RSS Blog & RSS News
Complete Guide to RSS and How to Use It with WordPress |
What if users did not have to come to your WordPress site in order to read your articles? That would certainly make it easier for users since they would not have to navigate to ten of their favorite blogs and news sources to get their daily information. It would also be nice for the website owners, since it would allow you to distribute your content in a more efficient manner, delivering the content to where the customers want it to be.
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Twitter will identify political ads and disclose who paid for them |
Twitter has been in hot water as more evidence emerges showing how Russia used the social network to influence public opinion. Ahead of a November 1st Congressional hearing on Russian manipulation, Twitter has introduced sweeping new rules for how it shares data on political posts. The network will launch a Transparency Center that lists all ads appearing on Twitter, including promoted ones that previously only appeared to targeted demographics, and will clearly label them when they appear in user feeds.
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Social networks can learn about you through your friends |
Some people might think that online privacy is, well, a private matter. If you don’t want personal information getting out online, then you can just not put it out there. Right? Wrong. Keeping your information private isn’t solely your choice anymore. Friends can play a big role in your privacy, new data show. And the more they share on a social network, the more that social network can figure out about you.
Someone who joins a social network — such as Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook —wants to find their friends. Often, the social network can help. Many apps offer to import contact lists from your phone or e-mail. These apps then use that information to find matches with people already in the network, and suggest them to you.
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Facebook acquiring tbh, a social network popular with teens |
Facebook is adding to its collection of apps. This time, a social network called tbh, popular with teens.
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The Struggles of a Journalist in a Social Networking World |
Social networking sites have moved to the foreground of news consumption for the masses. Politicians now take to Twitter to reach citizens directly: Facebook has algorithms to decide what news will encounter the highest click baits and Snapchat offers ‘snap’ news stories at the bottom of your friends update
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Social media stars reveal how they really get rich |
For a growing number of people, their activities online have become their real jobs. Achieving influencer status on Instagram or YouTube can help a onetime enthusiast who filmed videos from his childhood bedroom earn a legitimate six-figure salary. Today, social-media stardom is no longer a springboard to a mainstream career but a career in and of itself. For these tech-savvy self-promoters, there’s a lucrative world of freebies, sponsorships and other moneymaking opportunities at their fingertips.
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5 Ways To Put the Social Back In Social Media |
Remember the good old days (a la 2009) when social media was fun?
Think back to a time before all talk turned to fake news, algorithm hacks and carefully curated influencer feeds.
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Twitter is the latest to fill your feed with auto-playing video ads |
Your Twitter feed is going to get even busier thanks to the microblogging service unlocking auto-playing video ads for advertisers. Starting today Video Website Cards are available to every ad-buyer. In limited beta tests (like the one embedded below; videos do not seem to work with embeds), Twitter has found them pretty successful, with a 200 percent higher clickthrough rate compared to the leading standard. So yeah, expect to see an awful lot more of these coming soon.
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How to Add a Twitter Feed to Your RSS Reader |
Those of you who are in a habit of maintaining an RSS reader to consume information from worldwide publications, authors and people you’re interested in hearing from, here is a tool to help you do so on Twitter.
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Googling Indexing Your Podcast Feed |
While there may be businesses that specify in SEO, to many, Google Search Engine Optimization remains a mystery. In fact, Google is constantly making changes, refining how they want results to be displayed to its users.
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Five Android apps to feed your RSS needs |
RSS offers an efficient way to stay in the know, but the right newsreader can make a big difference. Here are five outstanding Android apps that should do the trick.
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5 Social Media Trends That Will Have Maximum Impact in 2018 |
With more and more brands trying to connect with audiences across an array of social channels, the attention span of people is on a decline.
Businesses need to quickly figure out what’s best for their audiences in order to generate better engagement and increased brand loyalty.
Here are five crucial social media trends that will have the maximum impact on your social media strategy in 2018 and ahead.
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Researchers are studying your social media. What do you think of that? |
Have you tweeted, posted an Instagram photo or just generally engaged in social media before? Then it’s possible you have been part of a research experiment of sorts. Think that raises some ethical questions? You are not the only one.
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Why RSS Still Beats Facebook and Twitter for Tracking News |
You would be forgiven for thinking RSS died off with the passing of Google Reader, but our old friend Really Simple Syndication (or Rich Site Summary) still has a role to play on the web of 2017. It is faster, more efficient, and you will not have to worry as much about accidentally leaking your news reading habit to all your Facebook friends.
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Where Is Social Media Headed in 2018 and Beyond? |
It is important for entrepreneurs to understand how social media is evolving and changing -- 2.8 billion people use social media. In terms of advertising new products and services, there are few things more potent and ubiquitous than social media.
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6 Social Media Trends to Prepare for in 2018 |
2018 is only four months away, and brands have to prepare to take advantage of the opportunities social media presents -- or their competitors will.
When it comes to reaching audiences, effectively distributing your content, and building a following around your brand, social media offers a wealth of possibilities. It's where your audiences already live and engage with content, which makes it a convenient platform for brands. Its built-in analytics allow you to track and improve your efforts over time. Plus, all the free social-media tools make it easy to use and maintain an active presence.
As you look ahead to 2018 and begin planning for ways to strengthen your social strategy, it is important to keep a pulse on trends.
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How to Create Powerful Social Network Platform in 8 Steps |
How did Mark Zuckerberg change the world? He built a global community that brings people closer together. The origins of Facebook are available to the general public. Everyone is familiar with the story of building social network platform that will greatly impact human relations and economy. Mark's vision of community opened a door to many variations of social media network platforms that today exist. Jack Dorsey created Twitter in March 2006. Rome may not have been built in a day, but Twitter was built in just two weeks, says Jack.
A few years later Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger built a pared - down photo app today known as Instagram.
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The Impact of Social Media on Todays Teenagers |
Currently, the world’s population is 7.5 billion, 3.8 billion are internet users and 2.8 billion of them are social media users. 1.8 billion of the entire world population is made up by teenagers from the ages of 13-19 years old. Instagram alone has 500 million active monthly users. Instagram users have shared over 40 billion photos to date and share an average of 95 million photos and videos per day. Snapchat has 166 million daily users. Although adults do also use some social media, teenagers are the majority of users.
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Feed Hawk hunts down YouTube channel RSS feeds for you |
Are you still using RSS? If you are (and you should be, as we’ll see in a moment), then you should use the Feed Hawk app on your iPhone and iPad. Feed Hawk puts itself in your iOS Share Sheet and locates the RSS feed(s) from any website you visit. If you want, it can automatically subscribe you to the RSS feed in your RSS reader of choice.
The latest version of Feed Hawk can even find feeds for YouTube channels. That, in case you are wondering, is huge.
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Time Saving Tool |
I am going to mostly skip talking about what RSS is beyonds a lightweight summary of web site news stories, blog posts. An RSS reader allows you, in one interface, to quickly skim the recent publications for mayne 100s of web sites.. without having to visit them.
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A Different Take on a RSS Feed Reader |
Unlike traditional news feeds that invade user privacy, show ads, and track users across the web, Top Bottom Center is a new content feed that bursts filter bubbles by providing the smartest, funniest, and most flexible news feed ever. Private content feeds give the best information and entertainment, all in one feed.
Content is pulled from a variety of diverse, top-tier sources to give broader perspectives directly from the world's leading thinkers, entertainers, and content producers. Stories feature information from politically and socially diverse sources right next to each other to remove the echo chamber and ideological bubbles of social media.
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9 Inspired Productivity Tools For Entrepreneurs |
Time is an entrepreneurs most valuable and elusive resource. Seizing the day seems like an impossible task, and staying organized is a constant battle. Many software solutions have tried to solve the eternal entrepreneurial bottleneck, and some of them have succeeded in creating effective solutions
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JSON Feed - The New RSS? |
JSON Feed is a new take on the web syndication format, but unlike RSS and Atom it's in JSON, not XML. So what does it try to do better?
Mainly overcome the perils of XML; it's complex, heavyweight, difficult to parse and not in sync with the current trend wanting web data exchange happening almost exclusively in JSON document representation.
In contrast, JSON is easier to both write and parse, manipulate and consume, especially given that its data types are exact reflections of their native Javascript counterparts.
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The Truth About Content Syndication and Duplicate Content |
It takes time to build an audience: you need to attract them to your site, which they’ve likely never heard of, and convert them into loyal readers, so they come back and tell their friends – and eventually turn into customers, which is the whole goal of content marketing.
The Truth About Content Syndication and Duplicate Content
Content Marketing is the next wave in the communication space |
Content marketing paved its way into the global village a decade back and has immediately shone up to fame with the coming of new media. Business houses across the globe are increasingly developing solutions for content marketing.
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Will Blockchain Reinvent Social Media? |
Social media is everywhere. The big players in the industry carry billions of users and boast massive layers of data and content. These days, though, social media may be in for a major change, possibly due to the rise of blockchain.
Will Blockchain Reinvent Social Media?
Structure Your XML Sitemap As You Like |
Google loves XML Sitemaps, it gives their bots an easy way to discover all your content. Even better, it gives webmasters a way to see how many of their URLs in their sitemap file were indexed and which URLs were not. But when it comes to how you should structure your XML sitemap file, that is totally up to you.
Structure Your XML Sitemap As You Like
10 things you need to do to create an engaging social media presence |
As of this year, about 81% of the United States population uses at least one social media platform. That number is growing by roughly 5% per year. At this rate, 100% of the United States will have a social media profile on at least one platform by 2021.
Businesspeople searching for the ideal marketing channel to engage prospects should look no further than social networks. Social media provides companies with ample information to create messages targeted to valuable niche audiences, and given the statistics, it is inevitable that the audience you are trying to reach is on at least one social network.
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JSON vs. XML: The battle for format supremacy may be wasted energy |
Back in the late 90s, when standards were proprietary and communication protocols complicated, two data formats appeared on the horizon. The first was the extensible markup language, born as an extension of an existing markup language standard (XML), and designed (by an open committee) with the purpose of storing and defining documents and data through the optional use of a schema. The other, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), born out of a programming language, was almost the exact opposite – a serialization format with requirements so simple they fit on the back of a business card. XML exploded in application development and communication platforms in the 2000s due in large part to the sheer demand for a human readable, vendor-neutral data format that was easy to read, write and share. As applications and platforms evolved and efficiency grew in priority, APIs evolved to become leaner, and JSON overtook XML as the preferred data interchange format among developers across many technology stacks.
JSON vs. XML: The battle for format supremacy may be wasted energy
Feed Hawk Is Useful But Not Essential for RSS Junkies |
Many information junkies keep up with their favorite Web sites by subscribing to their RSS feeds, pulling the latest updates from those sites into a central location for efficient perusal.
I rely heavily on RSS to keep me abreast of the latest tech news. I am also addicted to political sites during this years bizarre presidential election, and I have tapped into a host of feeds to keep me up to date on the latest antics from the candidates.
Feed Hawk Is Useful But Not Essential for RSS Junkies
What is social media and how did it grow so quickly? |
The popular social media platforms are obvious to most people – Facebook has a UK audience of some 40 million, LinkedIn and Twitter both exceed 20 million, and Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat have close to 10 million each. The reach of these platforms makes it clear that social media is now ubiquitous. But for all the big name players, what is the definition of social media? Where did it come from? And how did it gain such an important role in our lives so quickly?
What is social media and how did it grow so quickly?
Is Social Media Making Me Miserable? |
Back in 1970, the technology writer Alvin Toffler published a book called Future Shock, which became an international bestseller. The book is about how humans struggle with too much technological change in too short a time—and it is all-too relevant today. Social media now dictates how people interact with friends, read the news and navigate their day-to-day existence.
What is all that doing to the human psyche?
Is Social Media Making Me Miserable?
5 open source RSS feed readers |
When Google Reader was discontinued four years ago, many technology experts called it the end of RSS feeds.
And it is true that for some people, social media and other aggregation tools are filling a need that feed readers for RSS, Atom, and other syndication formats once served. But old technologies never really die just because new technologies come along, particularly if the new technology does not perfectly replicate all of the use cases of the old one. The target audience for a technology might change a bit, and the tools people use to consume the technology might change, too.
5 open source RSS feed readers
Why Social Media Users Should Never Lower Their Guard |
When it comes to social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, I am guarded when it comes to whom I friend or follow. I use Facebook almost exclusively to connect with friends, family or business acquaintances. I use Twitter mostly for news and commentary that's of interest to me personally.
But there is another social media site I use a lot, and that is LinkedIn. LinkedIn differs from Facebook and Twitters generalized social interactions by focusing on helping people make and maintain professional connections. LinkedIn was purchased last year by Microsoft for $26.2 billion, and has become Redmonds foray into social media.
Social Media Security
Social Media Demographics |
Social networks are here to stay, and they are constantly evolving. Globally, more than 2.8 billion people — or 37% of the world's population — use social media, but the way those users interact with each other, and the platforms they adopt, vary widely.
Social Media Demographics
How to Add a Twitter Feed to Your RSS Reader |
Twitter is one of the foremost platforms for gaining information quickly as all the major news publications and companies are breaking news about new happening around the world on Twitter.
Scratch that, even influencers, athletes and other celebrities are constantly divulging information on Twitter and many of you might be interested in not missing out on their tweets.
And for those of you who are in a habit of maintaining an RSS reader to consume information from worldwide publications, authors and people you’re interested in hearing from, here is a tool to help you do so on Twitter.
How to Add a Twitter Feed to Your RSS Reader
Looking for Tech Advice |
I need to create a new RSS feed from an existing feed, with just a simple change: I want to add the authors name into each title so that a post from (say) me with the title Looking for tech advice would be changed to have the title
Tech Advice
The Top 6 RSS Reader Apps for iOS |
RSS really does not get as much love as it used to, and that is actually a shame. Being able to pull stories from multiple sources into one good app is great, especially when you can customize these to show what’s important to you.
The Top 6 RSS Reader Apps for iOS
AI Identifies Coded Hate Speech on Social Media |
Now, analysts at New Yorks University of Rochester are fighting back with an AI of their own.
The team collected about a quarter of a million unique English tweets from between Sept. 23—the first reported incident of hate-code words—and Oct. 18—a week after the second US presidential election debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
There were some interesting observations that we noted.
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RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.
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