RSS Blog & RSS News
Education and RSS |
Academia has embraced RSS as a means to educate,
but scrutinizing how educational institutions are using RSS
feeds in their daily routines show RSS is utilized can vary
across different industries.
1. Share Resources
Academics are using social bookmarking websites to share quality
websites that relate to their area of expertise with colleagues
and students.
2. Class Blogs
From elementary schools to university blogs, online journals
have flourished. Instructors have used blogging as a teaching
tool. Helping students learn writing and reporting skills
while understanding how to use technology. Many educational
bloggers use RSS as a means to syndicate blog posts.
3. School Schedule Sports Schedule
RSS feeds can be used to communicate events scheduled on or
off campus to prospective and existing students. Subscribes
of a schools calendar feed receive notification as new items
are added to the calendar.
RSS and Education
FeedBurner Interview on Search Engine Watch |
Discussions about full and partial feeds emerge
in an interview with Rick Klau from FeedBurner.
Whats Up Feed Monitoring |
Whats Up is a graduation project, but they
might have some trademark issues with the popular network
monitoring software by the same name - WhatsUp
Whats Up? is an application that tracks a large number
of RSS news feeds. The sources of these feeds are displayed
on this world map. Whenever any of the news feeds releases
a new article, its title immediately pops up. Instead of listing
previously released news, this application shows news as it
is released, so you can see what is up right at this moment
in the world.
Why Did Google Purchase FeedBurner? |
Feedburner currently manages 721,000 feeds from
423,000 publishers, including many major mainstream news publications,
including USA Today, Dow Jones and Reuters.
Worth 100 million dollars? Google thinks so.
Firefox and RSS |
This is a complete guide to Firefox and RSS.
Although many seasoned RSS users have a standalone RSS
reader of choice, many people use Firefox to read their RSS
feeds. Besides the standard Live Bookmark feature, there are
several more advanced RSS addons for Firefox out there, some
of them being developed for years now. Time to round them
up and see what they have to offer.
Great RSS Usage |
This stock photo website uses RSS to notify subscribers
when new photos are added to the website. Subscribers can
choose feeds based on categories or subscribe to see all the
newest photos.
Stock Photo Feeds
URLFan RSS Ranking Website |
URLFan takes on Alexa using a different algo
to rank websites. According to their website URLFan is an
evolving experiment designed to discover what websites the
blogosphere is discussing all in real time. It does this by
cultivating the content of thousands of RSS feeds and parsing
billions of pieces of information.
BlueSky Bought RSSFwd |
Blue Sky Factory, an email marketing service providers,
announced that it has acquired RSSFWD, a provider
of RSS to email technology solutions. The RSSFWD service converts
RSS content into HTML email format, and deploys updated content
directly to the inbox of subscribers. Currently utilized by
more than 30,000 active and unique users, the service polls
more than 32,000 unique RSS feeds, deploying 4 million emails
per month worldwide. Blue Sky Factory will operate RSSFWD
as an autonomous service as a complement to their current
MonitorThis! - OPML of Ego Feeds |
Ego searches have increased in popularity and
more and more businesses are using them to monitor publicity.
MonitorThis allows you to setup ego search
feeds with 22 different engines at the same time. It creates
an OPML file for each of the engines.
Another option is to merge all the feeds using a tool like
RSSmesh so you have all the ego feeds in a
single feed. You can even filter out duplicates.
Feed Displaying Service |
| is a free service that uses different
layouts and templates to display the contents of RSS feeds
as HTML web pages.
More on Ego RSS Search Feeds |
Setup ego search feeds and receive notification
any time a specific brand, product name, company name, or
word is mentioned in major search engines or blog engines.
Actionable Tips on How to Create a Podcast
Interview |
Conducting a successful podcast interview can
be a tricky proposition for a podcaster starting out. Once
you have determined individuals that will appeal to your target
audience contact potential interviewees and arrange a time
to conduct the interview. Following this guide will insure
that the interview goes off without a hitch.
How to Conduct Podcast Interview
RSS Helps Communication Barrier Between Parent
and Child |
It is an age old dialogue: A parent asks a child
what he did in school and hears...nothing.
Staff members at Col. Mitchell Paige Middle School are making
it easier for parents to discover what goes on there day to
In moves considered to be progressive by county and state
officials, the school's technology department staffers have
added RSS feeds and podcasts to the school Web site. Now,
parents can subscribe to RSS feeds that deliver updates from
the school's Web pages to their computers, and they can listen
to class lessons via podcasts, or Web broadcasts.
complete article
Laws for Bloggers |
This is a GREAT recap of laws for bloggers, additionally the
power gives a nonsense tips to stay out of trouble.
While the Internet still retains some of the wild wild
west feel, increasingly Internet activity, and particular
blogging, is being shaped and governed by state and federal
laws. For US bloggers in particular, blogging has become a
veritable land mine of potential legal issues, and the situation
isn’t helped by the fact that the law in this area is constantly
in flux. In this article we highlight twelve of the most important
US laws when it comes to blogging and provide some simple
and straightforward tips for safely navigating them.
News Sites Have Poor RSS Implementation |
A new study from the International Center for
Media and Public Agenda, looking at 19 top news sites, released
today concludes that RSS feeds work very poorly for anyone
who uses news for more than infotainment.
Cited as among the best users of RSS: The Los Angeles Times,
ABC News, Christian Science Monitor, BBC World Service and
Fox News.
Among the worst: Al Jazeera, The Guardian and The New York
complete article
New Digg Feed Tool |
DiggReSS is an alternative RSS 2.0 feed for
Each feed item:
links directly to the article
displays the domain of the article as the author
displays the current number of Diggs
displays the current number of comments (and links to the
Digg page)
provides links to DuggMirror, DotCache, Coral Cache, and Google
optionally embeds videos from Youtube, Google Video, and Metacafe
directly in the feed
can be filtered out based on the number of Diggs, by setting
minimum and/or maximum limits
PHP Script for RSS Filtering |
RSSFilter is a PHP script that filters the
contents of an RSS feed. The filters can be defined by the
publisher so that the resulting RSS feed contains only the
information they want. RSSFilter uses rules to filter the
items that are included from a feed in the resulting feed.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
Blog Post Archive
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RSS Blog
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2007 RSS Blog
2006 RSS Blog
2006 RSS Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
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May 2006
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March 2006
2006 Blog
2006 Blog
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2005 Blog
2005 Blog
2005 Blog
July 2005
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2005 Blog
2005 Blog
January 2005 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed