RSS Blog & RSS News
BlogOrlando Another Unconference |
This free event is open to bloggers and non-bloggers
alike from Florida and anywhere else. Discussions will center blogging,
podcasting, public relations, social media, citizen’s journalism
and other related topics.
In addition to the Friday event some outings at
the local theme parks have been planned.. This event is as
much a social/family gathering as it is a ‘work’ gathering,
so bring the family (kids included).
Sept 22-24, Orlando Florida
New RSS Feed Management and Podcast Creation
Software for Mac |
FeedForAll Mac has been launched and it incorporates
unified publishing, allowing publishers to upload a feed along
with enclosure files.
The new version of the software includes integrated support
for all namespaces, including iTunes, Dublin Core and MediaRSS.
Additional details and a download are freely available.
GoogleBase Has RSS Button |
Google Base results pages are now displaying an
RSS button. The button is an RSS feed icon, that links to
RSS results for that query refinement in Google Base.
Attention Data and RSS |
I recently ran into Nick Bradbury (of FeedDemon
fame) at the Shareware Industry Conference. It is always
fun to catch up with Nick, and discuss changes in the industry.
While Nick does not favor RSS over Atom (or vice versa), we
both agree that from a development perspective a single standard
makes adoption easier.
We also had a great discussion about Attention
Data and large companies, like Google amassing data . Nick has some interesting
thoughts about shared data and I am interested to see how
he incorporates those thoughts into future development.
In any event it was great catching up, even if Nick's inlaws
named a goat after him, he is a really good guy! :-)

RSS Experiment |
Full Feed experiment from PocketPC:
We've changed our RSS feed here at Pocket PC Thoughts,
because I wanted to try an experiment. Since RSS became popular,
there's always been the tension between publisher and reader.
The reader wants to take full advantage of RSS, meaning they
want to get 100% of the content in their RSS reader so they
don't have to visit the site.
What Version of RSS |
From Kbcafe:
Hans Mestrum asked his readers what protocol he should
use for syndiation. He sent me the results of his poll.
RSS 2.0 - 68%
Does not matter - 22%
OPML - 18%
Atom 1.0 - 11%
RSS 3.0 - 3%
RSS 1.0 - 0%
Feedster Announcements |
Feedster, Inc., has announced that
Tyler Goldman will join its Board of Directors and become
acting president. Mr. Goldman was previously Senior VP of
Corporate & Business Development at Movielink, and founder
and CEO of Broadband Sports, Inc. Former president,
Chris Redlitz, left to pursue interests in earlier stage companies.
Complete PR
FeedBurner Makes Acquisition |
FeedBurner appears to beefing up the statistical
information that they provide clients. From the FeedBurner
In the syndicated content solar system in which the FeedBurner
orb spins, it helps to occasionally venture out of our galaxy
in search of intelligent life and integrated product offerings.
Long story short, we have acquired Blogbeat. In our quest to provide our publishers
with a comprehensive picture of how content is distributed
and consumed, we liked the fact that Blogbeat uses the feed
to gather additional information about the blog. We have been
interested in expanding our combined site/feed view since
FeedFlare got going some months ago, and Blogbeat will give
us the ability to provide publishers with a more thorough
statistics picture.
Customers Demand RSS Feeds |
| rep or ts that their RSS traffic
is 'rising month after month by orders of magnitude', even
though they are barely promoting their RSS feeds.
Locate Feeds on Specific Categories |
A variety of RSS search engines that are specific
to various industries are cropping up.
RSS4Medics - all medical rss feeds
Investing - all financial rss feeds
Religious Podcasts - all podcasts related to
Realty Feeds - all feeds are related to homes
for sale or apartments
Security Protection - all rss feeds contain
security alerts, warnings or related security information
Blogger Earns a House |
Taking a paper clip and turning it into a house
sounds like a cheesy magic trick or a phony instance of resourcefulness
on the 1980s TV show "MacGyver."
Kyle MacDonald, however, has pulled it off.
One year ago, the 26-year-old blogger from Montreal set out
to barter one red paper clip for something and that thing
for something else, over and over again until he had a house.
On Wednesday the quest is ending as envisioned: MacDonald
is due to become the proud owner of a three-bedroom, 1,100-square-foot
home provided by the town of Kipling, Saskatchewan.
Paperclip to a House!
RSS Feed Crazy |
Robin Stanton wrote a great piece about RSS.
Wow, I just did a search on Google for “RSS Feed Statistics”
and man oh man, everyone has an RSS feed. ESPN has one, The
Government has one,, even Microsoft has implemented
an RSS feed for their new Vista operating system, and the
list just goes on for days, well at least 10 pages worth on
Did we tune out too quickly on the RSS feed craze? Well,
a year ago, we did…
Complete Article
Octora A New Breed of RSS Search |
Octora is a new RSS search engine that is currently
in beta. Enter a tag (or keyword) and Octora will find all
RSS feeds related to that keyword.
It seems to be the melding of social bookmarking (and tagging
and RSS search). Interesting concept but really not very different
from keyword searching that users are accustom to on sites
like RSS
Network .
NewsGator Roadmap |
NewsGator a popular RSS reader that focuses on
syncing syndication from various readers has posted a corporate
roadmap. Part1 discusses the history and Part II discusses future plans.
Standard OPML Icon Proposed |
Chris Pirillo has proposed a standard icon be
used for designating OPML files. The following is the proposed

Chris is looking for comments and feedback as to there thoughts
on the proposed icon. Apparently Dave Winer did not love it
but suggested getting feedback from other users.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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2004 Blog
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed