RSS Blog & RSS News
Choose a Domain |
Choosing a domain is one of the first steps
in establishing an online presence. Changing a domain after-the-fact
can be time consuming, and can be harmful to search engine
ranking, so it is best to get it right the first time around.
Follow these simple steps to select a domain name that will
represent your online brand...
Choose a Domain
Dilbert Goes RSS |
The new offers the poupular comic via
RSS Feeds.
3rd Party Feeds May Incur Liability Issues |
A French court has punished web publishers
because of snippets of text that appeared on their sites via
an RSS reader. It is believed to be the first time that a
website operator has been held responsible for content delivered
by a third parties RSS feed.
Feed Tracking Numbers |
Search Engine Land posted an interesting piece
that analyzes who the various aggregators count RSS feed subscribers.
Bloglines will count anyone who is currently subscribed
to your blog even if they have not viewed your blog feed ever
as a subscriber.
Google will count anyone who is currently subscribed to
your blog even if they have not viewed your blog feed ever
as a subscriber.
Microsofts does not appear to share subscriber
Netvibes will count anyone who is currently subscribed
to your blog even if they have not viewed your blog feed ever
as a subscriber.
NewsGator will count anyone who is currently subscribed
to your blog even if they have not viewed your blog feed ever
as a subscriber.
Pageflakes will count anyone who is currently subscribed
to your blog even if they have not viewed your blog feed ever
as a subscriber.
Rojo will count anyone who is currently subscribed to your
blog even if they have not viewed your blog feed ever as a
Yahoo requires that the subscribed user has viewed (logs
into My Yahoo or Yahoo Mail) your feed within 30 days to be
counted as a subscriber.
Blog Posts that Attract Attention |
Blogs are now a dime a dozen, and bloggers need
to make their blog posts stand out. Developing a blog following
is not as easy as it once was. Learn how to write blog posts
that attract readers and retain their attention. Follow these
guidelines to cultivate readers...
Blog Posts that Attract Attention
Avoid Duplicate Content Penalties |
While it may still be debatable whether all the
major search engines currently employ a duplicate content
penalty, all have made it abundantly clear that they do not
have any desire to provide search results that rehash the
same content over and over. Actively avoid any potential penalties
by taking a proactive approach to building unique content.
Avoid Duplicate Content Penalties
NanoTech Feeds |
Nanowerk, the No. 1 nanotechnology portal, announced
that it is offering a set of free nanotechnology news feeds for other websites
and content providers.
China Assures No Internet Blocking During
Olympics |
China is progressing well toward the Olympics
with fewer than 130 days remaining, and organizers have given
assurances that Internet and media access will meet Olympic
standards, an International Olympic Committee official said
last week.
Clickz Takes on the Issue of Blog Credibility |
Organic search results credibility and trustworthiness
have always been widely debated. When SEO (define) first became
a hot tactic in online marketing, search engines results became
littered with spam -- doorway pages, link farms, you name
it. Now that the search engines have become smarter and their
algorithms increasingly complex, they are much better at weeding
out spam.
But how do you define spam? Is it sites that provide no
inherent value (e.g., a page full of links or ads) or content
that's potentially invalid, unproved, or biased?
The answer to that question probably depends a lot on who
you ask.
Clickz Questions Credibility of Blogs
Here is another article from a different source a few months
Credibility online is becoming more and more of an issue.
Anyone can have a blog or post to a forum and anyone can edit
wiki entries. Web surfers are beginning to comprehend that
just because it is in print does not necessarily mean that
it is true. In fact, in today's online world, the collective
truth might be the closest thing we can get to the real truth.
Peer policing and social bookmarking have become common in
the online world.
Human nature invariably prompts a level of trust;if it
is written, it must be true. We live in a generation where
we expect authors, editors and publishers that are qualified
to write on various topics. What qualifications are required
to post a blog, write an online article, or edit a wiki? Some
web surfers may find the answer startling: None. Expertise
is no longer a prerequisite. Wikipedia is a popular online
reference, that frequently obtains top ranking in search engines
as a reference source. How many Wikipedia readers realize
that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at anytime, regardless
of their qualifications.
Questioning Online Credibility
Performing Better Searches |
Performing and perfecting search engine results
can save web surfers lots of time and energy. Understanding
the nuances of searching allows researchers to immediately
drill down and locate the information they are seeking, without
having to wade through a myriad of irrelevant search results
in the process. The increasing complexity of search engines
has made understanding search engines a necessity for those
who spend any amount of time online. The following search
tips are standards that will work in most of the major search
Use this guide to Perform Better Searches
Blogger Ordered to Pay for Libel |
A Malaysian court has ordered a top blogger
and editors of an opposition newspaper to pay 2.2 million
dollars in damages over libel claims by a university head,
reports said last Thursday.
Syria is Cracking Down on Web |
Syria is cracking down more on Internet use, imposing
tighter monitoring of citizens who link to the Web, as well
as jailing bloggers who criticize the government and blocking
YouTube and other Web sites deemed harmful to state security.
OSHA Using RSS Feeds |
OSHA has implemented Really Simple Syndication
Feeds to provide OSHA customers a personal, direct channel
for receiving the latest news and information from the OSHA
Web site.
LinkedIn Adopts RSS |
LinkedIn is now offering RSS feeds for network
The feature allows users to track updates and connections
across their LinkedIn network via their favorite RSS Reader.
For example the feed shows when people in your network connect
with other people, make recommendations or update their LinkedIn
Top Podcast Tips for a Great Sound |
What defines a good podcast? Make no mistake --
there is a difference between a good podcast and a not-so-good
podcast. A high-caliber podcast is much more than just decent
content. The sound quality, and the way a podcast is recorded,
will impact the value of the podcast as well. Podcast structure
and pre-planning are also important; do not skimp on the production,
as it too can make or break a podcast.
Top Podcast Tips for a Great Sound
CBS Asks RSS Question |
This question appeared on the CBS Website:
I have a question for any RSS gurus out there: Is there
a way to set up my RSS feed so that it does not get published
The answer is yes, you can use FutureRSS a PHP script to schedule the
RSS feed. You can prepublish content weeks or even months
in advance, knowing that the content will automatically be
displayed at the appropriate time.
(read complete question)
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed