RSS Blog & RSS News
The Influence of the Internet on Politics
and Future Leaders |
Can, and will, the next generation of politicians
exploit the communication mediums available to them? Will
the new communication mediums have the power to influence
public opinion? Will politicians be the victims of technology,
or will they use it to their benefit? Will one party benefit
from the use of the technology more than another? All reasonable
questions, considering the role technology plays in todays
The staggering distribution numbers, through channels like
iTunes, YouTube, or podcasting websites, indicate that technology
could play a critical role in the upcoming elections. Technology
could be the deciding factor in the 2008 US Presidential race,
and while distribution has never before been as accessible
as it is to today's politicians and political candidates,
politicians have far less control over the news and media
than their counterparts in previous years.
Technology is Influencing the Future
Cool List of Blog Types and Definitions |
As with any new technology, blogging has its own
jargon. We are all familiar with business blogs and personal
blogs. Here are definitions of other types of blogs.
Anonoblog - a blog run by an anonymous author(s).
The blog may display some information about the author(s),
but not reveal the authors true identity.
Audioblog - A blog that mainly publishes audio
files (music or podcasting) sometimes with text and keywords
for search engine optimization.
Blawg – Commonly called lawyer blogs. These
are generally by lawyers, law students or law professors and
focus on commentary about the law.
Blogging Definitions: Types of Blogs
WordPress Problems |
Successful software wrote about their problems
with WordPress and why they hesitate to rely on a third party
for their blog.
I was generally very happy with the service, which has
been free so far apart from paying a few dollars for the redirect.
But when I tried to log into this blog on Wednesday, all I
saw were the chilling words account suspended.
The blog itself was still up, but I couldn’t log in to change
anything or export it. I emailed wordpress technical support
and started backing up the text of all the articles I had
not backed up already.
Then the images started disappearing from the blog.
Then the blog disappeared altogether, replaced by a message
saying that it had been suspended for violations of terms
of service.
Apparently wordpress can shutdown your blog at any time
without warning, without right of appeal and without giving
a reason.
Realtors and RSS Feeds |
RSS feeds are becoming an essential tool for Realtors,
who are struggling in a declining market. Real estate offices
that adopt technology as a marketing tool will remain one
step ahead of their competition.
Realty and RSS Feeds
Censorship Lawsuit |
At first, Liu Xiaoyuan just fumed when his
online journal postings disappeared with no explanation. Then
he decided to do something few if any of Chinas censored bloggers
had tried. He sued his service provider.
complete article
Google Buys Microblogging Startup Jaiku |
On Tuesday, Google made yet another move in
mobile social networking. This time, the acquisition target
was Finnish startup Jaiku, a company that develops a mobile
phone application that lets people send messages, view Web
feeds, and even blog.
complete article
Syndication Lawsuit |
The Associated Press filed a lawsuit against
VeriSign Inc. over its Moreover news aggregation services
in a case reminiscent of a dispute between news services and
Google News.
The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York on Thursday, seeks to stop Moreover,
which is owned by VeriSign, from publishing the news content
of the Associated Press.
Complete Article
U.S. diplomats are revealing their personal sides
on the new State Department blog. Although the blog, launched
Sept. 25, has its dull aspects it lives up to its promise
of providing glimpses of diplomatic work and what it is like
to serve overseas.
China Blanket Blocking RSS |
According to ARS
China appears to have finally gotten wise to RSS as of
late—reports have been popping up from our readers and around
the web of not being able to access FeedBurner RSS feeds as
early as August of this year. More recent reports tell us
that the PSB appears to have extended this block to all incoming
URLs that begin with feeds, rss, and blog, thus rendering
the RSS feeds from many sites—including ones that aren't
blocked in China, such as Ars Technica—useless.
Social Bookmarking Quiz |
Take this Social Bookmarking Quiz and determine how
much you know about the collective voice!
Technology and Politics |
On the internet, power is in the hands of real
Americans: the housewife in her living room, the student in
his dorm. Rather than creating the perfect ten second sound
bite, candidates must let go and have a real conversation.
Interactive. Up close and personal. Maybe as candidates are
forced back to earth and voters gain a stake in the process,
America will become the voice of the unschooled as well as
the educated, the poor as well as the rich, men and women
of all ages and every race. After all, isn’t that what democracy
is supposed to be?
Technology and Politics
Bloggers Able to Get News Out |
Savvy young bloggers in Myanmar are breaking
through the military juntas tight Internet controls to post
photos and videos of swelling anti-government protests, experts
said Tuesday.
The government blocks almost every website that carries
news or information about the Southeast Asian country, and
even bars access to web-based email.
But an army of young techies in Yangon works around the
clock to circumvent the censors, posting pictures and videos
on blogs almost as soon as the protests happen.
Complete Article
Creative Commons License to Be Tested in
Court |
One of the strangest legal cases in recent
months erupted last Friday, but it's one that could have serious
ramifications to anyone who posts material online, or even
those who find their face in pictures making their way to
the web. Get this...
A Texas teenager making a peace symbol with her
fingers (or a V) was photographed by her youth counselor,
who posted in on the photo-sharing service Flickr. The counselor
chose the creative commons license, as many people do, which
says that photos can be used in other materials provided they
are attributed to the photographer. So Virgin Mobile Australia
(the cell phone company) did just that: It grabbed her picture,
cropped it, and turned it into an ad campaign.
Complete Article
AccuWeather RSS Feeds |
Accuweather is now offering RSS feeds. My
only question is what took so long? There have been tools
around for quite some time that can dynamically convertdatabases to RSS feeds. It seems Accuweather
was just a little late to the party. Afterall
has had feeds for dare I say years? I know I should be applauding
their efforts because there are of course other weather portals
that do not provide RSS feeds, I just have a hard time understanding
the difficulty. Weather is a natural for RSS.
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