RSS Blog & RSS News
Last Day to Vote for Bloggies |
01/31/2006 | |
TechWeb is running its annual Bloggies Award.
Today is the last day to vote.
It's now the sixth year of
the world's most established weblog awards, the Bloggies.
Personal Web publishing never stops growing, and that means
this year the public will have more contenders than ever to
select from when choosing the year's best weblogs.
SSE Namespace Extension Updated |
01/26/2006 | |
Microsoft has updated the Simple Sharing
Extensions for RSS the updated specification is available
online at SSE namespace.
For other namespace
specifications check out the Namespace
Cache RSS Feeds and Save
Bandwidth |
01/25/2006 | |
FeedForAll has come out with a new module for
rss2html script, the rss2html cache module will expedite the
retrieval and conversion of RSS feeds into html web pages.
Once the feed is cached it will be read from the local
hard drive for a specified amount of time. After the specified
time has lapsed, the RSS feed will be fetched again. This
allows the contents of the RSS feed being displayed to remain
current, while expediting the whole process.
rss2html cache module is free to all registered users of
FeedForAll or FeedForAll Mac.
FeedBurner Adding Ads? |
01/25/2006 | |
According to A Feed is Born :
FeedBurner will
open up their RSS ad network, very soon. FeedBurner’s ad
network is now only for publishers with a consistent base of
more than 500
Yahoo Launching Bloglines Twin |
01/20/2006 | |
Search Engine Journal reported earlier this week
that Yahoo has acquired the assets of RSS service SearchFox,
which announced recently that it would be shutting down later
in January.
SearchFox provides a very similar style of
RSS aggregation/ reading as does Bloglines, and although I
didn’t become a regular user of the service it was certainly
one of the closest competitors in terms of Bloglines-likeness
of the many competing services out there I’ve
Complete Article
RSS' Fate Lies in Education |
01/20/2006 | |
Broadcaster the BBC has launched a web
service to "demystify" really simple syndication (RSS)
technology. BBC FeedFactory provides users with basic and
technical information about RSS and the syndication services
available from the BBC.
"FeedFactory not
only seeks to demystify this world, but also showcases what
you can get from the BBC on a single page, making it easy to
find what you want," said Tony Ageh, BBC Controller, Internet.
FeedFactory pages explain RSS technology
with no jargon in order to attract a non-technical
RSS Feed Reader Comparison |
01/18/2006 | |
Blog post compares 16 Free RSS News Readers on
OS X in summary:
"Despite widely varying
versions, there are three most worth considering: NetNewsWire
Lite, NewsMac and PulpFiction Lite. No clear winner here, so
I'll have to see what I use most. All three have paid versions
waiting for when I see the light on how important a good RSS
reader is to me. It should be noted in finishing this that the
commercial RSS readers are significantly better than all of
Nuvvo Uses RSS to Syndicate Course
Listings |
01/17/2006 | |
Nuvvo is using RSS feeds to syndicate course
listings and class offerings.
Additional Info
New RSS Submit Released |
01/17/2006 | |
Dummy Software has released a new version of RSS Submit!
RSS Submit version 1.3
includes enhancements specifically geared towards RSS traffic
management. Integration with FeedBurner allows users to access
traffic per day and month for feeds hosted using the service.
Traffic statistics are displayed in the software for each
supported feed.
Registered users of RSS Submit will
unlock additional RSS directories and receive upgrades to the
latest version at no charge. Registered users may also
download plug-ins to further enhance the software with the
ability to ping blogs, submit podcasts, and compile
Blogs, Podcasting, Video Casts, Content on
Demand... all are emerging as indispensable marketing tools
for business and all are made possible by RSS. The eCommerce
RSS Radio Show brings you world class experts for marketing
success with RSS. We bring you the strategy, tactics and
measurements that impact your bottom line, the kind of "put to
work now" stuff that makes a difference.
Bill Flitter from Pheedo does a
great job recapping RSS in 2005.
Now that
2006 is upon us, let's look back at some of the great
developments in RSS from 2005. Was 2005 the “year of RSS?”
Maybe... It certainly was the year that RSS started to go
mainstream, and the amount of innovation and forward thinking
in 2005 has set the stage for 2006 to show record user
adoption. I think we will see the true potential of RSS in the
months to come. Here are some of the more interesting 2005
FutureRSS Script for Prepublishing RSS
Feeds |
01/10/2006 | |
The future-rss.php script is used to
automatically delay the publication of Items in an RSS feed.
This allows Items in a RSS feed to be created ahead of time,
and then slowly released over a period of time.
people have tried to set the PubDate field on their RSS feed
Items to a future date and time, in an attempt to have that
particular item become 'visible' to their feed's subscribers
on that particular date and time. Unfortunately, they will
soon find out that many RSS readers and aggregators don't
honor future PubDates, and immediately show all their feed's
items. The future-rss.php script 'hides' the future
items from RSS feed readers and aggregators, until their
PubDate becomes current.
Technology Predictions for 2006 |
01/05/2006 | |
2005 literally took the world by storm. The
tragedies of the Asian Tsunami, the Hurricanes that blew
through the US Gulf Coast and the earthquakes that swallowed
parts of Pakistan have left an indelible mark on 2005. While
mother nature cast a shadow on 2005, it was technology that
delivered the impact that resulted in a huge outpouring of
donations. The world was touched by the human element seen
real-time in pictures and videos. Today's technology was able
to deliver the graphical grittiness that portrayed the
nightmares occurring half a world away.
Technology is
usually thought of as impersonal, but something needs to be
recognized; without technology the personal elements of the
2005 tragedies would not likely have been conveyed to the
extent and timeliness they were. Reflecting on 2005 and
looking forward to 2006, technology will undoubtedly continue
play a significant role in the future both on a personal and
impersonal level.
In 2005 Blogs gave birth to splogs,
where senseless web scrapers generated massive amounts of
senseless content. Spam reached a whole new level, right along
side the ethical debate of content scraping. Copyrights have
been stepped on and I foresee a new host of tools that will
emerge to protect content.
2005 in Review, Predictions for
Other Industry
New Namespacee Directory |
01/03/2006 | |
FeedForAll has announed a new Namespace directory.
The namespace
directory is a free information directory containing namespace
extension details. The directory is designed to be a central
repository for namespace extensions. The intent of the
directory is to help prevent redundancy and assist users with
the process of extending RSS 2.0.
namespace directory contains detailed steps on creating a namespace
extension. While anyone can create a namespace, users
are encouraged to a specific and well-planned reason to do so.
It is important to realize that RSS readers or RSS processing
applications will be unable to use the namespace information
unless they were specifically designed to support the custom
The Truth Comes Out 31% of Surfers Use
01/03/2006 | |
According to Alex Barnett's Blog
The study
actually showed that 4% knew they were using RSS, while 27%
were using RSS without realising it.
Slashdot Says Only 4% Use RSS |
01/02/2006 | |
According to a report on Slashdot only 4% of
Internet users use RSS feeds. Just because only 4% of Internet
users knowingly use RSS feeds that does NOT
mean that only 4% use RSS.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed