriate category.
Meets the Needs of Direct Marketers |
Contrary to general opinion, RSS meets the needs
of even the most demanding direct marketer, actually providing
most of what e-mail marketing does, except for the strong
push factor.
Most direct marketing reasons against RSS are in fact the
result of inadequate understanding of RSS by most marketers.
Complete Article - RSS Meets the Needs of Direct Marketers
Blog Search and Submission |
Jayde has launched a new Blog Search Engine and
submission. The site is ONLY for blogs though. They have the
following posted on their submit page:
Blog-Search is a search engine meant ONLY for Blog sites.
Anyone submitting a site that is not blog related, will have
their membership suspended, and will have their site removed
from Blog-Search as well as ALL other Search Engines operated
by JaydeOnline Inc.
Additional Information on Blog
Macintosh RSS Feed Software in Beta - Create,
Edit and Publish RSS Feeds on a Mac |
FeedForAll Mac - software to create,
edit and publish RSS feeds and podcasts on your Mac is now
available in beta form.
A 'Beta' release of our FeedForAll Mac software product has
been released. This means that the product is stable, but
does not yet contain all the features planned for the final
release. Nor does it contain all the documentation. It's purpose
is to get feedback from users about the way the product works
(general look and feel), and to get feedback concerning the
features that are included (or should be included) in a final
release. When the feature-set is finalized and at least preliminary
documentation is available, then the product will be released
in a second 'Beta' version.
A little background to help you as the default fields and
website are not yet done.
There is minimal documentation so feel free to ask questions!
Additional details and free download -
FyberSearch Officially Launches the XML Search
Engine FeedPlex in Beta |
The XML search engine FeedPlex was acquired by
FyberSearch on November 1st 2004 and has now officially been
released in beta.
FeedPlex ( is a search engine that
returns results in XML format, including RSS and RDF. FeedPlex
was founded in the spring of 2004 by Sid Yadav and was acquired
by the web search engine FyberSearch on September 1st, 2004.
The XML files used in FeedPlex are crawled and cataloged by
the FyberSearch web crawler FyberSpider.
One bonus of having FyberSearch technology backing FeedPlex
is that incoming links from non-XML web pages can be taken
into consideration when ranking the XML files found in FeedPlex
search results. Without FyberSearch, FeedPlex would have to
crawl non-XML web pages for the sole purpose of counting the
outgoing links but could not display them in search results
because as they are not XML files. This would be a waste of
computer resources.
FyberSearch currently plans to continue developing FeedPlex
with many advanced features, some personalization tools and
a continuously growing index size. All feedback is appricated,
especially as FeedPlex is still in beta testing stage.
Try FeedPlex
Tips for Bloggers |
Tips for creating a blog.
There are no hard and fast rules on how to blog. Having said
that, bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following
some simple blog guidelines.
Complete Article - 10 Tips for Bloggers
The New York Times Company Reports's
Record-Breaking Traffic for March |
|'s RSS feeds generated 5.9 million
pageviews on the site in March, which represents a 342% increase
year over year and a 39% increase from February's 4.3 million
pageviews. The sections that were most popular among RSS feeds
included: Washington and Business. The feeds have been available
since February 2002.
Complete Article
NEW Podcast Directory - Podcasting Station |
Podcasting Station has launched a new podcast
directory. The directory allows users to search for podcasts
based on keywords. Users can optionally search items within
the podcast for specific podcasts.
All podcasts are categorized making it easier for users to
find podcasts on related topics, or topics of interest.
If you have a podcast be sure to submit it and select the appropriate category.
Make RSS Feeds |
This site contains a step by step tutorial detailing
how to make an RSS feed. It walks you throught the process
of feed creation.
Make RSS
RSS Categorized Search Directory |
RSS Network is a new categorized RSS search
engine. Submit your RSS feed and select the appropriate
Feeds are indexed and all items in the feed are searchable!
Microsoft Security Bulletins via RSS |
Microsoft is discontinuing its Security Updates
alert e-mail from July 2005 and implementing a RSS feed replacement.
Users should subscribe to this RSS feed for all security update
information released by Microsoft
Podcasting Works |
It has been said that in October of 2004 a Google
search returned less than 6,000 results for the term "podcasting".
Today, a similar search yields more than 857,000 results.
Like the blogging phenomenon, podcasting has come out of nowhere
and attracted an enthusiastic following.
Complete Article - Podcasting Works
Takes On Google News |
AP are "in negotiations" with Google over licensing
their content, which Google currently picks up gratis. In
an LA Times article that looks at the differences between
Yahoo News and Google News they mention that AP are not happy,
but not suing. Yet...
Gnomedex Focussed on RSS |
This year's Gnomedex scheduled for June 23-25,
2005 in Seattle, Washington will focus on the Grassroots of
RSS, Blogging, Podcasting, BitTorrent, Media!
Details at:
Another Way to Ammortize RSS Feeds |
Ambatch has launched a service, where it will
imbed your affiliate id in a topic specific RSS feed. You
can select the content or filter content based on keywords.
The ads served are all Clickbank products in an RSS feed,
and can be served to your website using a free PHP script or javascript.
The downside is the content quality is lacking - most items
listed are worded as "get rich quick schemes" none-the-less,
I hope more affiliate programs realizing the value of providing
content with dynamic urls for affiliates.
Conceptually this gets a two thumbs up!
Using RSS for Internal Corporate Communications |
ING employees are receiving a broad range of information
via RSS, from benefits updates to new-hire announcements.
If the experiment goes well—and why shouldn’t it?—RSS will
roll out to 20,000 employees by the end of the year.
The key benefit to employing RSS—at least from ING’s perspective—is
consistent delivery. The article recalls an instance when
new CEO Michael Tilmant sent an e-mail message to all employees,
but because some e-mail filters delayed delivery, not everyone
saw it at the same time. Using RSS also ensures delivery across
different information systems installed at different business
Submit RSS Feeds |
A new RSS directory is at RSS Network.
While the site includes a search function that searches both
feed items and titles it is designed with a directory structure
in mind making it easy to find topic specific RSS feeds.
Submit your RSS Feeds.
RSS is Google's Enemy? |
Google's greatest enemy isn't Bill Gates. It isn't
France, and it's not Yahoo!
According to this article by Steve Rubel, the search network's
biggest foe may very well be feeds.
While Yahoo! and MSN have both been riding shotgun on the
RSS Bandwagon, Google's held back with uncharacteristic reserve.
Is this the same company that holds innovation high on their
list of corporate values?
What Rubel calls the "aha" moment comes when you take a look
at the way Google views syndication in comparison to the mindsets
of its competitors. Unlike Yahoo! and MSN, Google is all about
attracting consumers, getting their AdWords dime, and then
hustling them out the door. Syndication feeds are used to
drive users to rather than from a site, thus Google's hesitation
to do anything that might interfere with that revenue model.
Rubel goes on to say the following:
Feeds may be Google's greatest enemy. If Google did offer
feeds that connected users with the information they are looking
for from the Web they would miss the opportunity to advertise
to them.
Like Rubel, we're sure Google has already got a handle on
a fix (contextual ads in feeds, perhaps?). They're just taking
their sweet time about it...
From SearchTools
RSS Is Not Only For Blogs |
Contrary to popular opinion, RSS is not only good
for delivering content from your blog, although blogs are
what made RSS so popular
In fact, RSS can be used to deliver a great variety of content
and content types. If you can break down your content in to
individual stories or individual pieces, you can deliver it
via RSS.
Complete Article
We've have been amassing quite a collection of
articles in an easy to navigate collection. The articles
each discuss different aspects and nuances related to RSS.
PubSub and Link Tracking |
PubSub has taken their mapping of blogs a step
further with a new link checker. The free service indicates
the number of incoming and outgoing links on a daily basis.
Check it out.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed