RSS Blog & RSS News
Podcasting Rewards |
Getting started with podcasting is a relatively
inexpensive venture. The equipment and software required for
podcasting is inexpensive for a business contemplating podcasting
as a new marketing and communication adventure.
Required Equipment
1. A Computer Capable of Recording Audio
2. Recording and Editing Software (RecordForAll Suggested - US$39.00)
3. Podcast Creation Software (FeedForAll
Suggested - US$39.00)
4. A Microphone
5. A Recording Location (quiet, without any echo)
Reaping The Podcasting Rewards
The Associated Press Looking to Develop Blogging
Guidelines |
The Associated Press, following criticism from
bloggers over an AP assertion of copyright, plans to meet
this week with a bloggers group to help form guidelines under
which AP news stories could be quoted online.
Jim Kennedy, the APs director of strategic planning, said
Monday that he planned to meet Thursday with Robert Cox, president
of the Media Bloggers Association, as part of an effort to
create standards for online use of AP stories by bloggers
that would protect AP content without discouraging bloggers
from legitimately quoting from it.
complete article
The Attributes of a Perfect Link |
Webmasters are given the advice that they must
attract links, but the key is not just to attract links...
they need to attract good links. But what is the perfect link?
The search for the perfect link need not be a quest in vain.
Consider the following when attempting to attract links...
The Attributes of a Perfect Link
Podcast Consumer Profile |
Podcast consumers are more likely to have a college
degree and earn in excess of $75,000. They are also more frequent
online shoppers and spend more money online than other Americans.
These consumers are also adverse to interruption based advertising
and use pop up blockers, SPAM filters and other tools to block
out commercials.
Consumer Profile
Google RSS to HTML Wizard |
Embed a Dynamic Feed Control on your web page
and let your users see customized views of the feeds. Customize
how the dynamic feed control should be displayed, and the
Google wizard will write the code for you.
FEMA Adds RSS Feeds |
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has
added RSS Feeds. Now you can receive emergency alerts
via RSS.
Government Website Improvements |
Government web sites have been a joke for almost
as long as there have been web sites. They tend to be slow,
clunky, and far behind their private-sector counterparts.
All three presidential candidates have signaled that they
want the federal government to make better use of the Internet,
but there is a real danger that the next administration will
simply add another coat of lipstick to a very ugly pig.
A new paper from researchers at Princeton University suggests
a different strategy.
The focus should be on providing raw public data such as regulatory
decisions, Congressional votes, and campaign finance data
in open, structured formats such as RSS and XML. This raw
data would be made freely and publicly available to anyone
who wanted it and could be used for any purpose.
complete article
Times Gets Web 2.0 |
Paul Bradshaw is not a psychologist. He just plays
one on the Internet.
Calling himself an amateur psychotherapist to the blogerati,
the U.K. blogger has identified common psychological complaints
of bloggers and social media addicts as they adapt to the
demands of new technologies.
Among them:
-- Comment guilt: Feelings of worthlessness and frustration
that they don't comment more frequently on other peoples blogs.
-- Twitter rage: Extreme psychopathic episodes directed at
microblogging service outages (the most acute case currently
being studied: TechCrunchs Mike Arrington)
-- Twitterhoeia: The uncontrollable urge to share mundane
experiences with Twitter followers (Arrington currently taking
part in a case study)
-- Six degrees of separation syndrome (also known as Robert
Scoble multiple personality disorder): The delusion that he
or she is just one friend removed from anyone else in the
world and compulsively adds friends on social networks
-- RSS reader Sisyphus complex: No matter how much time is
spent checking RSS reader, there are still 8,978 posts unread.
complete article
RSS Advertising Growth |
Pheedo, the leading provider of RSS advertising,
today announced that Gawker Media, publisher of several of
the webs most popular media properties including Gizmodo and
Lifehacker, experienced more than 300 percent growth in RSS
advertising revenue in the first quarter of 2008.
complete release
China Unable to Stop Content Flow |
China is now home to the worlds largest number
of Internet and mobile phone users, and their hunger for quake
news is forcing the government to let information flow in
ways it has not before.
Almost nonstop, the uncensored opinions of Chinese citizens
are popping up online, sent by text and instant message across
a country shaken by its worst earthquake in three decades.
Who Owns Content? |
PC Mag takes on the question of who owns content, especially where
RSS Feeds are concerned:
Every day people put virtual truckloads of information
into the public domain. Books are published. Newspapers printed.
A lot of that ends up on the Internet as well, along with
the words of bloggers and other online denizens. All of these
people make content public so that others can hopefully benefit
from it.
Once it is out in the public domain, who owns it? Well,
the author of course, or in some cases, their employers. That
makes sense when we're talking about a web Wage. But sometimes,
in order to make it easier for people to find and read the
information, it is delivered as an RSS feed. RSS breaks down
the information into article-sized chunks and streams it out
so that news-reading tools can grab it and display it for
Create your own TV RSS Feed using MyTVRSS. Select your favorite
shows below, and then click Create feed to generate
your own personalized RSS feed. We will then alert you through
the RSS feed the day an episode is aired.
National Intelligence Adopts RSS |
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence,
which controls 16 federal agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence
community, is engaged in a technological revolution of sorts.
On at least one technological front, the office on Tuesday
broke out an RSS feed on its
flashy, newly designed public web site.
Job Seeking RSS Feeds |
A guide for using RSS feeds for jobseeking.
By their very nature, regularly updated sites that advertise
jobs are ideal platforms for RSS technology. The feeds should
be categorised or customisable to your interests and always
be free for you to access. Jobseeking is an ideal candidate
for RSS technology.
more on RSS for Jobseeking
Choose a Domain |
Choosing a domain is one of the first steps
in establishing an online presence. Changing a domain after-the-fact
can be time consuming, and can be harmful to search engine
ranking, so it is best to get it right the first time around.
Follow these simple steps to select a domain name that will
represent your online brand...
Choose a Domain
Dilbert Goes RSS |
The new offers the poupular comic via
RSS Feeds.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
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