RSS Blog & RSS News
Top 10 Uses of RSS in Law Firms |
This article details what they refer to as: The Top 10 Uses of RSS in Law Firms . A few
observations, they refer to ego feeds as vanity feeds, which
can and should be used in almost any market segment and do
not really discuss specifics of the legal field.
How about monitoring the police logs using RSS?
TextLink Ads has launched Feedvertising run text link ads in your RSS
feed. I have not dug into this to see if there any benefits
over the current feed serving technologies like Pheedo.
Are Newspapers on The Way Out? |
TIME Magazine posted a very interesting article about how blogs are effecting
newspapers. I disagree with their conclusion, but believe
they raise some excellent points in the article:
"I'm not sure what that new form will look like. But it
might resemble the better British papers today (such as the
one I work for, the Guardian). The Brits have never bought
into the American separation of reporting and opinion. They
assume that an intelligent person, paid to learn about some
subject, will naturally develop views about it. And they consider
it more truthful to express those views than to suppress them
in the name of objectivity."
TIME raises the very important point about blogger credibility.
What many bloggers do not realize is that once you post something
that is not true, most will unsubscribe, while others will
question everything that you write. I think that credibility
will become something that bloggers have to earn. Personally
I am looking forward to the day that bloggers are held accountable
for their comments.
NEW SQL2RSS Script |
Converts MySQL databases to RSS feeds, based on
administrator queries. The new script allows administrators
control the contents of the resulting feeds based on their
queries and parameters. More on SQL2RSS
Google News Goes To Court |
It appears Google is defying Belgium's court order
to post a recent court ruling that said the Internet search
engine to stop publishing content from Belgian newspapers
without permission or payment of fees.
It will be very interesting to see how this ruling and Google's
actions will influence the Internet and cross border copyrights.
Full Article
It appears Google had a change of heart -
Google Inc. on Saturday published on its Belgian website
a court order which forbids the Internet search engine to
reproduce snippets of Belgian press on its news amalgamation
The move constituted a u-turn as Google had said on Friday
that it would not comply with the court order despite facing
a fine of 500,000 euros ($640,900) daily if it did not publish
the ruling.
Full Article
Cardinal Blogging |
Looking to marry the Roman Catholic Church's 2,000
year history with the modern world's technology, Boston's
Cardinal Sean O'Malley on September 21st became the first
U.S. cardinal to launch a blog.
New Feed Mailer service. Register, add feeds then
receive feed updates via email.
Have you ever considered using all the less popular
RSS tags, but never really understood what kind of value to
enter? The following guide will assist you in determining which
tags are valid, and what the content of tags should contain.
RSS Security Summations |
RSS Security Collection is an aggregated group
of articles and random links related to security and RSS.
The resource collection compiles all of the articles related
to security and RSS.
Sharon Housley |
We are working on creating bios of some of the
authors that provide educational articles related to RSS.
The first author bio posted is for, Sharon Housley.
Sharon Housley has been in the computer industry since 1989.
Read Sharon Housley's bio.
We will work to expand the biographies on the website, and
include other authors whose articles are posted in the educational articles section of the RSS Specifications
Housing and Urban Development (aka HUD) now
has an RSS feed that will alert users of the latest in fair
housing news. The RSS feeds allow a subscriber to get up-to-date
information about specific topics from websites such as
The feeds give headlines, a summary of the article and a link
to more in-depth information.
A new online tool is very cool for creating RSS buttons,
create one button, for all XML/RSS readers.When you mouse
over the created button a drop down list of all the different
readers subscription buttons appear.
Warning to All Webmasters About RSS |
This article was syndicated to SiteProNews and
is really quite good, while its presented with a tinge of
humor the point is dead-on.
RSS is fast becoming an obsession for me.
I didn't plan for it to be that way. It just happened.
I have been interested in RSS for a couple of years now but
it was only around this time last year that I started taking
a serious look at this little syndication standard that's
changing how we communicate on the web. Really Simple Syndication.
Simple phrase but it changes everything.
A Gentle Warning About RSS
Mobile RSS Taking Flight |
There seems to be lots of activity in the mobile
RSS space. A number of new RSS readers for mobile phones are
out, this is the most recent mobile reader launch:
iMobileLife - This application is an RSS reader
for S60 phones
Tips for RSS |
These are great tips for RSS.
1. Use RSS as an End User First
2. Make an RSS Plan
3. Make a List of RSS Marketing Requirements.
4. Choose a Tool To Create Feeds That Fits with Strategy
5. Promote RSS Through Existing Channels
6. Promote Through External Channels
7. Allow Syndication
8. Understand RSS
9. Combine Technologies
10. Consider Market Research
Full Article
Feeds That Matter - A University Project |
Feeds That Matter was developed out of a real
need to find interesting, high quality feeds for a given topic.
By analyzing the data on BlogLines and combining merging folders
that are very similar, they have come up with an automatic
way of creating a taxonomy of popular topics that make it
easy to find feeds that are most relevant to that topic. There
are about 83K publicly listed users on bloglines and they
have a combined 2,786,687 feed subscriptions. Roughly 35%
of these publicly listed users organize their feeds into folders.This
information is the basis for Feeds That Matter.
In addition to the Feeds That Matter data they also provide
some interesting statistical information related to
SpeedyFeed appears to be a way to share favorites
with others. The seem to have meshed social-bookmarking and
RSS into a web-based tool.
The headline: Involved In A Landmark Blog Case
- Slander In Comments
"I am sorry I have to be so vague but it appears that I
am going to be deposition and logs from my blog will be subpoena
for use in a case where 1 person slandered another on my blog.
Anyway it looks like 1 of the people is seeking damages for
what the other said on my blog."
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.
- Blog Feed
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