RSS Blog & RSS News
Search for a blog, add your own blog, or grab
an RSS feed on the blog topic of your choice. Blog Search
is a new service launched Jayde Online.
Amazon Price Watch Feed Creator |
Do you want to keep an eye on your
wishlist or a particular item, want to
be informed whether and how much the price has been changed,
but don't have the time?
The tools at Watchcow allows
users to paste in the URL of an Amazon wishlist or a single
product page and build a feed for syndication.
FeedCombine - Meshes Feeds By Providing a
New Url |
You can customize a feed by meshing multiple feeds
into a single content stream. Simply enter the urls of the
feeds, select the entries per feed you would like included
in the new feed and generate a new feed url.
The combined url will pull entries from all the feeds designated.
More on FeedCombine
PubSub Blog Submission |
Add your blog to PubSub. After a blog is listed
with PubSub, all new entries will be instantly matched against
all the subscriptions in the PubSub user base and they
will notify users them within seconds that you've got something
relevant to say.
Details - PubSub
Blog Submit
Ideas for RSS News Aggregators |
Robert Scoble has done a nice job summarizing
improvements that he would like to see in news aggregation
Feature request for RSS News Aggregators: I want to be
able to "clean up" my feed subscription list. I want to remove
any RSS feed that hasn't published in the past XX days (default
to 30).
Or, someone could write me a service. I upload an OPML
file and it checks to see if anything was published to each
of the feeds included within in the past XX days. If not,
it deletes the feed and lets me download the new, cleaned,
OPML file.
While we're thinking about such things, how about this?
I import an OPML file with a list of feeds, say 1000 feeds.
Then it looks at my list of feeds and finds me the 100 most
common links from those feeds. That probably would give me
a list of new feeds I'd like to check out.
Read all RSS Aggregator Suggestions and Comments
Bloglines Developing a Blog Search Engine |
In an interview, Mark Fletcher, the CEO of Bloglines
(now a division of AskJeeves) says that his company will release
a blog search engine this summer which will surpass the likes
of Technorati, Feedster, and PubSub. “The challenge,” he says,
“is to create world-class blog search, which we don’t think
exists now.”
Bloglines is one of the most popular online news aggregator
but faces strong competition from emerging players like Pluck,
Newsgator, Microsoft’s and even Findory which learns
from the articles you read and surfaces other interesting
weblog posts and news articles.
Complete Article
Another Syndicate Conference |
IDG World Expo, the leading producer of world-class
tradeshows, conferences and events for technology markets,
and FuelDog Events, a developer of tradeshow concepts and
technology, announced the successful completion of Syndicate(TM),
held May 17-18, 2005 at New York City's Marriott Marquis.
Due to the success of this inaugural event focused on the
business implications of RSS and blogging, it was also announced
that Syndicate will be expanded to include a West Coast version
of the conference. The West Coast event is scheduled to take
place December 12-14, 2005 at the Argent Hotel in San
Using podcasting tools broadcasters, publishers
and webmasters can increase their audience and reach.
Complete Article on Podcast Tools
French commission: Say 'non' to blogs |
Gotta Love the French -
France's Commission generale de terminologie et de neologie
words to link wants to replace the use of the term blog with
The Commission is charged with protecting and enriching
the French language. In proposing the substitution of bloc-notes
for "blog," the commission said it would be acceptable to
use the abbreviation bloc.
Complete Article
RSS Sets Its Sights on the Enterprise |
If there's any doubt that XML-based syndication,
commonly called RSS, is impacting more than the legion of
Webloggers who have helped to popularize it, look no further
than the New York Times.
The online companion to the Gray Lady has watched the popularity
of its RSS feeds grow from a mere half-million page views
to 7 million since late 2003, said Martin Nisenholtz, senior
vice president of digital operations at The New York Times
Co., during a keynote at the Syndicate Conference here last
"We have deliberately and very methodically gone out and gotten
RSS out there," Nisenholtz said. "It's the fastest growing
distribution channel we have."
Syndication feeds may be impacting the way the nation's best-known
newspaper reaches its readers, but RSS has yet to scale the
walls of most corporations. The enterprise use of RSS, so
far, appears concentrated among publishers, marketers and
advertisers based on the discussions of conference attendees.
But the enterprise potential of syndication feeds for internal
communications, for coordinating with partners and for reaching
customers is beginning to draw interest from IT departments,
business managers and vendors.
Full Article
What is FeedMiner? We’re a search engine specifically
designed for finding RSS and Atom feeds fast and accurately.
There are many ways to read feeds, but very few to find them
is a pure feed search engine. Type in your search terms, just
like you would in any other search engine. Your search results
are displayed as lists of relevant feeds for you to view in
FeedMiner or in your favorite feed reader. Other search engines
will let you find blogs, web pages, travel information, etc.
But FeedMiner is only searches feeds.
Lots of News from the Syndicate Conference |
I'll be posting a review of the Syndicate Conference
shortly. A number of new announcements were made, including
FeedDemon (Bradbury Software) was purchased
by NewsGator. I talked with Nick Bradbury at length
and the goal is for users to have the ability to synchronize
feeds regardless of the software used to read the feed. Should
be interesting to see how things shape up.
Security Protection - RSS Portal |
Security Protection
is a RSS directory that contains information related to security
and protection. From national security and information security
to alarm systems and encryption.
The site, is a collection of topic specific RSS feeds related
to security and protection issues. The focussed site allows
visitors to find information categorized directory of RSS
If you have a related feed, it can be submitted to the directory free of charge,
simply select the appropriate category.
This week's blog posts will be light as we will
be in attendance at the Syndicate Conference in New York City.
FeedForAll Nominated as Best Internet Communication
Software |
The Shareware Industry Awards Foundation announced
that FeedForAll has been nominated for Best Internet Communication
Application for the year 2005. The Shareware Industry Awards
are selected by a group of industry professionals that nominate
and vote based on a programs merits. The award winners will
be announced July 16, 2005 at the annual Shareware Industry
Conference. This year the conference will take place in Denver,
Colorado. Additional information on the 2005 Shareware Industry
Conference and awards can be found at .
FeedForAll, is an application designed to create, edit and
publish RSS feeds, and podcasts. With FeedForAll, webmasters
have the ability to create new RSS feeds from scratch, or
modify and enhance existing RSS feeds or podcasts.
Additional Information on FeedForAll
RSS Feeds Making Money |
First it was banner ads, then Google AdSense and
now, the latest way to make money on your web site could very
well be RSS feeds. Say what? I said: RSS is hot and you should
be using it to drive eyeballs to your site. Here's how it
Complete Article - Making Money with RSS Feeds
U.S. Government RSS Library |
New US RSS Library is a directory of government
RSS feeds. Locate government information using RSS.
ScrappyGoo - Aggregate and Filter Google
News |
ScrappyGoo lets you search Google News and
generate a unique RSS feed of your results. This persistent
news search delivery is offered as a free service. By default,
each feed has 16 entries. It uses standard boolean operators.
You can generate and read as many feeds as you want for your
desktop or online feed reader. But you cannot syndicate the
results of any of the feeds on your website.
BBC Eases Rules Related to RSS Feed Use |
The BBC has opened up its content more so that
people can use news stories and headlines on their own sites
via RSS.
Revised licence terms mean other sites can integrate RSS feeds
from the BBC without offline contract negotiations, as was
previously the case.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a way of keeping
automatically aware of website updates.
BBC News and Sport have made their content available for online
news reader programs via RSS since 2003.
But this relaxing of the licence means a much more open approach,
according to the BBC News website editor, Pete Clifton.
CSI has RSS Feeds |
The popular television series CSI has added an
RSS feed containing daily updated news on 'CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation', 'CSI: Miami' and 'CSI: New York.'
RSS Network Launched; New RSS Feed Directory
Locate Topic Specific Feeds |
NotePage, Inc. the creator's of, FeedForAll, a
popular tool to create, edit and publish RSS feeds, has launched
RSS Network. RSS Network is a categorized RSS feed search
engine and directory.
While RSS has become an increasingly popular communication
medium for more and more businesses, locating topic specific
feeds can prove to be a challenge. RSS Network is designed
to group related feeds under general topics. Site visitors
can also conduct keyword searches to find highly specific
feeds or items of interest.
RSS Network, is located at
. Search results can be viewed in XML format, or ina more
readable HTML webpage format. Unlike similar search engines,
RSS Network allows site vistitors to choose to search the
item contents or just the feeds title and description, for
keywords. The results displayed denote both feeds, and items
in feeds, that meet the specified search criteria.
RSS Network is growing into a valuable resource for professionals
searching for topic specific feeds. RSS Network is a valuable
aid for communication professionals, making it easy for individuals
to locate, syndicate or aggregate feeds of interest.
The 7 Steps to Promoting Your RSS Feeds on
Your Website |
RSS gets 100% of your content delivered, but it’s
no good if no one subscribes to your feeds.
So your first order of business after planning and creating
your feeds has to be promoting them to your visitors.
Complete Article - 7 Steps to Promoting Your RSS Feed
Traffic Conditions via RSS - Great for Mobile
Readers |
Now you can check the best route home from your
RSS reader - Yahoo! offers traffic conditions data via RSS.
The URL to add to your newsreader looks like this:
Edit the URL to add your information:
czs is your zip code
mag is the level of ‘magnification’ (3 = 4 miles, 4 = 10 miles,
5 = 40 miles)
minserv is the minimum severity of the traffic condition (1
= minor, 2 = moderate, 4 = major, 5 = critical.)
Free Script to Display RSS as HTML |
Try out this free script to display RSS feeds
as HTML. Using PHP instead of javascript means that the search
engines will spider the contents of the feed that are included
in the web page.
Try free PHP script rss2html.php
PadCaster - RSS Appcast Feed Creator |
PadCaster is a commandline tool that converts
a MacPAD application to an RSS 2.0 feed. The feed PadCaster
produces update notifications. Additional Details - PadCaster
Business Case for RSS - Downloadable PDF |
Download the The Real Business Case for RSS PDF and really
begin to understand the power of RSS. The detailed PDF is
29 pages long and really is a great introduction to RSS, detailing
why every business should find a way to integrate RSS into
their existing communication channel.
The PDF is an overview of the raises interesting issues, and
should make every marketer take notice:
"But RSS is such a tool. Misunderstood by most marketers,
overlooked by many end-users, it has the potential to power
the entire Internet marketing mix. It is not the solution
to all of our problems, but it is the one tool that can have
the most profound affect on our Internet marketing and business
results in 2005 and beyond."
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed