RSS Blog & RSS News
Spam IS Possible in RSS |
This article on MediaPost claims that RSS can't be spammed.
Which is simply not true, it is easy for consumers not to
subscribe to spam feeds but I've certainly seen plenty of
RSS feeds that are nothing more than keyword stuffed spam.
"Think about RSS like the new, not-polluted e-mail," said
panelist Josh Stylman, a managing partner with Reprise Media.
Panelist Chris Redlitz, Feedster's vice president for sales
and marketing, agreed. "It has a direct connection; it's 100
percent opt-in; it can't be spammed; and it's very contextual.
It has some of the promise that e-mail had, but couldn't deliver."
Syndicate Conference - December |
Syndicate, an event for content syndication trends.
The Syndicate conference is a B2B conference providing clarity,
education, deal-making and strategic business opportunities
for media, publishing, corporate marketing, product/brand
management, advertising, public relations and associated industries...
Syndicate, the premier event for content syndication trends
San Francisco Hilton
December 12 - 14, 2005
Submit Your Feed to the Yahoo! RSS Browse-by-Topic
Directory |
To recommend your feed for inclusion in the browseable
Yahoo! RSS Directory, please complete the required
fields below and select the category/subcategory combination
that you feel is the most appropriate place to list your feed.
Very funny RSS Spoof from Inane Thoughts and Ramblings
To the tune of "I Will Survive"
At first I was afraid I was petrified
I opened my email box and saw 100 alerts inside;
But then I spent so many nights
Reading all night long
And I grew strong
And so I'm back, in Jland space
I just walked in to find your entry about some nut case
I should have turned off my alerts
Even though I liked your journal OK
If I'd've known for just one second that you write 10 entries
a day!
Go on now, go write 4 more
I don’t care now
('cause) I’m not reading daily anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to bury me with email
Did I crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and flail?
Oh no, not.I. I will survive
Oh as long as I know how to RSS I
know I'll stay alive;
I've got all my life to read,
Even if you’ve got "comment greed",
I will survive. Hey hey.
It took all the strength I had not to lose my head
Kept trying' hard to read the entries about your brother
And I spent oh so many nights
Just trying to get caught up. I used to cry
But now I hold my head up high
And you see me somebody free
I'm not glued to my PC like I used to be,
And so you feel like droppin' in
And just expect me to hear your say
Now I'm savin' all my reading' for sometime on Saturday
Go on now.. etc.
White House has RSS Feeds |
The White House RSS feed for President George
W. Bush delivers headlines and links to White House news releases
on, including events, speeches, statements,
and press briefings from administration officials. In addition
to the RSS feed, audio files of the President's Weekly Radio
Address and selected remarks are available via Podcast.
Presidential Feeds
FeedFetcher - Google's Answer to Retrieving
RSS Feeds |
Feedfetcher is how Google grabs RSS or Atom feeds
when users choose to add them to their Google homepage. Feedfetcher
collects and periodically refreshes these user-initiated feeds,
but does not index them in Google's search services.
NewsGator Development Competition |
NewsGator Technologies, Inc.has announced that
the company is hosting a competition, open to developers around
the world, to see who can develop the most cutting edge application
using the NewsGator Online API that was recently made available
to the public
More on Competition
Microsoft gives RSS a big bear hug |
According to ZDNet :
Microsoft is using RSS 2.0 as a major conduit of myriad
content — including business-to-business applications interactions
— inside, across, and for wide area import/export of feeds
throughout its software systems. Remember the digital nervous
system? Well, RSS just became a new variety of spine.
Human Edited RSS Directory |
Similar to DMoz, FeedPark has
launched what they refer to as a human-edited RSS directory.
Greg from Newsgator wrote a terrific piece about
RSS secuirty the other day. The article deals with the three
primary principles as they relate to security: authentication,
authorization, and encryption.
Read more on RSS Security
Make RSS Buttons |
Create custom RSS buttons and icons with the free
service from FeedForAll. Simply select the colors and text,
within seconds a custom graphic will be created. Save the
button to your local drive and you are all set!
Blog Search on Google |
Google has just introduced its long awaited blog
search service, becoming the first major search engine to
offer full-blown blog and feed search capabilities.
Google's blog search indexes all of the content it finds in
anyone RSS feed, but it does not attempt to access and index
the rest of the full content of those feeds as found on the
There is no way to submit your RSS feeds to Google outside
than pinging the major blog announcement services which the
Google Blog Search continuously.
Google's Blog
Wealth of RSS Information |
Have you seen the latest posts or articles on
MarketingStudies? This site is a wealth of
information about RSS. The focus is business and marketing
uses of RSS and it really is a great resource for beginners
and experts.
Use rss2html to display RSS Feeds on A Website |
rss2html is a PHP script that can be used to display
the contents of an RSS feed in a web page. The contents of
the feed is spidered because the search engines see the actual
feed contents. Best of all it is free! Check out rss2html.php
FeedForAll has just released a beta version that
includes support for name spaces extensions (including Apple
iTunes and any other RSS v2.0 name space). Try out the beta
by downloading it from the beta section of the FeedForAll
FeedForAll Beta
RSS Ego Searches |
Ego searches are free and simple searches designed
to monitor blogs and news portals for mentions of your company,
product, competitors or other specific keywords. Conducting
ego searches not only allows you to stay informed, but also
allows you to maintain a strategic advantage over competing
RSS Ego Searches
Podcasting Directory Comparison |
Check out the top Podcasting Directories in this
comparison chart.
The chart shows the websites Alexa Ranking, Google Page Rank,
whether the feeds are separated into categories and if the
site allows keyword searches. The top sites were:
2. Podcasting Station
RSS Feed Generation Review |
Bitwise Magazine conducted a fabulous reviews
of some of the popular RSS feed generation programs.
There are many feed generation programs available in addition
to those listed above. If you are familiar with XML and are
prepared to put a little effort into studying the RSS or Atom
specifications, you could even create a feed using a text
or programming editor or a web design tool such as Dreamweaver.
Speaking personally, however, I prefer to have a program
that takes the hard work out of feed creation. So far, Ive
found two that really fill the bill:
Complete RSS Feed Generation Review
Forbes - The Rise Of RSS |
Take a look at the online sites of any major
media company. You will see hundreds of these icons offering
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, which is a way to get information
sent to you, such as articles, classified ads (say from,
hotel schedules or even audio files (or podcasts).
In fact, Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) recently
announced that it will implement RSS support in its next version
of Internet Explorer and in Longhorn, the upcoming Windows
operating system. They want to make it easier for people to
subscribe to RSS feeds and also, of course, make it really
simple for people to engage in e-commerce.
In other words, RSS has become mainstream.
New RSS Directory Comparison |
Check out the top RSS Feed Directories in this
comparison chart.
The chart shows the websites Alexa Ranking, Google Page Rank,
whether the feeds are separated into categories and if the
site allows keyword searches. The top sites were:
1. 2RSS
2. RSS Network
3. Every Feed
4. RSS Locator
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
- Article Feed