RSS Blog & RSS News
FBI Adds More RSS |
The FBI recently expanded their news feed
offerings on the website to include wanted fugitives
and missing children. The feeds, which enable subscribers
to get new FBI content and site updates delivered to them,
include the popular Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list and
Most Wanted Terrorists list.
Instant Messaging RSS Feeds |
IM Feeds is a new service that allows you
to get RSS feeds via instant messaging. IM Feeds delivers
RSS updates directly to your Instant Messenger.
Deal of the Day |
With the economy in a questionable state, everyone
is looking for a good deal. Savvy business owners have jumped
at the opportunity to carve out a niche for themselves in
the struggling economy. Coupon and Deal-Of-The-Day websites
have become extremely popular. Everyone is getting into the
action, from large conglomerate websites to small specialty
shops, and many now have some sort of Deal-Of-The-Day special
where an item is offered at a significant discount for a specified
and limited period of time. While the Deal-Of-The-Day websites
were originally designed to capture impulse purchasers, many
financially-conscious penny-pinching shoppers are now monitoring
these sites regularly, in search of good deals on products
they might need.
Where to Find the Deals!
Web Easy Discounted 40% on Software Deal
of the Day |
Web Easy is website design software that allows
you to create a great website in one hour with drag-and-drop
simplicity. WebEasy includes everything you need in one box
to create your ideal website with built-in templates and e-commerce
tools. Web Easy is featured on Software Deal of
the Day at a 40% discount for only 24 hours!
New Blogger Version Not Liked By Beta Testers |
A new version of Googles Blogger blog publishing
service that went into public testing last week has generated
some concerns among users, especially regarding a significant
revamping of the tool for composing and modifying postings.
In the official Google blog entry detailing the post editor
changes, many testers have commented that the revamped tool
differs too much from the current one, causing confusion,
frustration and mistakes.
complete article
The Traits of a Perfect Link |
Webmasters are given the advice that they must
attract links, but the key is not just to attract links...
they need to attract good links. But what is the perfect link?
The search for the perfect link need not be a quest in vain.
Consider the following when attempting to attract links...
The Traits of a Perfect Link
Overcoming RSS |
I thought this was rather funny but sadly true
-- a different kind of RSS.
A look at a common affliction among domainers.
Thousands of people suffer daily from Repetitive Statistics
Syndrome (RSS). RSS is an obsessive compulsive disorder
that involves checking revenue statistics from programs such
as Google Adsense and domain parking multiple times a day.
RSS sufferers know that checking their statistics repeatedly
will not increase the final revenue number at the end of the
day, but they can’t bring themselves to stop checking stats.
This article will discuss RSS and what can be done about it.
History of RSS. RSS began with early incarnations of public
e-mail services such as AOL and Prodigy. People who were new
to e-mail would check their accounts multiple times each hour
to make sure they quickly knew if one of their friends had
forwarded a funny picture of a cat to them or if they needed
to send out a chain letter to 7 people in order to stave off
bad luck. This was called RES for Repetitive Email Syndrome.
complete details of overcoming RSS
Whoisi - Track People |
Whoisi is a central site that allows users
to add people and their associated web feeds, and then track
any number of these people and their feed items using a follower
In Whoisi, any visitor to the site can define a person or
an identity, and add the feeds associated with that person
for other users to find and follow. To prevent vandalism,
there is a revision history so that changes can be reversed.
Take Website Usability to the Next Level |
Website usability is more than just a good navigational
structure. A large number of people have visual or hearing
disabilities, so you should design your website in ways that
allow those with either minor or significant impairments to
view and navigate your web content. The following tips will
help expand your websites usability so that all users, regardless
of their sensory perception and abilities, are able to take
advantage of your web content...
Take Website Usability to the Next Level
Why Should You Use Web Templates? |
Web templates expedite the process of setting
up a new website. The idea behind a web template is that it
will save time with the creative design and layout process.
In the business world, time is money; hence, using templates
can save money. It can be a challenge to find a web designer
for hire, and quite often the designers schedule will not
always mesh with the needs of a small business. Time rarely
controls a web graphic designer. Artists are, well, artistic,
and don't necessarily work by the clock. Instead, they work
when inspiration strikes, which can be problematic when there
are deadlines to meet. Templates are ready-made, and can be
easily edited, allowing you to instantly create a website.
In addition, webmasters that may lack adequate graphic or
design skills can quickly and easily create a website themselves,
simply by editing and customizing the existing HTML layout
in a web template. And locating a themed web template takes
far less time than attempting to create a layout and graphics
from scratch. Web templates also remove any coding issues.
This is especially helpful to webmasters who are just starting
out and just learning HTML coding.
The bottom line is that webmasters who use web templates will
have their websites up and running much quicker.
Why Should You Use Web Templates?
Software Industry Conference |
The Software Industry Conference is coming to
Boston July 17th through 19th, 2008. This exciting event,
now in its 18th year, will be held at the Boston Marriott
Quincy in Quincy MA.
The Software Industry Conference features three days of informative
sessions that cover a wide range of subjects of interest to
software developers. There will be sessions on marketing,
foreign markets, ecommerce, outsourcing development, copyrights
and trademarks, and much more.
The Software Industry Conference provides lots of time to
network with other attendees. Thursday evening there is a
night of fun, excitement, food, and beverages sponsored by
Digital River, always a highlight of the conference. Friday
evening features an Exhibit Night with vendors in over 20
booths and food and beverages for all.
The Software Industry
Conference is the premier software marketing event of
the year.
Podcasting Rewards |
Getting started with podcasting is a relatively
inexpensive venture. The equipment and software required for
podcasting is inexpensive for a business contemplating podcasting
as a new marketing and communication adventure.
Required Equipment
1. A Computer Capable of Recording Audio
2. Recording and Editing Software (RecordForAll Suggested - US$39.00)
3. Podcast Creation Software (FeedForAll
Suggested - US$39.00)
4. A Microphone
5. A Recording Location (quiet, without any echo)
Reaping The Podcasting Rewards
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
Blog Post Archive
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2007 RSS Blog
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2007 RSS Blog
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2004 Blog
2004 Blog
2004 Blog
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed