RSS Blog & RSS News
RSS Search Engines |
08/31/2005 | |
Search Engine Watch has a great article about
RSS Search, but they miss a lot of the smaller RSS search engines!
people mistakenly refer to RSS search as "blog search." While
it's true that many blogs offer RSS feeds (automatic feed
creation is a feature of most blogging software), not all
blogs have feeds. Furthermore, RSS can literally be used with
just about any kind of web-based content. RSS fundamentally is
a relatively simple specification that uses XML to organize
and format web-based content in a standard way.
While blogs arguably make up the
majority of RSS content, many news sites also syndicate
content via RSS—for example, Search Engine Watch is available
via RSS feeds.
But RSS feeds are
increasingly being used for other types of content. For
example, you can get RSS feeds with weather forecasts, company
news and financial information, package tracking and lots of
others. Even the venerable Yahoo Directory is available now
through RSS feeds.
FeedForAll Mac - Create, Edit and Publish
RSS on a Mac |
08/30/2005 | |
FeedForAll Mac, a software tool designed to
create, edit and publish RSS feeds and podcasts, has been
released by NotePage, Inc. Now, with FeedForAll Mac,
webmasters have the ability to create new RSS feeds and
podcasts from scratch. Publishers can also modify and enhance
existing RSS feeds and podcasts.
FeedForAll Mac has a
built-in wizard that makes creating and maintaining RSS feeds
easy. The software is designed to walk new users through the
RSS feed setup process, insuring ease of use and properly
formed feeds. Existing RSS feeds that are improperly formatted
are automatically repaired by FeedForAll Mac, ensuring that
all feeds used with FeedForAll Mac, conform to the RSS
More on FeedForAll Mac
PubSub Kicks Off Football Season With New
Service |
08/30/2005 | |
The 2005 National Football League season is
about to begin and the PubSub team has launched another
compilation of pre-built prospective searches (simply add to
your aggregator). This time queries are available for every
NFL team and for many players. PubSub Football is available here.
Pheedo Hosted Event - Measuring the
Blogosphere |
08/29/2005 | |
The current state-of-the art to measuring
popularity of blogs is to measure the number of links in/out
of from the blog. Link counting doesn't tell the entire story.
Mary Hodder will be leading a discussion on developing new
measures that would benefit readers, writers, advertisers, PR
practitioners and businesses wanting to engage bloggers and
RSS content producers.
Time and Date:
Tuesday, September 6 6:30pm - 7:00pm networking,
7-8:30pm Event
Location: Pheedo,
Inc 3601 San Pablo Ave 2nd Floor Emeryville, CA
Interesting Blog Post about FeedBurner
Tracking |
08/30/2005 | |
As some of you probably know, Feedburner
offers a full range of services to help you build awareness,
track circulation, and implement revenue-generating programs
in your RSS and ATOM feeds.
Tonight I
started reading Michael Geoghegan’s blog where he blogs about
the issues Leo port had with This Week in Tech podcast numbers
getting published in Friday’ s Information Week article about
Leo Laporte decided to stop
using Feedburner to serve feeds for all of his projects,
including the popular TWIT (This Week In Tech) podcast.
Apparently Leo had been experimenting with his Feed burner
settings and had inadvertently activated a Feedburner
Awareness API. (The API is off by default) It allows the
Feedbrner Subscriber numbers for a feed to be available to
third party apps, such as sites like Podfeed and PodNova, for
publicity and ranking purposes. Leo didn’t fully realize this
and was irritated when Rick Klau from Feedburner publicly
announced TWIT’s Feedburner subscriber numbers in an Interview
with Information Weekly. Eventually fences were mended but the
end result is that Feedburner has lost a pretty high profile
customer in a very public way and lots of folks have weighed
in on one side or the other.
Complete Article
BlogPulse Tracking Trends |
08/29/2005 | |
BlogPulse Profile has implemented some very
cool graphs that represent trends. The rank trend is
determined by the number of times the blog/feed is cited by
other bloggers over time. Rank is determined as a moving
average over 30 days.

FeedCombine script merges multiple
feeds |
08/29/2005 | |
Feedcombine is a script that will combine
multiple RSS feeds into one. You can set up as many combined
feeds as you want, either using the predefined links or by
entering your own favourites.
Newsweek Partners with
Technorati |
08/26/2005 | |
Technorati and Newsweek are working together to
provide readers excerpts of what bloggers are saying about
Newsweek articles as well as the most popular articles as
determined by blog links.
Additional Details
Orange Feed - Takes on Pheedo |
08/26/2005 | |
Orange Feed Ready to buy advertisements
in RSS feeds but don’t know where to find the feeds that will
deliver the strong results you desire? Orange Feed claims to
be the solution. Additionally OrangeFeed for Publishers serves
content relevant advertisements to your Website’s RSS
Orange Feed is taking on Pheedo a long
time player in the RSS Ad arena.
Tennis Loves RSS |
08/24/2005 | |
The US Open is now offering RSS feeds and will
soon be podcasting events.
Tracking the Middleast with RSS |
08/24/2005 | |
Asharq Al-Awsat a pan-Arab daily newspaper,
has RSS feeds available.
What is Wrong With a Single Standard or a
Single Name???? |
08/23/2005 | |
Not surprisingly, some ardent Atom supporters
did not like the article I wrote about RSS Winning the War . The article was not
intended to offend anyone, I don't dispute that Atom's format
might be a superior specification, but that point is
irrelevant if its not widely used. At this point, it appears
that RSS seems to have more clout behind it.
I stand
behind the fact that a single standard and a single name to
describe the standard, will go a long way to further
consumer adoption, understanding and even further the
availability of syndication tools.
We don't need RSS
3.0, we don't need web feeds, we don't need web clips - we
need a single standard, with a single purpose and a single
name. Let RSS become the defacto standard without needlessly
complicating it.
RSS Won the War |
08/22/2005 | |
I know that I'm going to see some resistance to
this article, as there are a number of people who feel the
Atom specification is superior to RSS, but in years past the
same could be said of the Apple Operating Systems to IBMs yet
DOS and Windows still prevail.
RSS Won The
Battle of the Syndication Standard RSS appears
to have conquered the last hurtle in becoming the industry
syndication standard.
Microsoft's inclusion of
RSS into the newest version of Internet Explorer and reports
that RSS will be in Longhorn's coming release appears to be
the final nail in the coffin of the Atom specification.
Complete Article - RSS
FeedForDev - RSS Component for Developers
Announced |
08/22/2005 | |
A 'Beta' release of NotePage's new FeedForDev
has been released. FeedForDev is a component that allows
developers to integrate RSS directly into their applications,
opening a channel of communication with their users.
FeedForDev is currently in beta. This means that the
product is stable, but does not yet contain all the features
planned for the final release. Nor does it contain all the
documentation. The purpose of the beta release is to solicit
feedback from users about the way the product works, and to
obtain feedback concerning the features that are included, or
should be included in a final release.
The FeedForDev
component is available in two forms: FeedForDev, a VCL
component for Delphi, and FeedForDevX, an ActiveX component
for most other development languages. Details and
Free Evaluation Download
Registration Required for RSS, What is the
Point? |
08/22/2005 | |
Publishers want to maximize their RSS
advertising revenue and users want full-content feeds.
Registration-required feeds may help them meet in the
MoonWatcher posted - "I'm building
this service now, and am looking for a group of feed
publishers to help me beta test it. The requirements are
simple: you must have an active feed (at least 50 subscribers,
please) that you're willing to put behind a
registration-required front end and you must have enough time
and interest to give me some meaningful feedback during the
trial period, which will last three weeks."
Personally I don't get it. What is the
point? The quality of the feed's content would have to be
something I really want, for me to
| Launches RSS Feeds for
Import/Export Professionals |
08/22/2005 | | a leading global business/trade
portal, today announced the launch of RSS feeds for
import/export professionals.
With this new program,
international buyers and sellers can now receive targeted,
industry specific RSS feeds of business
inquiries in real time. |
Blog Search Engine Threatens Ban of Blogger
Blogs |
08/22/2005 | |
"Mark Cuban—self-dubbed "blog maverick" and
owner of both the Weblog search engine IceRocket and the
Dallas Mavericks—has warned that those who use Google's free
Blogger service under the Blogspot domain may soon be kicked
out of IceRocket's search engine due to the insufferable
amounts of blog spam the free service produces."
Glad to see someone address this issue head
Robin Good Responds to my Copyright Debate
Article |
08/18/2005 | |
Robin Good raises some excellent points for
conservative RSS publishers, who wish to protect their content
and perhaps even profit from it.
Robin's Take on the Copyright Debate |
Forbes Says RSS is Hot; I think its on
Fire! |
08/18/2005 | |
"What's the hottest brand on the Web these
days? The orange RSS icon."
"Take a look at the
online sites of any major media company. You will see hundreds
of these icons offering RSS, or Really Simple Syndication,
which is a way to get information sent to you, such as
articles, classified ads (say from, hotel
schedules or even audio files (or podcasts)."
Complete Article
The article basically talks about how
much money is available for RSS, anyone want to buy me?
GoDaddy Goes to RSS |
08/18/2005 | |
Go Daddy says the feeds provide customers with
real-time access to domain auctions, news, product
announcements, newly issued press releases, information on
topics to be discussed on Radio Go Daddy and updates on Go
Daddy CEO Bob Parsons's blog |
Medical Reader - Interesting Way to Target
a Vertical Market |
08/17/2005 | |
MedReader is a RSS Reader and RSS Directory
specifically built for the Medical & Healthcare
Professional. This RSS reader resides on your desktop and
persistently searches for the most relevant information
catering to your specialty.
I've seen targeted RSS
directories like: Finance Investing and Security Protection but not wrapped with a
customized RSS reader, interesting
Changing RSS' Name |
08/17/2005 | |
Why do big companies need to rename things? What
is wrong with RSS?
Facts: RSS is XML, XML is
not necessarily RSS.
Definition: RSS is an
acronym for Really Simple Syndication and Rich Site Summary.
RSS is an XML-based format for content distribution. (more definitions)
web feed, news feed, feed, and possibly but not
always XML feed, data feed, content feeds.
Its a
standard it needs continuity not
Recent RSS Articles |
08/16/2005 | |
Take a look at some of the recent articles
published in the RSS Article Directory
The Copyright Debate & RSS - RSS is
commonly defined as really simple syndication. So, this means
that any material contained in a feed is available for
syndication, right? Well no, not exactly.
Do Marketers Really Need RSS? - The recent
Forrester Research study, which claims that only 2% of online
households in North America use RSS, took the internet
marketing world by storm. Does this data really mean that
marketers can still afford to ignore this channel?
The Future of RSS is Not Blogs - Blogs
vaulted RSS into the limelight but are unlikely to be the
force that sustains RSS as a communication medium. The biggest
opportunities for RSS are not in the blogosphere but as a
corporate communication channel.
RSS vs Email - Although RSS and blogs are
slowly reaching mainstream, they are still missuderstood by
most marketers in relation to eachother and in relation to
their relatives, e-zines and e-mail. How do these four really
relate and what does this mean for your internet marketing
Promote Your Blog - Well, you've joined the
others and have created a blog. It is time to tell the world
about your online journal. Most blog services generate an RSS
FeedDemon Selected in Software Hall of
Fame |
08/15/2005 | |
When it comes to technology awards, we are
usually treated to long-winded treatises by self-appointed
experts who don't really know a bit from a byte, and who
worship anything shiny and new. What we don't get is a rundown
of the best tech from all the grunts out there who use
computers day-to-day.
Top 10 Includes
Blogging Directories |
08/15/2005 | |
Blogtastic is a new blogging directory
accepting blog submissions. All blogs are manually approved
and must be in English in order to be included in the
Finding Blog is blog directory,
featuring free submission and claims fast approval.
Bulletize is blog directory, its
unclear however if you submit the url of the blog or the RSS
feed of the blog.
Blogs and RSS Feeds Should be
Meaningful |
08/15/2005 | |
For blogs, make sure the information is
“Why are people reading blogs?
To find news [they] can’t find elsewhere. You are competing
with The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,” Jarboe
said. “Why would someone want to read your content?”
The same goes for RSS feeds.
“As search marketers, we need to write
our search content so the feed is meaningful, and the content
is meaningful. Otherwise, somebody will just spin through it,”
said Amanda Watlington, with Searching for Profit.
Marketers need to write title tags for
RSS feeds much more clearly, she said.
RSS Article Issues a Wake Up
Call |
08/12/2005 | |
Bill Flitter of Pheedo article on CNET makes a
valid point and issues a warning to marketers and
Smart publishers need to wake up and
smell the RSS coffee because it's not just a flavor-of-the-day
trend for bloggers. RSS is a permanent and fundamental change
in the way content is delivered and experienced online. If
they don't watch out, their Web sites just might die along
with the traditional viewership model.
to the age of consumer-controlled media.
Complete Article
Donald Trump Launches Blog As Latest Media
Venture |
08/11/2005 | |
Add online blogger to the list of media ventures
on the resume of real-estate mogul and reality TV star Donald
Trump's eponymous blog, which is subtitled
"ideas and opinions from Donald Trump and his circle of
experts," is connected to Trump
University, an online education Web site begun in late
May. |
RSS Click Through Rates
Staggering! |
08/10/2005 | |
A recent article on WebProNews illustrated the staggering rates
that publishers are seeing with regards to click through on
RSS feed items.
With a 6.43 CTR, it's 500% better
than email and it's a proven traffic and sales generator. You
don't get caught by spam filters.
marketer or publisher reading the above comment is clearly
missing the boat if they have not integrated RSS into their
marketing plans.
Google News Has Added RSS Feed
Searches |
08/09/2005 | |
Finally Google has added the ability to search
Google News and receive updates via an RSS Feed. Here is how
it works:
1. Conduct a keyword search with Google News 2. To the left of the results
there is text that says RSS | Atom , if you click RSS you will
get the RSS feed for that keyword search. Simply add it to
your reader.
You can now monitor Google News based on
specific keywords or ego searches.
The Network Second Layer: RSS
Newsmastering |
08/08/2005 | |
Learn about RSS Newsmastering from Robin
I have been using the existing network in
order to collect, organize, and redistribute information.
In a certain sense, what I have been
building is the equivalent of an airport hub or freeway
interchange, a place where many strands of the network come
together, are reorganized, and
Turn your RSS Feeds into a Search Engine
Friendly HTML Web Pages |
08/04/2005 | |
Turn your RSS feeds into a search engine
friendly html web page using RSS2HTML.php.
The new rss2html.php
script helps webmasters syndicate content contained in RSS
feeds. Using rss2html.php webmasters can customize the format
and look of the web page created from the RSS feed. The RSS
feed's contents can easily be integrated into an existing
website's theme. The rss2html.php script parses the RSS file,
extracts the pertinent information, formats it, and serves it
up as regular HTML.
The new version of rss2html.php
has new options to allow it to run on secure web servers. It
can be run on any webserver that can run PHP scripts, and it
support feeds in the RSS 2.0, 1.0, .93, .92, .91, and .90
format. The new version optionally uses curl rather than
fopen, to address any security concerns that webmasters might
FeedBurner Strips HyperLinks |
08/04/2005 | |
According to Tim Yang's blog Feedburner’s summary burner.
Basically the summary burner “strips hyperlinks, truncates
content, adds teaser message to each feed item”. For those who
build feed in order to syndicate their content are likely not
going to be happy to have hyperlinks stripped. I don' t know
that this "feature" is going to be
FeedForDev Beta - Component for Developers
to Use RSS in Applications |
08/02/2005 | |
Consider signing up to beta FeedForDev, a new
tool for Software developers that allow authors to actively
communicate with their users, from within their software,
using RSS! A beta release is imminent sign-up to receive
One Blog Created Every Second! |
08/02/2005 | |
The blogosphere is continuing to grow, with a
weblog created every second, according to blog trackers
Technorati. In its latest State of the Blogosphere
report, it said the number of blogs it was tracking now stood
at more than 14.2m blogs, up from 7.8m in March.
It suggests, on average, the number of
blogs is doubling every five months.
Complete Article
Reminder of Places to Submit your RSS
Feeds |
08/01/2005 | |
The following are good places to submit your RSS
RSS Network - simply select the appropriate
category (feeds are usually added within 24-48 hours) keyword
stuffed spam feeds are rejected. RSS Locator - simply submit the url of the
feed via email
Podcasting Station - only submit podcasts and
select the appropriate category
Investing - strictly for finance and investment related
RSS feeds all others will be rejected. Security Protection - strictly for security
and protection related feeds, any other topics will be
Other resources for submitting RSS feeds can be found on RSS
Very cool online tool to convert RSS feeds to PDF
documents. While the tool is very cool I'm still trying to
determine what the practical use is. Drop me a note if you
have any ideas!
Blogger Site Hacked |
08/01/2005 | |
Google's Blogger site, has been hacked. The
hackers have demonstrated their skills by defacing and
granting admin priveleges to all members of blogger on
Google's own "Blogger Dev Network Blog" according to Dirson
today. |
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed