RSS Blog & RSS News
New Version FeedDemon |
03/29/2006 | |
Nick Bradbury has just released a new version of
FEC Won't Regulate Online
Politics |
03/29/2006 | |
Regulators brought Internet political
advertising under the nation's campaign finance law Monday but
declared that all other political activity on the Internet
would be untethered by federal
Kremlin Has Feeds! |
03/27/2006 | |
The Kremlin has RSS feeds available.
President of Russia’s official website offers RSS channels
for the majority of the most frequently updated content
sections News, Presidential Speeches and Addresses, Press
Releases and more.
Feed Validator and Alternatives |
03/27/2006 | |
There is a post on Dive Into the Mark that discusses the results
being put up from one of the more popular feed validation
This is an issue we've discussed a lot lately
and there are other feed validation alternatives.
Political Results via RSS? |
03/23/2006 | | introduced Illinois Election
Results via RSS!
EBay and Amazon Push RSS |
03/23/2006 | |
EBay and this week announced
extensions to their content syndication capabilities, the
latest example of e-commerce players using this popular
technology to facilitate the flow of product information to
potential buyers in order to help spur sales.
EBay now lets its Web-site visitors
create content-syndication feeds for searches they conduct on
its online marketplace, the company said this week. When
shoppers use the eBay search engine, they now get the option
of adding the query to their favorite content syndication
aggregator as an RSS feed.
Free RSS Tools |
03/22/2006 | |
These have been around awhile but are worth
mentioning again:
RSS2HTML - a free website for displaying RSS
feeds as HTML website. If you prefer you can download the free
rss2html.php script to use on your
Free RSS Button Generator - create custom
buttons that coordinate with the color and theme of your
Make RSS Feeds - step by step tutorial to
hand create RSS feeds that follow specifications.
RSS PDF - the Business Case for RSS
downloadable educational pdf from Rok Hrastnik, contains lots
of information.
RSS and Social Bookmarking |
03/20/2006 | |
Delicious is a social bookmarking system, that
is notable, not only for its unusual web address, but for its unusual approach to content
building that is becoming increasingly popular. In order to
ease the burden of producing consistent stream of fresh
content, publishers are turning to users to build, categorize
and qualify content. While this is said to be part of the web
2.0 phenomenon, publishers realize the value of collaboration.
Social bookmarking allows users to qualify content.
With Delicious, each "bookmark" of a specific webpage is seen
as a vote of confidence. The more people who bookmark a
specific webpage, the more credible the webpage is viewed.
In addition to bookmarking a webpage, users "tag" the
webpage. The tags are simply single word keywords that relate
to the contents of the webpage. The tagging associates
keywords with the webpage's content, making it easier to
categorize and classify the content of the webpage. If
everyone bookmarking a page uses similar keyword tags, the
webpage will be classified as a credible resource in a
specific category.
RSS and Social
Car Inventory Via RSS Feed |
03/20/2006 | |
In an effort to better serve automobile shoppers
on the Internet, Cherry Hill Triplex has made
available from their website RSS feeds for current new and
used vehicle inventory.
"By offering RSS
feeds we're giving the Internet car shopper an opportunity to
keep an eye on our inventory every day without having to come
to our site and actually perform a search for a specific
vehicle." Said Dave Damiani, Internet Manager for Cherry Hill
RSS Scripts Directory |
03/15/2006 | |
A new RSS Scripts Directory has been launched. The
RSS Scripts Directory contains helpful scripts for managing,
manipulating and converting RSS feeds. The intent of the the
RSS Scripts Directory is to help users fully realize the
potential and functionality of the RSS specification.
NotePage's FeedForAll division has developed a
collection of tools to assist publishers interested in
syndication. Current scripts contained in the directory
include RSS Cache, FutureRSS, and RSSmesh. The RSS Cache
script module expedites the retrieval and conversion of RSS
feeds into html web pages. The FutureRSS script enables
webmasters to prepare content for their RSS feeds in advance,
and have it automatically appear at the desired date and time.
The RSSmesh script allows for multiple RSS feeds to be merged
into a single RSS feed. All of the scripts dynamically
manipulate the RSS feeds, so all management occurs in
NewsGator Aquires Mobile RSS
Readers |
03/15/2006 | |
NewsGator Technologies, Inc., has acquired
the Windows Mobile reader (formerly called SmartRead) and
SmartFeed, a mobile podcatching application. Kevin Cawley,
creator of the products, has joined the NewsGator team to
oversee the company's mobile product development.
John Palfrey Raises Great Issues Related to
RSS Copyright Concerns |
03/14/2006 | |
John Palfrey has acknowledged the issues that
surround RSS and feed syndication with regards to copyrights.
He proposes a concept for a Creative Commons like
What is not clear is whether it would
require a namespace declaration or if the copyright tag would
be expanded to cover permissions.
Looks like a great
starting point. The copyright debate has raged on and
discussions addressing the concerns are a definite step in the
right direction.
FeedValidator Broken? |
03/13/2006 | |
Ok, well its not really broken, but its posting
errors based on the new draft of the RSS
Board's specification rather than the Harvard Law Spec.
"item should contain a guid
The Harvard Spec recommends GUID in the
comments section of the specification, but "recommends" is
very different than "should", and it is causing problems for
feed generation tools.
The suggested solution, check
the version of RSS used in the feed and base the validation on
the RSS version, this can be done by analyzing either the
version tag or the docs tag. An alternative solution,
optionally allow the person submitting the feed to select
whether they wish to validate against the Harvard Spec or the
RSS Board spec.
Changing the validator based on a
draft spec, isn't doing anyone any favors and is causing the
makers of feed creation tools support headaches.
Microsoft Offers Users RSS News Feeds on
Windows Marketplace |
03/10/2006 | |
As a benefit to the millions of Windows users
accessing the Windows
Marketplace the site recently announced the availability
of RSS as an ideal way for users to stay updated about new
product releases, updates, and the latest technology and
product announcements from leading Windows Community sites.
With more users becoming aware of RSS through blogging, RSS is
rapidly becoming the method of choice for receiving news.
Windows Marketplace RSS feeds can easily be added to a
user's home page portal on MyMSN,, MyYahoo, other
favorite RSS aggregators or news readers, and is also
supported in many browsers. You can download one of two free
preferred news readers (Active Web Reader or Pluck) which come
pre-configured with all 19 Windows Marketplace RSS feeds,
allowing users to immediately stay informed about new product
offerings from hundreds of companies and over 103,000
products. Or, you can add them to your favorite news reader.
Over 97% of the products listed on the Windows
Marketplace hail from leading software and hardware vendors,
other than Microsoft, whose products make the Windows
ecosystem such a rich environment for Windows users.
New RSSmesh Script |
03/06/2006 | |
RSSmesh is a PHP script that enables
webmasters to merge the contents of multiple RSS feeds into a
single feed.
The RSSmesh script can be used with any RSS 2.0
feed, and allows webmasters to select the number of items they
want to include from each source RSS feed. Advanced caching
technology is also built in, caching both the source and
destination feeds, resulting in reduced bandwith usage
and increased download
RSS Board Support for Common Feed
Icon |
03/06/2006 | |
Rogers Cadenhead has posted a motion to support
"the" common feed icon. Just curious how does this relate to
the RSS Board charter? How does it relate to their "roadmap"?
The common feed icon, is fairly new and not the standard
"orange" flag that has graced many feeds and podcasts for
years. Why endorse this specific movement over any others?
Because big companies like Microsoft do?
Personally I
found the icon trivial, its like the animated mailbox with the
flag going up to indicate an email address on a website, the
icon will evolve over time as the web and mailbox have.
If the board is going to clarify spec they should do
it, the charter has nothing to do with endorsing an icon or
endorsing a specific validator over another. What will happen
when they endorse one reader over another or one creation tool
over another... |
FeedBurner Statistics Updated |
03/06/2006 | |
FeedBurner, has updated its statistics service
to provide even more detailed metrics about feed
subscriptions. The upgrade to FeedBurner’s StandardStats and
TotalStats services includes the ability to track downloads of
podcasts and videocasts and to identify where content is being
syndicated beyond a feed’s subscriber base.
upgrade adds significant functionality for publishers using
both FeedBurner’s free StandardStats service and its
premium, Pro package called TotalStats.
More Info
ScoopGO RSS Search |
03/06/2006 | |
According to the ScoopGo
Many people often search for news
when they search the internet. But most search engines do not
update their database every day. So they bring you old news.
There is a solution: you can use Google News, or use search
engines that search RSS feeds. But: there are currenly over 21
million weblogs, and over 10 million websites publishing rss
feeds and news. No wonder you don't always get the results you
ScoopGO! lets you search through
the feeds of websites you choose by creating personal search
engines: 'Scoops'. You only get realtime results from sources
you believe are worth following. No more spam, no more old
I'm not sure how it is different from
Monetizing RSS Feeds |
03/01/2006 | |
Publishers are evaluating options and
determining how they can profit from RSS feeds. The two
obvious contenders that publishers are considering to profit
from their RSS feeds are: subscription RSS feeds and RSS feed
Subscription feeds are designed so that
subscription fees are charged for unique quality content.
Publisher include teaser copy in the RSS feed and readers have
to purchase a subscription to see the content in its entirety.
The New York Times was the first to introduce the subscription
model. Initially the NY Times faced some resentment from users
who had become accustom to free RSS based content, but
ultimately consumers realize that businesses must achieve
profits in order to continue.
Monetizing RSS
Commentary on RSS Specification |
03/01/2006 | |
Commentary - I've been reading Dave Winer's
commentary and I have to agree. Giving companies with
commercial interest, influence over the specification gives
them not only an unfair advantage but will further create
marketplace confusion over the specification. I'll reiterate
what I said the last thing the industry needs is another
splintered specification. |
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed