RSS Blog & RSS News
Learn about the latest RSS Tools, Scripts
and Software. The RSS Tools website contains a myriad
of tools to manage and manipulate rss feeds and news feeds.
Measure Your Blog Juice |
A new online tool a "Blog Juice Calculator" determines
a blogs popularity. The Blog Juice Calculator compares the
blogs number of BlogLines subscribers, the websites Alexa
Ranking, Technorati rank and the number of general
links. The Blog Juice Calculator is a free service from
Add a single button to your website and users
can easily subscribe to your feed regardless of the feed reader
or feed reading service that they use. Check out AddToAny.
Microsoft Responds to RSS Patent Application
Hoopla |
A lead programmer from Microsoft responded to
the blogosphere's fury and anger over Microsoft's filing of
RSS patents. Here are a few quotes:
First, these patents describe specific ways to improve
the RSS end-user and developer experience (which we believe
are valuable and innovative contributions) -- they do not
constitute a claim that Microsoft invented RSS.
Applying for a patent on your innovation is common industry
practice, and one which, by incenting and protecting the companies
and people involved, encourages everyone to contribute to
the community.
Complete Response
Business Week Stock Monitor |
Business Week has announced a new tool that allows
readers to monitor stocks using by creating RSS feeds. Try
Business Week Feed Generator
Transparency and Blogs |
PayPerPost has instituted a new policy that mandates
bloggers must disclose that they are accepting payment, either
in the write-up or in a general disclosure policy.
Microsoft is being a bully. A little communication
goes a long way.
Microsoft has filed applications for two patents related
to RSS, a popular format for online distribution of news and
blogs, leaving some well-known developers wondering about
its intentions.
complete article
New RSS Software Beta Open |
Checkout the latest beta test of FeedForAll. The
latest beta includes a number of enhancements
to the publishing feature. The enclosure and feed image can
now be automatically uploaded with the RSS feed. The new beta
also supports namespace extensions from iTunes to Media RSS.
Read More on the new RSS
Software Beta
Link Love vs Link Bait |
What is Link Love?
Link Love is all about quality. In order to achieve Link Love
you must establish authority and credibility. Link Love is
all about being a reputable source, often recipients of link
love are the first to post breaking news that is vetted and
accurate. Bloggers, webmasters and publishers reward sources
they genuinely enjoy with link love.
Link Bait is often considered the evil step sister of Link
What is Link Bait?
Link Bait is a hook. It is unique or even controversial content.
Common sources of Link Bait include humorous items, accusations,
controversy, or even implications. Link Bait is similar to
'shock and awe'; people cannot help but link because they
are so intrigued (for good or bad). Link Bait often walks
the line between acceptable and unacceptable.
Link Love vs Link Bait
Pheedo RSS Research |
Pheedo conducted research of RSS adoption in the
automotive industry and here are some of their conclusions:
- Automotive enthusiasts are adopting RSS at an alarming
rate and are extremely active:
RSS feeds in general across all of Pheedo's categories
are growing at a rate of 7% month over month - based on impressions.
The auto category, however, has seen growth of 38% month over
month, and more than 500% growth during the fourth quarter
of 2006 to-date.
- Automotive content publishers prefer summary and headline
63% of auto publishers offer readers summary RSS feeds
while the rest publish headline-only feeds. No auto publishers
in the Pheedo network currently deliver their content via
full-text RSS feeds.
- Auto enthusiasts prefer headline-only feeds:
Headline-only feeds garner a click-through rate (CTR) of
33% on content while summary feeds garner a 15% CTR.
- Yahoo! leads content aggregators among auto category
The majority (52%) of RSS content readers across the automotive
publishers in the Pheedo Network opt for Yahoo! RSS reader
products, marking a departure from past Pheed Read data and
trends in other content categories. Firefox placed second
with 18% of the market share, while Bloglines, the top RSS
reader in past Pheed Reads, came in well behind both with
7% market share.
- Auto category consumers are financially diverse and the
vast majority are over the age of 35:
Demographic data from the auto category shows that readers
vary significantly in their household income with four different
income brackets holding around 20% of the total readership.
Additionally, consumers over the age of 35 represent more
than 75% of the auto category readership.
More on Pheedo
Blogs and Copyrights |
Bloggers need to be very careful of the images
they use in their blogs. Fair Use is acceptable but copyright
infringement is not. A popular blogger is learning the hard
X17 Inc., a Los Angeles photo agency known for its images
of stars in personal or embarrassing moments, has filed a
$7.6 million federal copyright infringement lawsuit against
Hilton has a blog displaying stars in unflattering situations.
Things I Hate About The Internet |
from the Small Business Blog
20 Things I Hate About the Internet
1. I really hate the fact that individuals can say whatever
they want, regardless of whether it is true, there is no recourse
for libel or slander because in many cases the posts are not
in the same country as the person slandered.
2. I hate that the truth is becoming collective, or from those
the most persistent. The popularity of wiki's and in particular
wikipedia means that history is becoming fluid.
3. I hate that it is almost impossible to discern an online
writer's credibility.
4. I hate that crime is allowed to flourish online.
5. I hate that the EU forces US companies to collect VAT on
European sales. US companies don't benefit from the tax, yet
they are forced to staff individuals to handle collection
and submission of VAT taxes to European Governments.
6. I hate that U.S. legislatures passed a law that it is illegal
for US citizens to remain anonymous on line yet pedophiles
hide behind anonymity.
7. I hate that email is so impersonal and so easily misunderstood.
8. I hate that personal information on nearly any person is
simply only a click away.
9. I hate that children see Internet pornography without even
10. I hate that law abiding citizens are at a distinct disadvantage
on the Internet.
11. I hate if you work at an Internet business your day does
not end at 5:00.
12. I hate to be at Google's mercy for search engine ranking.
13. I hate that search engines are constantly changing their
14. I hate that children know more about the Internet than
their parents.
15. I hate that the Internet archives can store. Comments
that may or may not be true for what could be an eternity.
16. I hate that the Internet is litered with junk sites and
abandoned out of date content.
17. I hate that Internet obsession allienates the older generation.
18. I hate that Google so much power.
19. I hate that the playing field for small businesses on
the Internet is no longer level.
20. I hate that clickfraud is a part of life if marketing
on the Internet.
Holiday Templates for RSS |
Check out these Christmas templates for displaying RSS feeds
with rss2html. The rss2html script allows users
to display their RSS feeds as an HTML web page. By using the
templates you can add a little bit of a flare to your feed
RSS Feed Converter |
Another Way to Add RSS feeds to your website RSS
Feed Converter. RSS Feed Converter easily convert any valid
RSS feed into easy to implement Javascript, HTML or PHP code.
In order to use the service you must provide a name and email
The holiday season is in full swing, and more
and more people are using the web as a giant shopping mall.
Thankfully, the proliferation of Web 2.0 technologies is giving
birth to a new breed of shopping site that can help navigate
this crowded marketplace.
Sites like Offertrax, StyleFeeder and Mpire don't sell
anything at all. Rather, they improve purchasing intelligence
by keeping an eye out for bargains and sending electronic
alerts when it's time to swoop in for the kill.
Instead of wasting time browsing the virtual aisles at
dozens of sites, just tell Offertrax what you're shopping
Complete Article
Tips for Content Rich Websites |
When creating a content rich website, do not be
afraid to think outside of the box. Unique ideas will generally
garner more attention than the mundane and more common content
concepts. Over the years the unique content that has garnered
the most attention, the Subservient Chicken and JibJab, may
not be appropriate for a business website, there are still
lots of "out of the box" things that you can do.
Here are some ideas on how you can build content
for your website that will attract website visitors.
McCain Addressing Cyber Credibility and Accountability |
John McCain has introduced legislation to require
all websites and personal blogs to report any "illegal" images
or videos posted by their users, paying up to $300,000 per
incident if they fail to do so, according to a story by Declan
McCullagh at C-Net. Additionally, if a website owner deals
with anyone "known to be a sex offender," they will be required
to delete any profile pages by those individuals.
It also applies to Internet service providers, although
higher responsibility (and consequent fines) is leveled at
website owners, commercial or individual.
The legislation specifically lists: "any Website with a
message board; any chat room; any social-networking site;
any e-mail service; any instant-messaging service; any Internet
content hosting service; any domain name registration service;
any Internet search service; any electronic communication
service; and any image or video-sharing service."
The proposed legislation will certainly go a long way to address
online credibility and accountability for US companies and
individuals, but what about things posted beyond the US borders?
Search Engine Journal Opens Blog Awards |
Search Engine Journal is now opening nominations
for blogs to be included for this year’s Search Blogs Awards
in the following categories:
- Best SEO Blog
- Best SEM Blog
- Best Search Agency Resource Blog
- Best Link Building Blog
- Best Social Media Blog
- Best Search Engine Corporate Blog (owned by the search engines)
- Best Contextual Advertising Blog
- Best Affiliate Marketing Blog
- Best Search Engine Community/Forum Blog
- Best Web 2.0 Blog
- Best Search Linkbait of 2006
To nominate blogs, leave a comment with the category and your
favorite blogs.
There is no Emily Post in blogging that offers
etiquette advice, or a Miss Manners that details appropriate
behavior. That does not mean there are not acceptable and
unacceptable actions that bloggers should take. In order to
efficiently communicate as a blogger on the Internet, it is
critical to understand the unwritten rules of blogging etiquette.
RSS Etiquette
Fedafi is for Sale |
Fedafi has only been around for nine months but
it is already on the market. Stream Distribution announced
that Fedafi is on the market. The price and details
have not been disclosed and are available with the signing
of an NDA.
Iran Blocking Popular Websites |
Iran yesterday shut down access to some of the
most popular websites. Users were unable to open popular sites
including and YouTube following instructions to
service providers to filter them.
RSS Auto Discovery |
Use this free online tool to create the code for
RSS auto discovery.
1. Simply enter your feed URL and the feed title.
2. Paste the generated code into the head tag of your HTML
The RSS auto discovery code will help some RSS readers auto
detect that an RSS feed for the webpage exists.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
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