RSS Blog & RSS News
Fascinating post on about RSS reader popularity.
RSS Usage of by Feed Reader We've been measuring
on-site vs. off-site story clicks for a while, and have noticed
a steady increase in the number of users who are consuming newsfeeds via RSS. Taking the last week's logs shows
our RSS usage at 12%. Recently we instrumented our feeds to
track story clicks per client. This is a better measure of
actual use than simply counting RSS feed fetches, since it
measures user clicks on stories in our feeds rather than robot
Client Usage
Newsgator 29%
Feedster 24%
MyYahoo 20%
Intravnews 4%
Netnewswire 4%
Pluck 3%
Sharpreader 3%
Feedreader 2%
Feeddemon 2%
Firefox 2%
Sunrise 1%
Caveats: this is only measuring feed usage, so
extrapolation to overall market share is probably not sound.
FeedForAll Discounts Now or Never! |
is scheduled for final release early next week if you are
currently using the beta version, be sure to email the FeedForAll
webmaster to
request a coupon. All beta testers will receive a discount
for when they purchase the registered version.
FeedForAll is an easy to use RSS feed creation tool, that
allows users to easily edit and publish feeds.
2 of FeedDemon 1.5 is now available!
FeedDemon is a desktop RSS news reader. It is in fact the
one that I use every day. I'm eager to see what new enhancements
have been included in the beta release. A mention of favicons
has me curious.
If you have comments about the beta be sure to post to the
Bradbury Software Beta
forum. This feedback is critical to developers and will
often help shape the direction of future enhancements.
StepNewz Submit RSS |
your RSS news feed to StepNewz. StepNewz has a number
of related features including:
- Read the latest news, articles, blogs, job offers, scientific
- Manage your news feeds in your personal account
- Send interesting news feeds or articles to friends and
- Display any News feed on your own site using simple and
short HTML code
Blogging for Kids |
Blogging for Kids
- Children love having an audience. The instant recognition
and approval that comes from a crowd just can't be beat. Employing
blogs to help develop good spelling habits, grammar skills,
and develop a love for writing at a young age is an innovative
concept that has potential.
NEW RSS Publishing List |
New RSS-Publishing List for publishers. The list is focussed
on marketing/publishing/operational issues rather than hardcore
tech stuff. Meaning that coding issues, and dispuates over
the merits of RSS vs. Atom are not the focus ;-) If you wish
to participate in the list and receive emails of posts simply
subscribe by sending and email to:
RSS Bandwith Discussions |
A recent misunderstanding with Microsoft's feeds using excessive
bandwith has prompted discussions focused on users need to
improve the handling of RSS feeds.
Here is a quote
"One developer said newsreader developers should be encouraged
to support features of RSS that allow greater control over
the timing of feed retrieval. Another developer brought up
the importance of having more sophisticated traffic management
tools." more
from the article
Why Every Site Needs RSS |
RSS or 'Really Simple Syndication' is not just for Blogs
and News sites. Every website can benefit from this newly
popular technology. The term 'syndication' is what throws
a lot of people off the track. Syndication is like news articles,
isn't it?
read the article
The Feed Spot - New RSS Directory |
Submit your RSS feeds to the new RSS directory at TheFeedSpot.
Feeds can be easily searched, and they are categorized in
a directory structure similar to Yahoo in the early days.
The directory still needs to be populated but it generally
has a very nice look, and new feeds are "announced"
via an rss feed.
Unlocking the Key to RSS |
Many webmasters are struggling to find fresh, innovative
content while other savvy webmasters have realized the potential
hidden within RSS and are adopting the technology at a maddening
pace. By utilizing RSS, webmasters can tap numerous free content
sources with very little effort. RSS truly is a webmaster's
key to free content. more on Syndicated
FeedForAll posted a very cool graph
showing how daily rss feed updates can significantly increase
a website's traffic. The Alexa graph shows the detailed traffic
surges when the webmaster began updating the website's rss
feed daily. Prior traffic spikes correspond with intermittent
feed updates. The graph is a clear statement as to why all
webmasters should use RSS.
Feedster & Washington Post Team Up |
Feedster has teamed up with to provide
opinion and up-to-date commentary about the presidential debate
from political and election bloggers at
The election is less than 3 weeks away, but the polls are
open for voting for The Best Blogs - Politics & Elections
2004 Readers' Choice Awards. Votes will be accepted until
11:59 am EST, October 15th. Nomination categories include
Best Rant, Democratic Party Coverage, Republican Party Coverage,
Campaign Dirt, Inside the Beltway, Outside the Beltway, International,
Class Clown, Most Original and Most Likely To Last Beyond
Election Day.
SurfPack Startpage - NEW |
gathers up information from your favorite web resources into
a dynamic HTML page, which then presents it in whatever form
or shape you might like - favorite URL links, newsfeeds and
even entire web pages!
SurfPack is more than a news aggregator incorporating web
pages, RSS feeds and content into a unique personalized startpage.
Yahoo Adds Ads to RSS :-( |
Yahoo Inc. wants to join the advertising market for XML syndication
feeds, a top company executive said here on Wednesday, raising
the prospect for a greater adoption of sponsored links within
news feeds.
What this will do to the emerging standard is unknown. Hopefully
the threat of ad enabled feeds will not stall the adoption
of RSS.
New site: Blog
Connection. Premier resource for all things related
to blogs. Blog Connection is your source to connect to the
blogging world. The site contains all types of information
related to blogging! Blogs are the latest craze in communication
Personal Blog - share your thoughts and ideas
with the world. Create an online journal to communicate
Business Blog - another way to keep in touch
with customers, suppliers or prospective customers. Announce
new products, feature tips, or post a jobs opportunities.
Post product manuals and newsletters.
Photo Blog - create an online photo album and
photographic art collections. Share photos with family, friends
and colleagues.
Family Blog - help your family stay in touch.
Post family news and information so everyone feels connected.
Community Blog - post team schedules, meeting
updates, and information for community members.
Bloggers Cashing In... |
Whether a blogger's focus is to communicate with customers
or just to have fun, they have begun looking at ways to earn
revenue from their blogs. The most popular ways for bloggers
to earn some added cash for their pet projects are: read more
about Bloggers
Cashing In .
RSS: Best Way to Connect With Customers? |
A much-hyped concept for sure, and a goldmine if it works.
But can RSS help bridge the gap to customers more effectively
than existing methods such as email and newsletters, not to
mention good old-fashioned direct marketing?
In some cases, the answer is yes. One particular application
that springs to mind is the natural synergy between the timely
dissemination of information that RSS enables and the emergence
of the on-demand software deployment model. In the on-demand
world, some solution providers choose the model of incremental,
ongoing implementation of new functionality in their on-demand
systems. More
of the Article...
We've just added an interesting article about SharedRSS
to the RSS article directory.
The article discusses a new service that brings the benefits
of RSS syndication to all those who publish websites, but
who add new material too infrequently to warrant having their
own RSS feed.
CNET Embraces RSS |
CNET recently took steps to educate surfers about RSS. CNET
developed a step by step tutorial explaining how RSS is used.
The tutorial clearly explains the benefits of RSS how you
can use it to improve productivity.
More on CNET's
RSS The Next Big Thing |
I found a really interesting article detailing how the evolution
of XML and RSS has progressed. Initially heavily supported
by Microsoft, its rather ironic that Yahoo is now bringing
attention to the standard.
Here is a quote from the article:
"In other words, thanks to blogs, XML -- in the form
of RSS -- has finally arrived. This real XML revolution, though,
is nothing like the stolid, corporate, rather dull affair
that was first predicted. (If you liked database algorithms,
you'd have loved XML.) Instead, it has a grassroots, quirky,
somewhat antiauthoritarian cast to it."
"And note the irony of it being Yahoo, rather than the
original XML evangelist, Microsoft, that is out in front with
RSS readers -- though Microsoft says it will soon be adding
similar abilities to its MSN site."
More on RSS;
The Next Big Thing
Founder Leaves Google |
There is a really fascinating interview with the founder
of Blogger, Evan
Williams. Evan discusses working with Google and the
trial and tribulations of being an entrepenaur. Evan is leaving
Google and moving experiencing a little more "life".
Before deciding what his next venture will be.
Take a look at Evan's blog to understand his move.
While RSS was initially used for news headlines the usage
has expanded and businesses have embraced the technology as
a new communication medium. Take a look at this display of
innovative way specific industries are using
rss to communicate.
If you know of unusual ways rss feeds have been used to communicate
a message let
us know!
A free online RSS reader is hitting the market. Take a preview
of the latest browser based feed reader. RSS4U's
technology preview can now be seen.
Takes RSS Mainstream |
Yahoo's public embrace of the RSS content syndication format
took a major leap forward with the release of a revamped My
Yahoo portal seeking to introduce the technology to mainstream
The mega portal on Monday released a sneak peek into a site
overhaul that promises to take RSS (define) to the masses
by simplifying the use of the technology on the personalized
service and allowing the creation of RSS feeds from search
queries. More
Partners With FeedDemon |
NewsGator on Wednesday announced a co-marketing agreement
with Six Apart Ltd., one of the leading makers of Weblog software,
and integration of subscription information from its Web-based
aggregation service with FeedDemon, a leading Windows desktop
reader. More
RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
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- Blog Feed
- Article Feed