What does RSS stand for?
RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication and Rich
Site Summary.
How do I create an RSS feed?
The easiest way to create an rss feed is to use software.
We suggest FeedForAll
. or refer to the make
rss feeds for a a detailed description of feed creation.
What can feeds be used for?
Initially rss feeds were intended for news headlines. The
usage has expanded to include forum headlines, new auction
listings, updated listings of houses for sale, and a number
of other uses. Additional uses for
RSS feeds.
How do I read a feed?
Feeds can be viewed either online using a site like my yahoo
or by downloading feed
reading software.
What is the difference between news aggregators
and feed readers?
RSS feed readers and news aggregators are essentially
the same thing; both allow for viewing RSS feeds. News aggregators
are designed specifically to view news related feeds but technically
they can read any feeds.
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