RSS Blog & RSS News
How much do you know about RSS? Test your knowledge
of RSS with this RSS Quiz.
RSS Search engine of RSS search engines. RSS Locator
has been updated and is now a search engine of RSS search
engines. Give it a try!
VH-1 has announced an assortment of RSS feeds
and podcasts.
Niche Feeds and Physics |
This site has collected all the Physics feeds,
talk about a niche feed directory!
Physics Feeds
Check out this long list of RSS uses:
1. Monitoring activity in your Subversion repository with
SubveRSSed and svnlog.xslt.
2. Tracking changes to open source projects.
Complete List
RSS2SQL Launched |
RSS2SQL is a new RSS script that
stores RSS feeds in an MySQL database has been added to FeedForAll's
RSS Scripts Directory.
Now with the purchase of FeedForAll or FeedForAll Mac users receive
FREE access to the RSS Scripts Directory which
contains a host of PHP scripts that can be used to manipulate,
manage and convert RSS feeds. Scripts in the directory
RSS2HTML Pro - The RSS2HTML Pro add on script
expands the functionality of RSS2HTML by allowing publishers
and webmasters to dynamically create an index of feed items.
FutureRSS - The FutureRSS script only displays
items thats dates have passed. Allowing web publishers to
prepublish content weeks or even month's in advance, knowing
that the content will automatically be displayed at the appropriate
RSS Cache - The rss2html Cache module can
be used by users of the rss2html.php script and will decrease
the display time of RSS feeds.
SQL2RSS - The sql2rss.php script allows you
to easily create rss feeds from SQL databases.
RSSMesh - The RSSmesh script is used to merge
multiple RSS feeds into a single RSS feed.
If users do not currently own or wish to purchase FeedForAll
or FeedForAll Mac but would like to utilize the above RSS
Scripts they can purchase a subscription to the RSS Scripts
directory for $ 29.95.
Egypt Blog Crack Down |
According to the Associated Press a blogger whose
postings have been critical of the government was arrested.
The arrest comes only one week after Amnesty International
criticized Egypt for detaining another online writer.
New Government Feeds Directory |
A new vertical directory of RSS feeds from government
offices and government agencies has been posted. The portal
features feeds from all government agencies (both local and
federal). The directory can be navigated by category specific
can be located using keyword searches.
Government Feeds Directory
New Political Feeds Directory |
Search the online political feeds database for
specific political feeds and political podcasts. This new
RSS directory contains political feeds from blogs, political
cartoons, and political parties.
Feeds Directory
AIM v6 Supports RSS |
AOL's Instant Messaging, affectionately known
by teenagers everywhere as AIM, has released a new version
that supports RSS. The new implementation of RSS called, "Buddy
Updates" allows AIM users to set up RSS feeds which
let their friends know when they've updated their accounts
or profiles on popular online destinations like YouTube, Xanga,
and Dig.
Fair Use Defined by RIAA |
Cary Sherman the President of the RIAA defined
Fair Use and expressed his concern that it was being twisted
far beyond what the original framers intended.
Like a trademark that becomes generic, the fair use doctrine
is in danger of losing its meaning and value if CEA's self-serving
claims are taken at face value. CEA has twisted and contorted
"fair use" beyond its true intent, turning it into a free
pass for those who simply don't want to pay for creative works.
Complete Article
WordPress Policing Blogs |
This is an interesting article, with a moral to
Don't let someone else host your business blog. Ever.
According to the article, WordPress sent out a
letter to their customers warning that any sponsored or paid
blog entries are grounds for immediately deletion of their
blog and a permanent ban from using the service in the future.
Complete Article
Page2RSS is a free service that creates an
RSS feed for web pages that do not have an RSS feed available.
Google Wish List - Includes RSS |
The following: Google Wish List shows where Google has stumbled
with regards to RSS. In fact of the 17 items listed, RSS is
the focus of 3 of the items.
1. Usenet and RSS.
Please, I'm begging, (groveling if it will help) create
RSS feeds for Google Groups keyword searches. Think of the
value, you could monitor Usenet for company or product names
using RSS feeds. This would be an extremely easy way for businesses
(and Google users) to stay in tune with what is being said
on Usenet and in forums about specific topics.
6. Google Alerts via RSS.
The current Google alert system is from the 1990's (figuratively
speaking) please offer an option to receive Google alerts
via RSS feeds. I know you can setup a Google News search using
RSS, it seems silly that it is not available via Google Alerts.
16. Make an RSS Search Engine.
Why hasn't Google done this? I am baffled. The blog search
engine is not an RSS search engine, consider the power of
being able to search ALL RSS feeds. There are a number of
small RSS search engine portals available but there is not
a clear leader, this is where Google could and should be.
Read the complete Google Wish List
Countries Violate Online Free Expression |
The international journalists' advocacy group
Reporters Without Borders has released its annual list of
countries that systematically violate online free expression.
The countries include:
- Belarus
- Burma
- China
- Cuba
- Egypt
- Iran
- North Korea
- Saudi Arabia
- Syria
- Tunisia
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam.
source: CBSNews
Blogger Downtime Results in Complaints |
Google's Blogger infrastructure is raising the
ire of bloggers, as a result of recent downtime bloggers are
venting their complaints.
Between Wednesday of last week and Thursday of this week,
Blogger suffered several outages and periods of sluggish performance,
along with some planned downtime for maintenance, according
to the Blogger Status site, where Google informs users about
Blogger system issues.
Blogger's persistent woes have prompted industry analysts
and users to urge Google to strengthen the service's security
and infrastructure, and to tighten up administration policies.
Blogger's problems reflect poorly on Google as a whole and
can erode people's confidence on the company and affect its
brand, critics say.
Complete Article
Eye on The Services |
The watchful eye extends beyond blogging:
A Virginia-based operation, the Army Web Risk Assessment
Cell, monitors official and unofficial blogs and other Web
sites for anything that may compromise security. The team
scans for official documents, personal contact information
and pictures of weapons or entrances to camps.
Complete Article
Military Blogger Crack Down |
From NPR:
Pentagon officials are cracking down on "mil-bloggers,"
military men and women who write blogs about their wartime
experiences. The Pentagon is concerned about what it calls
"operational security." The crackdown has quieted some blogs,
while driving many to look for ways to follow the new rules.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
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