RSS Blog & RSS News
Making Home Buying Easier - New RSS Directory
for Real Estate Feeds |
While RSS feeds are continuing to streamline the
process of searching for information, searching for an RSS
feed is still difficult. For the real estate industry, however,
this process has recently become much easier. A company out
of Boston, DR Management, has created a new website directory
that brings most of the real estate feeds available into one
central location. The goal of the new site is to enable users
to find realty feeds, and real estate feeds with minimal effort.
The website is a benefit to both real estate agents and everyday
homebuyers. It connects those looking for homes in all areas
of the world to those selling them. More and more homebuyers
are using the internet to research homes for sale before even
contacting an agent. RSS real estate feeds are a good tool
to use to streamline this search process. Users can easily
find the best real estate feed to suit their needs.
The site includes homes for sale across the globe in places
such as the United States and Europe and even covers more
difficult to find areas such as Asia and Africa. In addition
to residential real estate, commercial property feeds are
also available. Other resources are feeds on topics such as
home appraisals, real estate blogs, realty podcasts, foreclosures
and realtor resources including education and jobs for realtors.
The directory can be found at
Ranking of Blog and RSS Search Engines |
RSS Directory Ranking - WSM has
added the Google PageRank, Alexa Rank and rating
for close to one hundred RSS directories and RSS search engines.
RSS Directory Comparison - Popular sites that
have both cateogrized lists of rss feeds and keyword searching.
Check out the above rss feed directories.
10 RSS Websites - Top RSS portals
DayPop is Down |
It appears that DayPop is down. A new engine is apparently
underway ( I guess the old one didn't scale ). While the build
is underway the site will be offline.
Bloggers Have the Same Protection as Journalists |
A California appellate court on Friday denied
Apple Computer's bid to identify the people who leaked product
information to Mac enthusiast sites, ruling that the state
reporter's shield law protected bloggers and online reporters
as well as traditional journalists.
Complete Article
Using the Power of RSS |
Technical users and webmasters all know what RSS
is these days, BUT do they really understand the power behind
what RSS can accomplish?
Consider this - preloading a feed to gradually release content
over time. Certainly saves time. Software developers can load
a feed up with software tips and release a new tip each day.
How about updating affiliate content on a website by adding
feed items. RSS is an important part of the puzzle but managing
feeds effectively is equally important part of the puzzle.
Use RSS and PHP Scripts to tap the power behind RSS. Check
out the RSS Scripts Directory
Tips for Locating an RSS Reader that Meets
Your Needs |
While many have resisted the urge to decipher
the meaning behind the acronym RSS, the vast majority of technically
knowledgeable online surfers have begun incorporating RSS
into their daily routines. Why go through the hassle of understanding
something new, the novice might want to know? Because it saves
time, and time is a precious commodity these days.
The contents of an RSS feed can be read any number of ways.
A variety of tools, both fee based and free, to read RSS feeds
are available on the Internet.
Tips for Locating an RSS Aggregator
Locating a Quality News Aggregator |
These days, aggregators are available in all shapes
and sizes. Determine what type of RSS reader you would like
to use to aggregate and manage your RSS feeds.
The contents of an RSS feed can be read any number of ways.
A variety of tools, both fee based and free, to read RSS feeds
are available on the Internet.
When determining what RSS feed reader to download, thought
should be given to security. More an more publishers are using
RSS feeds as a way to deliver podcasts or media rich-content.
Users of desktop software will want to find an RSS reader
that allows for rich media to be delivered safely and securely.
Selecting a News Aggregator
RSS Submit Plug-ins |
I recently upgraded my version of RSS Submit and
am really pleasantly surprised at the plug-in packs. They work great! With the growing
list of RSS directories available the add-ons are a huge help.
RSS Submission List |
Robin Good put together a fantastic collection
of websites where people can submit their RSS feeds . Hats off to Robin
for updating and managing a great list.
There are a couple of different RSS submissions sites on our list.
Educate Customers About RSS |
RSS adoption's success relies on educating businesses
and web surfers about RSS and the value of having an RSS feed.
With that in mind we have created a web page that you can
use to explain RSS subscriptions to your web visitors.
Feel free to republish the content on the RSS subscriptions web page and format it to
blend with your website.
Understanding Fair Use |
Keep in mind that fair use is based on the belief
that the general public and media are entitled to freely use
portions of copyrighted materials. The fair use extends to
commentary on the creative works, criticism of creative works,
or even the creation of a parody that relates to the copyrighted
material. Understanding the intent of the copyright laws help
publishers interpret them.
What is Fair Use?
Google Trends Results Differ |
A reader pointed out something interesting regarding
Google Trends. Take a look at the following 3 trends:
Trend 1
Trend 2
Trend 3
Hmmm. All of them are for the same thing RSS, Podcasting, Wiki
and Blogs. The only difference is the order of the terms.
I guess something is broken.
Auto Detect Feeds and Create Feeds for Sites
Lacking a Feed |
There is a new service Feeds2Be that creates
feeds for websites that don't already have one. First step
is entering the domain of the website, if it finds a feed
it returns the feed location. Only problem is it does not
work. It doesn't auto-detect any RSS feeds even on websites
that have feeds.
It prompts you to enter an email address so that it can process
your request at a later time. No thanks.
JupiterResearch Says Spending on RSS Out
Paces Adoption |
JupiterResearch, a leading authority on the
impact of the Internet and emerging consumer technologies
on business, finds that 63 percent of large companies plan
to syndicate content via Really Simple Syndication (RSS) by
the end of 2006. According to a new report: "RSS Comes of
Age: Budgeting, Deploying, and Measuring RSS" by JupiterResearch
Senior Analyst Greg Dowling, currently only 29 percent of
large companies with more than $50 million in annual revenues
publish content via RSS.
The growth of RSS is also highlighted by the fact that
48 percent of current RSS publishers are spending $250,000
or more to deploy and manage syndicated content. However,
JupiterResearch has also found that spending at this level
is inconsistent with the current rate of adoption.
Jupiter Research Article
New RSS Search Engine |
There is a new RSS keyword search engine RSSMicro that is almost
ready for prime time. There does not yet appear to be any
method for submitting RSS feeds. There is also no categorical
grouping of feeds that is common in RSS search engines like
RSS Network.
Software Jobs via RSS |
|, the website of the Irish ICT
Network professional association, is now providing customised
"job alerts" using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology.
RSS enables internet users to subscribe to feeds that notify
them of updates from a content provider. says
its jobs portal is the first one in Ireland to provide personalised
alerts using the technology.
Tips for Marketing RSS |
Bill Flitter of Pheedo writes a great piece on Tips for Marketing RSS .
Whether you're just getting started with RSS marketing
or have been in the game for a while, you probably know that
RSS is unlike the other online marketing fish in the sea.
Out here, the consumer runs the show.
GeoRSS Converter |
The Geonames "RSS to GeoRSS Converter" reads the entries
of an RSS feed and searches the Geonames Database to find
a location for the entry text. If a relevant location is found,
its latitude and longitude are added to the RSS feed using
the GeoRSS encoding.
Protecting Content from Plagiarism |
Plagiarism Today is blog dedicated
to the issue of plagiarism online. Cut-and-paste plagiarism
is widespread and affecting many popular bloggers.
NewsGator and ePartners Relationship |
NewsGator Technologies, Inc., the leading RSS
Platform Company, today announced a broad partnership with
ePartners, one of the largest Microsoft Business Solutions
consultancies, to provide enterprise customers with NewsGator's
RSS aggregation solution, the NewsGator Enterprise Server.
In addition, ePartners plans to deploy NewsGator Enterprise
Server internally for use by its sales organization to monitor
client and prospect opportunities and for competitive intelligence.
ePartners will offer the NewsGator Enterprise Server as part
of its Web-based Portal and Customer Relationship Management
solutions and also as a key component of the ePartners Business
Intelligence solution. The inclusion of enterprise RSS capabilities
within these solutions offers ePartners' customers the ability
to extend delivery of information, updates and reports beyond
Web browsers via RSS directly to employees via Microsoft Outlook,
portals and mobile devices, dramatically improving the way
they distribute and consume vital information.
Chinese Bloggers |
Blogging is booming in China with the number of
bloggers expected to hit 60 million by the end of this year.
China is the world's second-largest Internet market after
the United States with more than 110 million users. A survey
by Chinese search engine put the current number
of blog, or Web log, sites at 36.82 million which are kept
by 16 million people
Beware of FeedBurner Limitations |
FeedBurner limits the size of feeds and the amount
of data it will display.
This was curious to me and then I received an email from
a reader saying that our FeedBurner feed was showing an error.
The feed was too big so no one could read or subscribe.
Complete Post
RSS Statistics |
Rok Hrastnik author of the Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of
RSS e-book is conducting an RSS marketing survey.
By providing your personal experiences with RSS you will receive
a free copy of the full 2006 RSS Marketing Survey Report.
The report will include RSS marketing best practices and metrics,
you can then compare your RSS marketing practices with those
of your peers, and improve your RSS marketing results.
Participate in the 2006
RSS Marketing Survey
Bloggers Have Credibility Problems |
Bloggers rank lowest on the scale of trusted news
sources, according to a poll released this week during a media
conference in London.
Complete Article
Spiritual and Religious Podcasts |
Submit or search for podcasts that are religious
or spiritual in nature. Religious Podcasts is a new portal specifically
for religious themed podcasts.
Publicize Your Podcast |
Podcast promotion should be approached with the
same tactics as website promotion. Identifying and informing
your audience will increase communication and dialogue.
Publicize Your Podcast
RSS Appreciation Day |
Steve Rubel declared May 1st as RSS Appreciation Day with three steps to reading
RSS feeds.
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
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